Date(s): work in progress. Album by Glenn Boyle. Photos by various. 1 - 376 of 376 Total. 16609 Visits.
enlarge 75KB, 800x673 1 CHEMTRAILS KILL The daily parade of spray tankers spewing noxious trails into the skies over our heads has been in full swing since 1997. Now the death rate is up. Life expectancy is dropping. People are coming down with a bizarre new plague called Morgellons. What is going on?
David Dee's art may be reproduced for educational, non-profit reasons. "Scarry... help-- do som..." "Our officials from the top..." "Nothing left to do but awa..." "This is criminal and evil ..." "you guys are all weirdos, ..." "I usually do not resort to..." "look whos calling who weir..." "The Rothschild / Rockefell..." "Dave where do you live I w..." "'"><img src=htt..." "<script language="..." "<script>
loadBounci..." "loadBouncingImages();var a..." "<script>loadBouncing..." "Thanks for doing this work..." "" "Based" "This is so stupid" "Maybe you should uh get a ..." "As a proud 50 year old mot..." View Comments...
enlarge 100KB, 800x600 2 HEAVY CHEMTRAIL ATTACK SF BAY AREA August 28 2015 The San Francisco Bay Area has been under heavy chemtrail attack for two weeks now. The skies have been whited out by the chemtrail mess and the weather is oppressively hot. For two days in a row I have woken up to find my kitchen counters covered with a gritty layer of chemtrail dust. The counters were wiped completely clean the night before on both occasions. I have never seen so much chemtrail dust inside my house. People are complaining about feeling tired and draggy. My room mate has developed a dry hacking cough and is complaining of a dry throat. My throat has also been unusually dry. This is horrible and very worrisome. I hope it stops soon. Sep 6 2015: Heavy chemtrailing is continuing. I watched out the window this morning while planes flew back and forth leaving chemtrails ruining what would have been a beautiful day. Go to the link to take action: CALIFORNIA CHEMTRAIL ACTION "" "" View Comments...
enlarge 21KB, 800x600 3 BLOOD TESTING REVEALS BARIUM 150 TIMES HIGHER THAN SAFE Do you have toxic levels of Barium and Aluminum in your blood? A number of people living in Arizona have discovered that they have blood levels of Aluminum or Barium 150 times higher than the amount considered safe. Many are experiencing the classic symptoms of Barium poisoning. Barium damages the immune system, causes dose-related muscle weakness up to total paralysis including the heart & lung muscles. See # 78, 79 & 80 for more Barium exposure information. Arizona, like the rest of the world has experienced heavy chemtrailing since 1997. So there is good reason to suspect there may be widespread problem with toxic levels of Barium & aluminum in the global population, BARIUM EXPOSURE IN ARIZONA "Gotta wonder what these pi..." "I believe the Air National..." "dose yourself up with vale..." "Arizona is full of wealthy..." "I am a 54 year old man I h..." "Try Cordyceps (mushroom) o..." View Comments...
enlarge 50KB, 800x560 4 LIFE EXPECTANCY DROPS TO 69.3 YEARS IN THE USA HOW MUCH IS 8 YEARS OF YOUR LIFE WORTH? In 2003 life expectancy in the USA was 77.6 years. The drop to 69.3 years since 2003, a drop of over 8 years in less than 6 years, is startling information. This period of time just happens to coincide with a time when there has been non-stop spraying of chemtrails coast to coast on an almost daily basis. There is plenty of scientific research proving that any increase in airborne particulates causes a corresponding increase in the death rate of the exposed population so imo the chemtrails are a glaringly obvious factor in this significant drop in expected life span.
ARTICLE AT RENSE.COM "What can I say? That's sad..." "Here is the arti..." "Thank you very much for pr..." "That appears to be wrong" "Well, that is interesting...." "Here's Dr. Teller's paper ..." "want to know why chemicals..." "Honestly jim, don't you ev..." "The times are getting clos..." "This article is entirely f..." "Article is true.
http:/..." "To learn about this more, ..." "Melly,
I do not think t..." "I'v been looking @ dust co..." "národy spojte se,jde nám o..." "I believe the article is t..." "Please. Support the action..." View Comments...
enlarge 45KB, 800x600 5 ALPENHORN NEWS LINKS ILLNESS WITH YELLOW CHEMCLOUDS Excerpt from story by Laurie A. Kelly
"Community after community continues to report that hundreds of people are becoming ill at the same time... following on the heels of heavy chemtrail activity... three physicians, all of whom asked not to be identified, have reported an increasing number of patients being seen for similar illness since December. Persistent hacking coughs, upper respiratory and intestinal distress, pneumonia, extreme fatigue, lethargy, dizziness, disorientation, splitting headaches, elevated arthritis symptoms and unexplainable nosebleeds are just a few of the symptoms these doctors have described. These doctors have said they are seeing larger numbers of patients with these complaints during or within days after the times that the physicians themselves have observed a larger number of chemtrails in the skies above mountain communities." /FULL TEXT OF STORY
July 12 2009 In an act of journalistic courage rarely seen these days KSLA NEWS, out of Shreveport Louisiana aired a segment on chemtrails this week reporting the finding of atmospheric barium levels more than 3 times the safe limit set by the EPA.
KSLA news reporter, Jeff Farrel, is to be commended for covering this very important topic.
enlarge 60KB, 800x600 7 LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE LINKS MASS ILLNESS TO CHEMTRAILS FINALLY... a serious article about chemtrails in a major city newspaper.
A quote from the Las Vegas Tribune Chemtrail article by Marcus K. Dalton:
"Especially disturbing for residents of heavily chemtrailed communities like Las Vegas is a "chemtrail sickness" associated with heavy spray days leaving many stricken people complaining of the "flu" and acute allergic reactions months after the flu season has ended. Upper and lower respiratory and gastrointestinal ailments remain unusually high in many spray areas, along with debilitating fatigue - and something even more worrying.
What's going on?
Thomas is convinced that we are under "deliberate biological attack" by agents known only to top military and government officials responsible for permitting continuing over-flights by unmarked spray aircraft."
enlarge 33KB, 800x640 8 CHEMTRAILS OVER LAS VEGAS MEDIA STORY part 2 To view the entire article: Las Vegas Tribune Chemtrails Article "And even in the face of government denials, environmental laboratories have begun to identify an extremely toxic component of the spray drifting over cities and countryside. Several independent sources claim that samples of fallout from the lingering smoke trails have been independently tested and found to contain ethylene dibromide (EDB)." Since the Chemtrails begin appearing over Las Vegas residents have experienced a huge surge in respiratory problems and asthma. An extremely hazardous pesticide, EDB was banned by the US Environmental Protection Agency in 1983...The 1991 Chemical Hazards of the Workplace warns that repeated exposure to low levels of ethylene dibromide results in "general weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, chest pains, coughing and shortness of breath, upper respiratory tract irritation" and respiratory failure caused by swelli... "Took a closer look at that..." "yeah if your eating acid" "I've been a medical transc..." "Sheila, According to a se..." "message for the link is......" View Comments...
enlarge 21KB, 800x547 9 SAME AIRCRAFT AS U.S. BIO/CHEM WARFARE CRAFT Comments from Ken Welch excerpeted from an article exclusive to, 1/5/06:
"Several things were immediately apparent about the spray planes. First, they weren't high enough to be making contrails and even if they were, the sprayed liquid was flashing into voluminous white visibility much too fast to have any connection with the process by which moisture in 1000 degree (F) jet exhaust can freeze into visible ice crystals. Second, you could literally watch the crew turn the pumps on and off [as the trails were being laid]... Third, during the first six months or so, all the photographed planes were military refueling tankers, the aircraft that have the role of implementing Uncle Sam's chemical and biological warfare missions." "" "Fox 2 Chief Meteorologist ..." "But why are they sraying, ..." View Comments...
According to a report published 8/28/06 in The Idaho Observer recent lab reports found the following in samples of chemtrail fall-out: bacteria including anthrax and pneumonia, 9 chemicals including acetylcholine chloride, 26 heavy metals including arsenic, lead, barium, mercury and uranium, 4 molds and fungi, 7 viruses, 2 cancers, 2 vaccines and 2 sedatives. LINK TO STORY "May I please have permissi..." "need to get the national g..." "Jeff, you are welcome to u..." "THOSE EX- PRESIDENT OR OBA..." "robert your an idiot... lo..." "I seriously think that che..." View Comments...
enlarge 24KB, 800x592 11 CHEMTRAIL SICKNESS IN SPRAGUE RIVER & KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 3-4-02 "Dear Jeff, I believe that they have added some new ingredient into the chemtrails recently. The reason that I believe this is because since the last spraying everyone here is sick. Not just in Sprague River, but also in Klamath Falls, Oregon and surrounding areas.
The symptoms are: runny noses, congested, sore, burning throats, dizzy, sick to the stomach, and a tinglie feeling all over the body.
I believe that the spray is also effecting the animals. People are telling me that they go out to feed their animals, and find a horse dead here, a cow there, a pig dead... some goats have labored breathing every time they spray... Why aren't the animal rights people getting upset over this abuse?"
enlarge 27KB, 800x596 12 FLU-LIKE SYMPTOMS, THE SICK FILL EMERGENCY ROOMS Comments from Ken Welch:
"The most startling, and indeed fearful event of 1999 was when, in the midst of ongoing chemical operations against its own population, Uncle began to experiment with biological delivery systems as well. In community after community that year hundreds of people would become ill all at the same time. [ed. note figures for the years following 1999 show a huge explosion in the death rate (see info posted at image #109 & 110). Some were sick for six weeks or more, and many died. Authorities never seemed to have an interest in identifying the bug, and news organizations would never go farther than to describe the deaths as being caused by "flu-like symptoms". In a year that CDC described as a very light flu season, 20,000 Americans managed to die of "Flu-Like" on top of the regular toll. Large cities would suddenly announce that all the emergency rooms had become full virtually overnight." "I think it is a crying sha..." "My question is. Why would ..." "It seems the powers that b..." "There is no question at al..." "bastards" "In response to Mountain Hi..." "A few thoughts on chemtrai..." "Excellent post watcher. I..." "I believe God gave me reve..." "I believe God gave me reve..." View Comments...
enlarge 27KB, 800x594 13 UK SPRAYING GOT OUT OF HAND, TEMP MORGUES SET UP Comments from Ken Welch, continued:
"Eventually the bug was isolated by an independent lab, which confirmed that it carried clear chemical markers of being lab created or manipulated. Because the US media is so well controlled, the epidemic of "Flu-Like" quickly became a non-event. In the UK, however, everyone was aware of the crisis because the UK test really got out of hand. Over 10,000 people died there, and health authorities were parking rented refrigerator trucks behind the hospitals to use as temporary morgues. Many victims of "Flu-Like" died in a rather unusual manner. The lungs simply filled up with some kind of sticky gunk that couldn't be suctioned out or even removed surgically, and people were simply asphyxiated despite the best efforts of frantic medical personnel. There were no incidents in which any victim of "Flu-Like" transmitted the illness to another person." "What on earth is this? I l..." "UK resident, you are a clo..." "The information about the ..." "An incident killing so man..." "I had some stuff fall into..." "You know what, when the pe..." "UK Resident makes an excel..." "Watcher, You point out abo..." "you people are a bunch of ..." "Expat,
I see you hired gu..." "I was glowing with natural..." "This is a grave time indee..." "How can we get the Media t..." "I read a very interesting ..." "Sometimes I just have to s..." "Malvern has had a lot of s..." View Comments...
"... the Italians were especially interested in the experience of Espanola. Repeatedly overflown by photo-identified U.S. Air Force tankers spraying lingering white plumes that made people sick over 50 square-miles in the spring and summer of 2001, this small community west of Sudbury, Ontario was the first to petition a national government to stop chemtrail spraying. "I'm convinced people here have died as a result of this spraying, including a close friend," says an activist involved in the early protests there. Vincent said that a village north of Venice has experienced an aerial onslaught similar to Espanola's. In the Belluna valley, "people started complaining" after many took ill following heavy chemtrailing there."
Excerpt from Will Thomas article, 12-13-03
enlarge 35KB, 800x601 15 PATIENTS HIGHLY CONTAMINATED, DOC BLAMES CHEMTRAILS An Arizona Doctor speaks out after finding high levels of Barium contamination in his patients:
"... patients are coming in with frequent headaches, sinus congestion, asthma and ear infections... I attribute this to the chemicals which our government is spraying in OUR air! ... the "hair analysis" labs which I run on some of my patients are all indicating HIGH levels of Barium. My own hair analysis indicated high Barium levels... high levels of barium in our hair means either barium is being stored from digestion or the hair is being contaminated by an outside source[barium from chemtrails]. I am quite concerned with this violation of our environment by a government that denies it is occurring... One only has to step outside and look up at the sky to see our tax dollars at work"
excerpt from article at anomaliesunlimited .com
enlarge 99KB, 608x800 16 LAB TESTS OF AIR GRAB SHOW MASSIVE CONTAMINATION Please resize lab results to orginal setting to facilitate viewing. An extensive air grab through a Hepa filter was done by Arizona Sky Watch for the purpose of testing for airborne chemtrail contaminants. The results are horrifying, showing massive contamination of our atmosphere. Inhaling these high amounts of metal particulates is very dangerous. Aluminum affects the brain and central nervous system. Barium lowers the immune system and can cause dose related paralysis including paralysis of the heart muscles, ranging from mild to total quadriplegia. All of these metal nano-particles are hazardous to the lungs and can cause a condition similar to Asbestiosis or Silicosis. ARTICLE AT RENSE.COM
"As I tried to find the problem I quickly realized the extra piping and tanks were not connected to the waste disposal system, at all. I had just discovered this when another mechanic from my company showed up. It was one of the mechanics who usually works on this particular type of plane, and I happily turned the job over to him.
As I was leaving I asked him about the extra equipment. He told me to "worry about my end of the plane and let him worry about his end!" VIEW THE TWO LETTERS/a>
enlarge 37KB, 800x360 18 THIS CONCERNS YOU! PLEASE WATCH Please take the time to watch this video from carnicom. This concerns all of us. Carnicom video "If people are the enemy,(S..." "I think that the elite beh..." "Is their any way that our ..." "Believe me, I have had Mor..." "I think the government and..." "So sorry about your Morgel..." "For those who argue that t..." "Hi, I realize some of your..." View Comments...
"Lydia Mancini has explored some of the mind-altering aspects of the chemtrails, but I think I have found one of the final pieces of the chemtrail puzzle – the Air Force studied how to put sensors that are nano-scale into a population’s food supply, water, and air through aerial spraying so that they could get those sensors into people’s bodies. Read on to catch on to all the connections." WHERE DID THE USAF GET THE IDEA THAT IT WAS OK TO INFEST PEOPLE WITH NANO SENSORS WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT? This kind of despicable covert activity flies in the face of the very principles & ideas our country was founded on. Our military should be fighting to protect us from this type of criminal activity not aiding and abetting it. Original story seems to have disappeared off the internet. Page linked below has more info.
STORY AT LINK "Fear-mongering and/or extr..." "Watcher,
I agree the qu..." "I am one of those you ment..." "" View Comments...
enlarge 92KB, 800x757 20 THE DAILY WAKE-UP CALL DAVID DEE GALLERY "LOL! Love the weather fore..." "Great picture ,will we eve..." "CHEMTRAILS CONTINUE AND WH..." "The attacked the heLL out ..." "Salem, Oregon too Pamlamb...." View Comments...
enlarge 61KB, 800x640 21 THE SOFT KILL-STOP POISONING US! Our health is under attack from many directions. It is not just the chemtrails. It is the Fluoride in the water, in our toothpaste and many medications. It is vaccinations (children are particularly under attack with autism rates and other neuro disorders skyrocketing because of the vaccinations that children, starting as new borns are forced to take). It is aspartame and other toxic additives in our food. It is genetically modified foods such as corn and soybeans that are a major risk for our long term health. It is the radiation from Fukishima and a dozen other factors. One might be led to conclude that there is an organized, ongoing effort to undermine the health of the human race. "STOP Poisoning our atmesph..." View Comments...
"Polymer chemist Dr. R. Michael Castle has studied atmospheric polymers for years. He has found that some of them contain bioactive materials, which can cause "serious skin lesions and diseases when absorbed into the skin." He has identified microscopic polymers comprised of genetically-engineered fungal forms mutated with viruses. He says that trillions of fusarium (fungus)/virus mutated spores), which secrete a powerful mico-toxin, are part of the air we breathe."
"I read and observed with much interest the recent micro-photo's sent to me by Kim Weber of the Polymer filaments recovered off the South Oregon Coast... You are accurate in the comments regarding Clifford Carnicom's study and investigation of these materials. I have also been looking at this strange aerosolized filament technology for about three years. What I have found, after receiving samples retrieved around Seattle, WA., is a cationic reaction polymer that has an unidentified bio-active material..."
enlarge 27KB, 800x547 24 MORGELLONS/NANO-TECHNOLOGY DISEASE & CHEMTRAILS One aspect of the chemtrail story is becoming more and more a story about the spread of Morgellons Disease. The bizarre, unique fibers that have been found in the bodies of the Morgellons infected have been matched to fibers found in the chemtrail fallout and in rain drops. This suggests that anybody who breathes the air may have been exposed to this disease. Researcher Clifford Carnicom has recently reported that blood abnormalities that he associates with chemtrail infection are being found in just about everyone he is testing whether or not they show the visible signs of having a Morgellons infection CARNICOM FINDINGS "These red spots on this pe..." "Jeff, I don't doubt that s..." "Today I found an article a..." "Melanie, I suggest you go..." "thanks for finding,
how ..." "read verse in rev 16,2 &qu..." View Comments...
enlarge 88KB, 800x800 25 MORGELLONS DISEASE THE CIA & PROJECT MK NAOMI A very interesting read at the link below. What were they thinking of?
enlarge 29KB, 800x600 26 MORGELLONS / CHEMTRAILS LINK? A report from one Morgellon's sufferer: "In the fall of 1998 I was out in my garden working. The weather was warm and exceptionally humid and sticky. At one point I absentmindly scratched my neck and noticed that my fingernails came back absolutely clotted with white fibers. Out of curiosity I scratched several other areas of my skin with my nails and discovered that when scratched any exposed area of skin left my nails full of these clotted fibers. Whatever skin was covered with clothing did not have the fibers. The air must have been thick with these fibers for so many of them to be layered on me like that. About a month later I started having unusual skin symptoms & not feeling well. I am very suspicious that these airborn fibers had something to do with my developing Morgellons.
enlarge 40KB, 800x600 27 MORGELLONS PATHOGENS FOUND IN RAINWATER? More stunning evidence of a Chemtrail/Morgellons connection; Recent microscopic examination of rainwater by researcher, Lisa Jones has revealed contamination with pathogens that have strong similarities to the Morgellons pathogen. This raindrop image shows a fiber-like lattice with a lighter colored tube that appears to contain baby Morgellons pathogens. The "thornes" on the lattice appear to be designed to cause the organism to stick and catch on skin and clothing. The unnatural looking orangish-pink glow in certain areas of this tube look just like the unnatural appearing orange-pink glowing points that show up on many of the Morgellons organisms. Chemtrail dispersion of Morgellons would be an obvious explanation as to why this stuff is showing up in rainwater. IMAGE COPYRIGHT LISA JONES"> "Un freaking believable!! T..." "My son participated in cre..." View Comments...
enlarge 38KB, 544x800 28 MORGELLONS AIRBORNE FIBER & BLOOD A MATCH Clifford Carnicom's newest research shows that the airborne chemtrails fibers and the fibers found in the tissues of a patient with advanced Morgellons Disease are a spot on match.
Additionally the unusual airborne blood cell samples have been found to match the unusual blood cells in Morgellons infected individuals.
The implications of these findings are enormous. Have we all been exposed to Morgellons via the chemtrails? How would this pathogen get into the chemtrails in the first place? It seems to me that this happenstance could have only occurred deliberately. This unspeakably horrible information leads to thoughts of deliberate widespread sickening & murdering of the human population using a high tech artificially created pathogen being dispersed through the ongoing chemtrails spraying.
enlarge 27KB, 800x600 29 MORGELLONS FIBERS FOUND IN RECENT COASTAL AIR SAMPLES More alarming proof that Morgellons is being dispersed in the air. Shelly Sovola, LcA,OMD and Larry Meyer have published recent photomicrographs of airborne material found off the Oregon coast that is a match for Morgellons fibers.
Jan Smith has been suffering from Morgellons/Nanotechnology disease for over 10 years now. Her impressive research and documentation has put her in the forefront of those working to unravel the mysteries of this horrifying new disease. The research and documentation presented at the link below is a must read. Please pass this information on to your doctors, congressional representatives and the media. DO NOT MISS READING THIS
enlarge 66KB, 800x554 31 ANOMALOUS OSCILLOSCOPE READINGS FROM MORGELLANS INFECTED A friend of Morgellons researcher, Jan Smith, sent her these anomalous oscilloscope readings. Jan states "The readings are from him and another Morgellons sufferer. They simply held the leads in their hands to get these results. " "What is the frequency. How..." "Is this web site down? Can..." View Comments...
enlarge 58KB, 800x554 32 MORGELLONS INFECTED EMITTING ABNORMAL HIGH FREQUENCIES Jan states, "Under normal circumstances people do not register signals on an oscilloscope. These signals are in a high frequency range." What is being communicated by these signals and to whom are they being communicated? What is the purpose of these signals?
enlarge 23KB, 800x698 33 STRANGER THAN SCIENCE FICTION SELF REPLICATING NANO MACHINES HAVE BEEN FOUND "RUNNING WILD" IN THE BODIES OF MORGELLONS INFECTED INDIVIDUALS Image copyright Jan Smith Morgellons researchers Dr Hildegaard Stanninger and Dr Karjoom have announced the finding of self replicating nano machines "running wild" in the bodies of Morgellons victims. THIS INTERVIEW AND MORE INFO ON MORGELLONS IS POSTED IN THE MORGELLONS SECTION AT RENSE.COM.
enlarge 58KB, 800x592 34 BIZARRE ARTIFACT REMOVED FROM MORGELLONS PATIENT This is one example of the strange artifacts believed to be nano assemblages that have been removed from the bodies of Morgellons infected individuals. When touched with a pin certain areas of this tiny assemblage light up (see next image). There appears to be a serpentine glyph embossed on the back.
enlarge 30KB, 800x358 37 IRIDESCENT NANO-BOT A NEW TYPE OF LIFE FORM? The strange objects being found in the bodies of the Morgellons infected appear to be a melding of nano technology and biology. Do these hybrids meet the criteria for a new life form? Partially synthetic and partially biologic, researchers have stated that these syn-biots are capable of movement, of self-replication, of group intelligence.
enlarge 20KB, 800x297 38 MAJORITY WITH MORGELLONS LESIONS ALSO HAVE LYME DISEASE In one survey over 90% of those with Morgellons lesions also tested positive for Lyme infection. Over half of those with Morgellons who tested positive for Lyme also tested positive for other tick borne infections such as Babesia and Bortadella. It could be that those who are infected with Morgellons but not with Lyme carry the Morgellons infection at a sub-clinical level. I believe that any level of infection with Morgellons represents a serious, long-term threat to the viability of human health and that any level of infection with Morgellons shortens the life span. Those seeking information and support for Lyme/Morgellons/Nano-Disease are directed to the Morgellons & Lyme Chat Board at: LYMEBUSTERS
enlarge 53KB, 800x628 39 MORGELLONS PARASITE
enlarge 90KB, 800x781 40 HORRIFYING IMPLICATIONS FOR THE GENERAL POPULATION One young man that I know of has been exhibiting mild, almost unnoticiable symptoms of Morgellons for several years now with minor face and back outbreaks. However other symptoms are more disturbing. Previously this individual was able to maintain a 3.5 while carrying a full course of studies and spending several hours a day working out with the school swim team. Then he became too tired to continue the swimming as he was falling asleep in class. His grades began to drop with only one course being carried his last semester. This course was flunked. Currently he frequently sleeps 16 hours a day and does not know if he will be able to finish school. NEW RESEARCH FROM JAN SMITH
Image credit to
enlarge 43KB, 800x600 41 DOCTOR BLASTS CDC OVER MORGELLONS One physician's outrage over the CDC's scandalously ineffective response to the Morgellons plague:
"I state unequivocally that the above definition is woefully incomplete and inadequate, and that the CDC and medical establishment have been totally negligent in studying this system of disorders, and have provided no treatment, support, or comfort, at all to the patients afflicted. I will further state that evidence is emerging that this system of disorders (poorly named Morgellons) is in almost everyone, including those who read this letter, but that clinical manifestations are not manifested to a recognizable degree."- Dr. Edward Spencer
enlarge 64KB, 800x600 42 MORGELLONS INFECTION REVEALED IN NEW IMAGING PROCESS A new skin-visualization process (patent pending) that allows dermatologists to see under the skin shows abnormal fiber structures and organisms associated with Morgellons infection in this patient.
Image copyright Glenn Boyle 2009 "A beautiful profile. The b..." "I have the same condition ..." View Comments...
enlarge 42KB, 800x585 43 CHEMTRAIL FIBERS FOUND TO CONTAIN NEMATODE EGGS Morgellons researchers Hildegarde Staninger PhD and Dr. Rahim Karjoom have discovered parasitic nematode eggs of some type encased in the chemtrail fibers. The Chemtrail fibers bear an uncanny resemblance to the fibers Morgellons victims find coming out of their lesions. Go to link and scroll down to the Staninger/ Karjoom interviews for more complete info. MORGELLONS DATA FILES
enlarge 41KB, 800x564 44 CHEMTRAIL GEL This magnified bit of gel recovered from chemtrail fall out appears to have some pretty nasty looking stuff in it, curled up forms that look like worms or flukes. This looks just like some of the stuff that comes out of my Morgellons lesions.
enlarge 29KB, 800x438 45 CHEMTRAILS NANO TECHNOLOGY & MORGELLONS CHECK OUT BARIUMBLUES.COM at the link below, Excellent!
Will a man-made synthetic, self-replicating, nano pathogen be the cause of a new global pandemic that may forever change the future of mankind? It sounds like some kind of science fiction horror invading from another planet. Self replicating nano machine pathogens floating unobserved through the air silently invading their unsuspecting human hosts and slowly turning them into gray goo. Once they establish a beach head in the human body they exhibit a type of group intelligence allowing them to communicate & invade all parts of the body including the brain. This story may be accessed on the front page of
Morgellons would more appropriately be named Human Nano-Technology Disease (HNTD) or perhaps Human Synthetic Biology Disease (HSBD). Since the agents that cause this new disease have been found in the atmosphere and since we are all breathing the atmosphere, the startling documentation & research presented by Jan Smith at the link below is of vital importance to all of us.
enlarge 33KB, 800x556 47 JONI MITCHELL HAS MORGELLONS CAREER ON HOLD According to an article published in Billboard, 2/20/2009, Vocal artist Joni Mitchell "is in the midst of treatment for Morgellons syndrome, an infectious and potentilly disabling condition" Mitchell has put her career on hold for the time being. Amy Winehouse has also been reported to be suffering from Morgellons.
enlarge 72KB, 800x600 48 KYLIE JENNER SPEAKS OUT ON CHEMTRAILS! BRAVO KYLIE! Thank you for speaking out about this important topic. See next image to read Kylie's comments. Kylie's observations have drawn a storm of main stream media flak attempting damage control by poking fun at her, discrediting her remarks about chemtrails and labeling her as a conspiracy nut. Do the powers that be really think we are all stupid enough to believe the ongoing mess in our skies is the result of normal air traffic? I deeply appreciate someone with her level of visibility standing up to speak out on chemtrails. Those wishing to express support to Kylie could do so on her twitter page.
enlarge 109KB, 800x600 49 KYLIE'S CHEMTRAIL REMARKS: LET'S ASK ABOUT DEPOPULATION It is interesting to note the ongoing coordinated attacks attempting to spin or discredit Kylie's chemtrail remarks. The spin is coming from all directions; youtube, several dozen blogs and entertainment Internet sites, even mainstream media has joined in the attacks, mainly trying to make Kylie look like a ridiculous conspiracy nut who is too young and fashion obsessed to know what she is talking about. It is obvious with her nearly 10,000,000 twitter followers Kylie's social media clout is felt as a threat by the elite.
enlarge 104KB, 800x631 50 A LETTER FROM A MORGELLONS FAMILY Laurie Smith's family has been infected with Morgellons/Nano-Tech Disease for years now. Even the family pets are infected. Her letter, linked below describes their ordeal and the complete failure of the medical and public health communities to respond to their pleas for help.
Within two years of contracting Morgellons Disease Billy Koch was out of baseball. Read the family's story at the link below:
enlarge 44KB, 785x800 52 LOUISE MANDRELL'S HUSBAND STRICKEN W MORGELLONS Country Singer, Louise Mandrell has joined the Morgellons Research Foundation in hopes that her celebrity will help raise funds to find a cure for Morgellons Disease. Mandrell's husband, John Haywood was recently diagnosed with Morgellons Disease.
enlarge 43KB, 603x800 53 SINGER AMY WINEHOUSE SUFFERING FROM MORGELLONS? Singer Amy Winehouse appears to be exhibiting the classic skin symptoms of Morgellons/Lyme disease. "The lack of compassion and..." "That has to be heroin side..." "More likely, Amy Winehouse..." "WE THE PEOPLE along with R..." "Hojitak, don't you know Ro..." "She was murdered when she ..." View Comments...
Morgellons Disease originally appeared almost simultaneously in a handful of cities in California and Texas. The original hot spots are San Francisco, Los Angeles, Silicon Valley, San Diego, Austin/ Big Rock, San Antonio, Dallas and the Houston/Galveston area. There are now cases being reported in every state in the US and in 45 other countries around the world.
Contn'd Next text copyright Glenn boyle 2009 "WE THE PEOPLE along with R..." View Comments...
Six of the seven original hot spots for Morgellons Disease have something in common. The hot spots are located in cities that host a major medical teaching/research university campus involved in doing bio-weapons research in partnership with Sandia National Laboratories for The U.S. Department of Defense. That would be UCSF in San Francisco, UCLA in L.A., UCSD in San Diego and The University of Texas Campuses in Austin/Big Rock, Dallas and Houston. The seventh hot spot, silicon valley is in close proximity to San Francisco. Additionally most of these hot spots are less than an hours drive from a BSL4 (Bio Safety Level 4) lab. BSL4 labs are reserved for researching bio weapons as well as the most dangerous disease pathogens that can cause fatal, incurable illness in humans.
text copyright Glenn Boyle 2009 "WE THE PEOPLE along with R..." "You are spot on. I would ..." View Comments...
enlarge 40KB, 800x548 57 MORGELLONS SPREADS WORLD WIDE CDC ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL For years those infected with Morgellons begged the CDC for help. The silence from the CDC was deafening. Many of the afflicted also wrote letters to their congressional representatives. Only after pressure from congress did the CDC grudgingly deign to look into the Morgellons problem. Even with congressional pressure they moved at a snail's pace w no significant research or public ed. done to date. Now there are over 60,000 infected in the U.S. with the disease spreading rapidly worldwide. Why did the CDC drop the ball on Morgellons? How many would have been spared the horror of Morgellons if the CDC had just done it's job and responded quickly and effectively to the original outbreaks? THERE IS STILL NO GOV.FUNDING FOR RESEARCH INTO A CURE FOR THIS LETHAL PLAGUE! Meanwhile billions are being spent on Swine Flu, an illness that is turning out to be relatively mild. Considering the horrifying mind/body devastation that Morgellons can cause... "the day before x- mas i ca..." "ky hibilly I have also no..." View Comments...
enlarge 35KB, 800x594 58 CHEMTRAILS KILL: LUNG CANCER EXPLODES ACROSS US Typically there are approx. 175,000 new cases of lung cancer each year in the United States. So far, this year(2006), just for the months of January and February there are ALREADY 172,000 new cases of lung cancer.* If the rate of newly diagnosed lung cancer continues at this pace through 2006 there will be well over 1,000,000 new cases of lung cancer for '06 vs the annual 175,000 rate for preceeding years. This is an absolutely stunning increase...suddenly lung cancer rates have increased 1000%?! And they are telling us to worry about BIRD FLU? What is going on?
*Lung cancer stats reported 3/8/2006 CNN American Morning
cont'd at next image
We have all been walking around breathing chem-crap, very high amounts of barium and aluminum particulates, cationic fibers impregnated with god knows what, modified molds and poisonous jet fuel for years now. This is not the kind of stuff that makes for healthy, happy lungs. The metal particulates in the chemtrails can be ionized by ordinary sunlight making them even more of a hazard to our lungs. There is no way that this aerosol spraying could continue for this long(over 15 years now) without causing a major decline in public health. Given all the ill health effects that the chemtrail ingredients are capable of causing, the skyrocketing rates of asthma and lung cancer are probably just the beginning of the bad news. Chemtrails Kill.
Image by Eugene Carsey "WE THE PEOPLE along with R..." View Comments...
enlarge 135KB, 800x499 60 PARTICULATE MATTER, MORTALITY AND VISIBILITY Increases in the amount of particulate matter in the air have been proven beyond a doubt to directly cause corresponding increases in the death rate of the exposed population. Increased particulate matter also decreases visibility. This interesting chart clearly shows the relationship between visibility and mortality. A decrease in visibility from 60 miles to 28 miles results in an increase in the death rate of nearly 25 percent!! Chemtrails Kill. Even without the added toxic chemicals and bio matter in the chemtrails the particulates alone are deadly.
Chart created by Clifford Carnicom. "WE THE PEOPLE along with R..." View Comments...
enlarge 46KB, 800x600 61 ATMOSPHERIC MOLD COLONIES TOXIC LEVELS OF MOLD IN THE AIR image copyright Clifford Carnicom
Research by scientist Clifford Carnicom has revealed extremely high levels of toxic molds in the atmosphere. His testing "indicates an unacceptable condition for human health." Or any living creature's health. Animals, wild or domestic are certainly not immune from the toxic effects of chemtrails or from Morgellons disease. Increasing numbers of pet owners are reporting that their dogs, cats and horses are getting sick and dying from Morgellons Disease.
enlarge 55KB, 746x800 62 TOXIC SKY: KNBC REPORT ON VIDEO Another chink in the armor of non coverage of the very serious chemtrails situation by mainstream media. This report from KNBC Los Angeles is the first TV news report to cover chemtrails in a major media market. The video link is receiving heavy viewing traffic and is very slow to open. A link to the transcript of the video tape is included and is much easier to access.
"Award-winning journalist Will Thomas has reported that lab analysis showed spray samples contained over 360 different varieties of viraly mutated mold and fungi in addition to gene-splicing markers and extremely thin human red blood cells. The chemtrail samples also contained a new breed of designer chemicals about which little is known in the public domain but which appear to be very dangerous." FULL TEXT OF WILL THOMAS INTERVIEW"> "WE THE PEOPLE along with R..." View Comments...
enlarge 29KB, 800x558 65 SOMETHING GROWING IN THE BLOOD Many researchers believe the entire population is now carrying these abnormalities in their blood. Clifford Carnicom, an outstanding scientist, has been researching chemtrails and Morgellons for over a decade now. His pioneering research about the dangers of chemtrails and the nature of Morgellons has been accomplished virtually alone with out government funding. Those wishing to donate to Morgellons research should put the recently formed Carnicom Institue at the top of their donation list. ABNORMALATIES IN THE BLOOD
enlarge 50KB, 800x600 66 BLOOD ABNORMALITIES CAUSED BY CHEMTRAIL EXPOSURE Extensive scientific and medical info on chemtrails and Morgellons at the link below.
enlarge 94KB, 800x647 67 MICROBIOLOGY A DANGEROUS PROFESSION? OVER 75 TOP MICROBIOLOGISTS DEAD OR MURDERED SINCE 2001 Over 75 of the world's top microbiologists have died since 2001 with over 40 dying during a 36 month period from approx. 2001 to 2004. Approx. 30% of these were death by murder. According to Insurance life expectancy tables the odds of so many microbiologists being murdered in such a short time is about 14 billion to one. Additionally, a substantial number of the remaining deaths occurred under suspicious circumstances. Scroll down the linked master list to find the dead microbiologists listed with the date and cause of death. My deepest sympathies to the surviving loved ones of these outstanding scientists.
"The odds of 14 billion to one make it logically impossible for any reasonable person to deny that the world's leading microbiologists are being murdered...The question is why are they being killed, and by whom?"-Jueri Svagintsev 2/5/05/ Gator Press
Could it be that these deaths are the result of a desire to stack the odds against discovery of the cause or cure for illnesses being spread by the novel pathogens in the chemtrails? LINK TO TABLE
enlarge 48KB, 800x600 69 DR. LEONARD HOROWITZ INTERVIEW ON CHEMTRAILS REDDEN: What about the current controversy over chemtrails - the theory that airplanes are spraying the population with some kind of chemical or biological weapon. As I understand it, a number of researchers believe that many of the contrails in the skies these days are not the normal contrails formed by high-flying jets, but are actually trails of chemical or biological agents which spread out and then fall on the earth.
HOROWITZ: ... I believe the chemtrails are responsible for a chemical intoxication of the public, which would then cause a general immune suppression, low grade to high grade, depending on exposure. An immune dysfunction, which would then allow people to become susceptible to opportunistic infections, such as mycoplasma and other opportunistic infections.
REDDEN: So you believe that high-flying planes are, in fact, spraying something on the population, that the theory is real? (continued at next image)
enlarge 29KB, 800x600 70 DR HOROWITZ INTERVIEW, CONTINUED image above: EDB rainbow HOROWITZ: There's no question that it's real. There's no doubt about that. I first began to investigate chemtrails when some were sprayed over my home in Northern Idaho. I found out from one of the chief toxologists at the CDC that Ethlyne Dibromide was being added to the jet fuel. Now EDB is a known human chemical carcinogen that was removed from unleaded gas because of it's cancer causing effects. Now suddenly it has appeared in the jet fuel that apparently high-altitude military aircraft are emitting.
REDDEN: Why has ethylene dibromide been added to jet fuel?
HOROWITZ: When you examine who owns the fuel, who are the fuel company directors, suddenly you enter into the realm of the Rockefeller family, the royal families, Standard Oil and British Petroleum. And what are their other agendas? ... documents show that historically, they have funded eugenics, genocide, depopulation, family planning... "In Serbia there are "..." "Saw one of these just last..." View Comments...
enlarge 25KB, 800x595 71 DR HOROWITZ INTERVIEW, CONTINUED HOROWITZ: You're looking at decision-makers who have, for whatever reasons, decided to put this toxic waste into jet fuels for human exposure, what ultimately's going to be human exposure. And it just so happens that these same people have put a lot of money into reducing world populations...,
REDDEN: As I understand it, this [chemtrails] is not just an American epidemic, but it's gone across Europe.
HOROWITZ: That's right. I've got colleagues over there, I've got colleagues in the Bahamas, Bermuda, Toronto, British Columbia all reporting the same bizarre seeding of the atmosphere. It's horrible. What is going on is just despicable.
REDDEN: One reason I'm interested in this subject is, I personally know three people who had the exact same thing happen to them. First they came down with flu-like symptoms which didn't go away. Then the doctor said their flu had developed into a bacterial infection. Then they were all gi...
enlarge 27KB, 800x600 72 DR HOROWITZ INTERVIEW, CONTINUED REDDEN: Then they were all given a brand new antibiotic they had never taken before and they all had serious allergic reactions. What happened to them?
HOROWITZ: OK, what you're looking at with this upper respiratory infection is that it is a multi-factoral illness. It's associated with a variety of chemical and biological co-factors. Just like with AIDS, it's not the AIDS virus that ultimately kills, it's co-factor microbes such as the mycoplasma. What you have could be described as an ideal Russian biological cocktail. And I suppose it's called a Russian biological cocktail because the Americans most likely invented it.
What they determined would be the best biological chemical warfare approach was a combination of chemicals and biologicals, so that it would be very difficult to diagnose and then treat the illnesses.
enlarge 19KB, 800x579 73 DR HOROWITZ INTERVIEW, CONTINUED REDDEN: A point of clarification. Are You saying that the fungus is working with the chemtrails and the antibiotic to make people sick? HOROWITZ: Exactly. And you've got somebody who's going to be chronically ill. And in the contemporary warfare arena, where experts in biological chemical warfare convene and discuss the ways that are ideal to conduct warfare today, to really take an enemy out, you don't want to kill the people. You want to produce people who are chronically ill and become dependent on the state and totally sap the resources of the country. FULL TEXT OF INTERVIEW
enlarge 20KB, 800x535 74 CONGRESSIONAL BILL ASKED FOR CHEMTRAILS BAN CHEMTRAILS CAPABLE OF "PLANETARY DESTRUCTION" The Space Preservation Act, HR2977, introduced October 2001 by Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich, called for the peaceful uses of space, and a ban on 'exotic weapons'. Section 7 sought specifically to prohibit chemtrails.
Kucinich told the Columbus Alive newspaper (1/24/2002) that despite official denials, as head of the Armed Services Oversight Committee he is well acquainted with chemtrail projects. Kuchinich stated "The truth is there's an entire program in the Department of Defense, 'Vision 2020" that's developing these weapons. Vision 2020 calls for 'dominance of space, land, sea and air'.
Under pressure, according to Kuchinich, all references to chemtrails, HAARP and other weapons capable of planetary destruction were removed from HR2977. The original bill remains intact and on-file in the congressional record.
Article may be read on the extra large setting.
enlarge 21KB, 800x533 76 DEADLY HEALTH EFFECTS From chemtrail researcher and commentator, Diane Harvey
" is the slow accumulation of these toxins that is becoming so blatantly apparent in so many. The deadly health effects of ingesting frequent doses of highly poisonous chemicals simply cannot be overestimated. I pay close attention to what I hear people saying everywhere I go. I hear people of all ages and states of health express bewilderment and rueful displeasure with their physical and mental conditions."
enlarge 40KB, 800x600 77 CONTAMINATION OF RAIN WATER Rainwater sample showing massive contamination with aluminum and barium particulates.
"In Espanola, where [chemtrail] spray sometimes falls as visible, flesh-stinging particles thick as snow, lab tests of rainwater falling through extensive chemtrail plumes revealed levels of aluminum seven-times higher than existing provincial safety limits for drinking water." Excerpted from Will Thomas article, 12-13-03
enlarge 24KB, 800x600 78 ATMOSPHERIC BARIUM NOW EXCEEDS EPA SAFE LIMIT Research from scientist Clifford Carnicom states that the amount of Barium in our atmosphere now exceeds by 8 times the level that is deemed safe for humans to breathe.
The toxicity of Barium is comparable to that of Arsenic. EPA guidelines state that it is unsafe for humans to breath air containing more than 5 ppm (parts per million) of Barium ( the same amount that is deemed safe for Arsenic). The latest research shows that we are being exposed to levels of airborn Barium that are far, far greater ("by a factor of 8") than the level considered safe.
enlarge 0KB, 800x482 79 CHRONIC INHALED BARIUM EXPOSURE AND MS Quote from study by Mark Purdey published in Elsevier Health Journal,2004, YMEHY2116 DISK/9/2/04 DTD 4.3.1./SPS
"... chronic contamination of the biosystem with...Barium salts can initiate the pathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis... THE DISTRIBUTION OF MS CLUSTERS CORRELATES WITH WORKPLACES AND ENVIRONMENTS THAT ARE ASSOCIATED WITH ELEVATED LEVELS OF BARIUM"
And what is one of the main ingredients in chemtrails?...BARIUM! The spray planes are filling our atmosphere with nano particles of Barium on an almost daily basis. The inhaled nano-particles stick to the moist lung walls and are small enough to easily be absorbed directly into the blood stream. In contaminated areas we are not only inhaling Barium we are eating it as well. As Mr. Purdey's study shows, plants grown in Barium contaminated soil take up the Barium, it becomes integrated into the plant becoming impossible to wash off and then winds up inside of us when we eat the plants.
enlarge 20KB, 800x436 80 BARIUM & ALUMINUM CONFIRMED FROM Sue Miller:
"I must express my respect and appreciation for Therese Aigner. To my knowledge she is the first professional, accredited environmental expert/engineer to stand up and formally and emphatically connect unusual water test results with the unusual aerial activity.
That the rainwater barium and aluminum chem-bliz "pollution" is directly from chemtrails is clearly stated in her cover letter of the lab test results:
enlarge 29KB, 800x533 81 SYMPTOMS OF CHRONIC INHALED BARIUM POISONING "Barium carbonate (BaCO4) is rat poison. This works by interfering with the sodium-potassium pump causing a paralysis of the muscles, including the heart muscles and respiratory muscles, causing death." Ann Neurol, 11(6):547-52 1982 Jun For over twelve years now the U.S. population has been inhaling poisonous chemtrail barium on a regular basis. Chronic exposure to this dangerous toxin presents significant dose-related, health risks including death. Our pets and other animals are also at risk. SYMPTOMS OF BARIUM POISONING: Unexplained profuse sweating,HBP,incontinence, dry mouth, clumsiness, lethargy, generalized weakness ranging from mild to quadrapligia, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, numb tingly feeling around mouth, SUPPRESSED IMMUNITY, muscular twitching/spasms, lung inflammation, upper bronchial irritation, corneal opacity, blindness, pulmonary edema, dry cough, shortness of breath and death. Copyright image courtesy of
enlarge 2.15MB, 800x545 82 BARIUM SHUTS DOWN YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM "We may have a first understanding of the purpose of chemtrail spraying, i.e., to directly impact the T-cell systems of the humans beneath the chemtrail targets" Pecanha and Dos Reis (1989) reported in an article entitled "Functional heterogeneity in the process of T-cell activation" published in Clinical Experimental Immunology 1989 May;76(2):311-6, that "All modes of T cell activation, except PHA-induced mitogenesis, were blocked in a reversible and dose-related manner by Ba2+ (barium)." In other words, barium will turn off the body's T-cells. T-cells are an important part of the body's immune system... In short summary, barium can shut down your immune system.
enlarge 45KB, 800x599 84 PULMONARY FIBROSIS AND EXPOSURE TO ALUMINUM PARTICULATES Research published by Masalkhi A, Walton SP.: "Many reports of respiratory disease attributable to aluminum exposure have appeared in the European medical literature during the last 50 years. Great Britain and Germany are two major industrialized nations that acknowledge a causal relationship between ... exposure to aluminum and respiratory impairment. For factory workers in these countries, pulmonary disease attributed to RESPIRABLE ALUMINUM PARTICULATES is compensated as a workplace disability. We describe a patient whom we believe developed severe respiratory compromise and irreversible pulmonary fibrosis from ...[inhaled] aluminum [particulate ] exposure."
1: J Ky Med Assoc. 1994 Feb;92(2):59-61.
enlarge 27KB, 800x596 85 PARTICULATE MATTER LINKED TO INFANT DEATH Environ Health Perspect. 2005 Apr;113(4):375-82. Related Articles, Links
Ambient air pollution and pregnancy outcomes: a review of the literature.
Sram RJ, Binkova B, Dejmek J, Bobak M.
Laboratory of Genetic Ecotoxicology, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Sciences, and Health Institute of Central Bohemia, Prague, Czech Republic.
"Over the last decade or so, a large number of studies have investigated the possible adverse effects of ambient air pollution on birth outcomes... Overall, there is evidence implicating air pollution in adverse effects on different birth outcomes... The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal relationship between particulate air pollution and respiratory deaths in the postneonatal period... In terms of exposure to specific pollutants, particulates seem the most important for infant deaths..." "While on our vacation in P..." View Comments...
enlarge 32KB, 800x601 86 NANO PARTICULATES IN CHEMTRAILS SUB-MICRON PARTICULATES ISOLATED Clifford E Carnicom, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 4/26/2004
"A method has been developed to isolate and record the existence of certain sub-micron particulates that appear to be resident within the atmosphere. The evidence from this research continues to support the claim of high levels of extremely fine metallic salts within the atmosphere as a consequence of the aerosol operations."
enlarge 30KB, 600x800 87 INCREASED ATMOSPHERIC PARTICULATES = INCREASED HEART ATTACKS "Scientists and the EPA report that because Particulate Matter and sub-micron pollution particles bypass lung filters and enter the blood stream, they cause radical changes in the endocrine and nervous systems. They can trigger high blood pressure and cause heart attack within two hours of inhalation. They cause the blood to become sticky, making it tougher for the heart to pump and increasing the risk of blood clots and vessel damage. Now researchers in Taiwan document "a significant increase" in the number of stroke victims when PM pollutant levels rise."
enlarge 33KB, 800x800 88 MASS BAT DIE-OFF CHEMTRAIL RELATED? NEARLY A MILLION BATS DEAD FROM MYSTERY FUNGAL DISEASE By Zulima Palacio Washington 12 June 2009 "Three years ago, a few hundred bats were found dead in hibernating caves in northeastern New York ... By the following winter, the death toll had risen to a few thousand bats, sparking concern among experts. The possibility that this year the death toll could near a million has set off wide spread alarm among scientists and farmers." The bats are dying from a "mysterious" fungal disease.
Award winning reporter, Will Thomas has reported finding over 300 types of virally mutated Fungi in chemtrail fall out. Clifford Carnicom has reported finding such high levels of molds in the air that it presents a toxic hazard to human health. I would be very surprised if chemtrails are not behind this mass "mysterious" die off of bats. There has been a "puzzling" increase in deaths of zoo animals as well. STORY LINK
enlarge 70KB, 520x800 89 THE UNEXPECTED DEATH OF GEZI THE GIRAFFE Gezi, a young giraffe at the San Francisco Zoo unexpectedly collapsed and died of cardiac and respiratory arrest the week of 7/29/2008. Officials noted that it is highly unusual for a Giraffe as young as Gezi to die from cardiac and respiratory problems. Additionally, the necropsy discovered more than 100 mysterious black masses throughout Gezi's body. High levels of particulates in the air can cause or worsen cardiac and pulmonary problems. Exposure to EDB can cause respiratory distress, collapse and death. Nano particulates of various metals and EDB are both chemtrail ingredients. Possibly the black masses are Morgellans related. IMO chemtrail toxins and pathogens are highly suspect in the unusual death of Gezi. She leaves behind her baby Barbro, a male offspring, now orphaned born to Gezi last February.
There is a proven link between airborne particulates and death from heart attack and stroke in humans. Genetically, Human DNA is 99.9% identical to Great Ape DNA, so it seems reasonable to consider that the huge amounts of chemtrail particulate matter being dumped into the air since 1997 might be responsible for the unusual deaths of so many gorillas from heart failure. These puzzling deaths have occurred during the same time period as the massive spraying of chemtrails. FATAL HEART DISEASE IN APES
enlarge 45KB, 800x510 91 HEALTH RISKS OF AEROSOLED PARTICULATES Neurogenic inflammation and particulate matter (PM) air pollutants.
Verones B, Oortgiesen M.
Neurotoxicology Division, US Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, USA.
"Exposure to a class of airborne pollutants known as particulate matter (PM) is an environmental health risk of global proportions. PM is thought to initiate and/or exacerbate respiratory disorders, such as asthma and airway hyper-responsiveness and is epidemiologically associated with causing death in the elderly and those with pre-existing respiratory, or cardiopulmonary disease"
enlarge 110KB, 800x133 92 DO YOU SUFFER FROM ASTHMA? The incidence of Asthma has tripled in young women and doubled in young men since the chemtrail spraying started in the mid 1990's. Asthma rates are continuing to rise world wide.
enlarge 54KB, 518x800 93 NANO PARTICLES IN YOUR BRAIN image above: Nanoparticles in the brain image and information source: Jim Giles/ "Nanoparticles, tiny lumps of matter... can travel to the brain after being inhaled, according to researchers from the United States. The finding sounds a cautionary note for advocates of nanotechnology... Günter Oberdörster of the University of Rochester in New York and colleagues tracked the progress of carbon particles that were only nanometres in diameter and had been inhaled by rats. In the olfactory bulb, an area of the brain that deals with smell. Nanoparticles were detected a day after inhalation, and levels continued to rise until the experiment ended after seven days."These are the first data to show this," says Ken Donaldson, a toxicologist at the University of Edinburgh, UK. "I would never have thought of looking for inhaled nanoparticles in the brain." TOXICOLOGY OF NANOPARTICLES
enlarge 45KB, 800x610 94 CELL BASED NANO MACHINE CAN SELF REPLICATING NANO MACHINES INFILTRATE PEOPLE? Environmental Concerns Regarding Nanomaterials, Nanoparticles and Molecular Machines
enlarge 33KB, 800x600 95 NANOPARTICLES MAY POSE A THREAT TO THE LIVER A science report released April 5 2006 by researchers at the U.of Edinburgh states they will begin studying the effects of nanoparticles on the liver.
Nanoparticles are 80,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair. Airborne nano-particles... are already known to enter the lungs having an asbestos like effect on lung tissue.
Scientist Dr Celine Filippi explains: "In experiments carried out elsewhere to mimic environmental exposure, nanoparticles delivered into the lungs crossed the lung barrier and entered the blood. Particles in the blood can reach the liver, brain & other organs. Professor Ken Donaldson, Professor of Respiratory Toxicology at the University of Edinburgh said: "We are looking at the new idea that the liver is a target for nanoparticles..." NEW STUDY HEALTH HAZARDS OF NANO
enlarge 32KB, 600x800 96 A CATASTROPHE FOR HUMAN HEALTH From Global Research by Amy Worthington
" Dumping tons of particulate matter from aircraft has geo-engineered our planetary atmosphere into a highly charged, electrically-conductive plasma useful for military projects. The air we breathe is laden with asbestos-sized synthetic fibers and toxic metals, including barium salts, aluminum, and reportedly, radioactive thorium. These materials act as electrolytes to enhance conductivity of military radar and radio waves. Poisonous on par with arsenic and a proven suppressant of the human immune system, atmospheric barium weakens human muscles, including those of the heart. Inhaled aluminum goes directly to the brain and medical specialists confirm that it causes oxidative stress within brain tissue, leading to formation of Alzheimer's like neurofibrillary tangles. Radioactive thorium is known to cause leukemia and other cancers." "Saw this exact pattern rig..." "I tried to tell my coworke..." View Comments...
enlarge 25KB, 800x600 97 Sun Ring Caused by EDB & Atmospheric Particulates AIRBORNE FIBERS AGAIN AND AGAIN by Clifford Carnicom "The following is a report submitted by a citizen in northern California [link to report below.] This report adds to the chain of evidence that has been brought forth for nearly seven years now on the subjecting of the populace to unidentified airbone contaminants. This report demonstrates that there are very likely significant health consequences that accompany these atmospheric operations. The report also demonstrates that the EPA has completely failed to serve the public and to protect the health and welfare of our environment. ... these materials are evaporative and transformational in nature, and they display unusual dimension, mass and character. ... I would recommend that pressure in the strongest form be brought to bear on the representatives of government of this nation if we wish to be able to breath and live in health."
enlarge 197KB, 800x627 98 THE EARTH BEFORE THE ERA OF CHEMTRAILS This image showing a relatively pristine earth was taken during the Apollo Missions between 1969 and 1972. The earth floats like a beautiful blue and white jewel in space with no haze or luminosity covering it. Compare it with the next few images of earth taken during the era of chemtrails.
Shocking isn't it.
enlarge 25KB, 800x600 99 EARTH'S HAZY NEW LOOK The entire global atmosphere has been polluted by the aerosol spray operations. So much so that the change is clearly visible in recent sat images. The earth is enveloped in a haze. It is also noteworthy that global warming has accelerated. Of course no mention of chemtrails is ever made officially in respect to global warming. However it is obvious from sat photos that the trillions and trillions of nano sized metal particulates have created a hazy blanket surrounding the globe. These particulates act to reflect back warmth & energy that would normally dissipitate into outer space.
enlarge 35KB, 800x628 100 NASA SUGGESTS AEROSOLS ACCOUNT FOR 45% OF GLOBAL WARMING ”…new NASA research suggests about half the atmospheric warming measured in the Artic is due to airborne particles called aerosols. Aerosols can influence climate by reflecting or absorbing sunlight. The particles also affect climate by changing the reflectivity of clouds.” NASA "models showed that regions of Earth with the strongest response to aerosols are the same regions that have witnessed the greatest actual temperature increases..."
enlarge 45KB, 800x546 101 THE EARTH HAS STARTED TO GLOW The Earth, as viewed from outer space has developed a striking new look. The Earth has started to glow. The chemtrail spray planes have saturated our global atmosphere with reflective metal particulates to such an extent that they have altered the actual appearance of the planet. The untold trillions and trillions of particles now floating in our atmosphere give off the glow of reflected sunlight, with the effect of veiling the world in a luminous mist. "WTF?" "I feel like choking just l..." View Comments...
enlarge 44KB, 800x538 102 REPORTS OF GLOBAL DIMMING FROM BBC NEWS, January 13, 2005, Story by David Sington:
Scientists have reached the disturbing conclusion that the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth's surface has been reduced... the effect was first noticed by Dr Gary Stanhill, an English scientist doing research in Israel when he compared Israeli sunlight records from the 1950's with current ones.
Dr Stanhill, was astonished to find a "staggering 22% drop in the sunlight..." Intrigued, he searched records from all around the world, and found the same story almost everywhere he looked.
The amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface had fallen by 10% over the USA, nearly 30% in parts of the former Soviet Union, 16% in parts of the British Isles and an alarming 37% in Hong Kong."
enlarge 0KB, 800x555 103 Massive Particulate Cloud Over East Coast Radar image showing high level of atmospheric particulate matter.
Extensive, published, scientific research documents and proves beyond a doubt that ANY increase in airborn particulates results in a corresponding increase in the death rate of the exposed population.
enlarge 15KB, 800x598 104 MISTY SUN HALOS Due to the extraordinarily high level of particulates dispersed into the air by the chemtrail spray tankers solar and lunar halos have been appearing around the world. This particular halo has that rainbow oil-slick look around the edges caused by the presence of Ethylene Dibromide. "OMG , I photographed a ser..." View Comments...
enlarge 19KB, 800x721 105 LUNAR HALOS CAUSED BY ATMOSPHERIC PARTICULATES image copyright Matt Mattsson
enlarge 19KB, 800x560 106 EPA HASTILY SHUTS DOWN IT'S LIBRARIES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Hastily Shuts Down Its Libraries By Joshua Daniel Hershfield 12/3/06
"The so-called "Environmental Protection Agency" has ordered the closing of three of its national libraries as well as a specialized library on chemicals. The libraries contain a variety of information on pollutants, wetlands, effects of industrial practices on human and environmental health, acid rain, and include sources, articles, and publications not usually found anywhere else.
The Office of Prevention, Pollution, and Toxic Substances (OPPTS) Library in Washington DC was the EPA's only specialized library on properties and health effects of toxic chemicals and pollutants. It was closed without notice to the public or affected scientists." continued next "How much more obvious is t..." View Comments...
enlarge 25KB, 800x514 107 REDUCING THE SUM TOTAL OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE A DISTURBING TREND..."EPA officials claim that the information stored in the libraries will be digitized, but EPA chemist Bill Herzy said the chemical library was told to take a valuable collection of environmental journals and "just throw them out."
Leslie Burger, president of the American Library Association, said "We don't know which items are being tossed and which items are being saved. They have 35,000 to 50,000 unique documents available only in EPA libraries. If that information is not saved, it's gone forever."
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) Executive Director Jeff Ruch stated, "By its actions, it appears that the [Bush]appointed management at EPA is determined to actually reduce the sum total of human knowledge. EPA is not an agency renowned for its speed, so its undue haste in dumping library holdings suggests a political agenda rather than anything resembling a rational information management plan."continued next "This is almost laughable i..." View Comments...
enlarge 26KB, 800x500 108 EPA FALSELY CLAIMS DUMPING LIBRARIES SAVES MONEY "EPA officials claim they will save $2 million by closing the libraries. It is interesting that they have already spent more than that through the process of closing them down. It is also interesting that they are not concerned with what it will cost in human and environmental health, especially as we are confronted with a chronic epidemic of cancer and birth defects from industrial pollutants, the most massive wave of extinction this planet has ever seen, and a global climate that is being rapidly altered by human intervention." by Joshua Daniel Hershfield ed note: Of course by removing relevant data on the dangers of airbourne particulates and gases the Bush appointed EPA makes it more difficult for the public to assess the true damage being caused by the toxic chemtrail particulates and gases. The closing of the EPA libraries is just one more blow to the free flow of information that has occured in recent years. continued next
enlarge 32KB, 800x573 109 CLOSING ONLINE ACCESS THE MODERN EQUIVALENT OF BOOK BURNING? Many may remember the recent shuttering of PubScience, the INTERNET's most extensive collection of cross-referenced, indexed, scientific research, abstracts and publications. PubScience was closed without notice, a tragedy for scientists, independent researchers, teachers, students and anyone in the general public who wished to further their knowledge or understanding of a particular scientific topic. Overnight formerly free and easy to access information became time consuming, expensive and difficult to find, if it could still be found at all. "Damn right it is equivalen..." View Comments...
enlarge 109KB, 800x599 110 POISONOUS COBWEBS IN THE SKY
enlarge 16KB, 800x525 111 HOPI WARN OF IMPENDING APOCALYPSE Misty sun and moon halos now being seen around the earth fulfill one of the last signs, according to Hopi propecy, that signals the end of an age and that a Great Purification is about to begin.
"'Now we are at the very end of our trail. Many people no longer recognize the true path of the Great Spirit. They have, in fact, no respect for the Great Spirit or for our precious Mother Earth, who gives us all life. Nature itself does not speak with a voice that we can easily understand... Who in this world can speak for nature and the spiritual energy that creates and flows through all life?''
Banyacya said it is necessary for human beings that have not separated themselves from the land and nature to speak out. "If we humans do not wake up to the warnings, the great purification will come to destroy this world just as the previous worlds were destroyed.'' _ Hopi spiritual leader, Banyacya Hopi Prophecy
---- UNITE & ARISE ---- "When the end of the age is near we will see a halo of mist around the heavenly bodies. Four times it will appear around the Sun as a warning that we must reform and telling us people of all colour must unite and arise for survival, and that we must uncover the cause of our dilemmas.
NOTE ON: 'FOUR TIMES... AROUND THE SUN' We have probably already had the "four times it will appear around the Sun". 'Hopi Sun Halos' have been observed around the Sun for around 2 years now - since the year 2000. If the reference to 4 times around the Sun relates to the cycle of one year with its four seasons, that's about right. Because it was in about 2001 that people really started to become alarmed by the terrible effects of Chemtrails." WORLD ACTION "Halo! Is the result of che..." View Comments...
enlarge 17KB, 800x506 113 UNCOVERING THE CAUSE OF OUR DILEMMAS Hidden within our society are the seeds of our destruction or the "cause of our dilemmas". For those interested in gaining insight into the roots or cause of much that is wrong in society today the following reading list is highly recommended: Operation Paperclip Death in the Air, Dr. Leonard Horowitz Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, Michael Hoffman Behold a Pale Horse, William Cooper Bloodlines of the Illuminati, F. Springmeier TranceFormation of America, OBrian/Sullivan The Franklin Coverup, Senator John Decamp The Gods of Eden, William Bramley Why Johnny Can't Come Home, E. Gosch Large sections of Bloodlines of the Illuminati and TranceFormation of America are available free for online reading. ORDER A BOOK
enlarge 46KB, 787x800 114 INFORM OTHERS Before the problem can be solved people at least have to be aware of what the problem is. Sharing Clifford Carnicom's excellent not-for-profit chemtrail documentary, "Aerosol Crimes", would be an excellent way to help raise chemtrail awareness. For approximately 10.00 you can order five videos to share with your local media and political representatives, civic and environmental groups, friends and family. Take action now and help inform others!
enlarge 37KB, 800x551 115 Interesting Comments From John Kostura "A friend of mine also heard the discussion about contrails on the radio and he was interested but not moved by the discussion. One thing mentioned in the radio program was that usually two days following heavy spraying in an area, an ad will appear in the local newspaper asking for volunteers for a respiratory study. Sure enough one day he saw the sky covered by odd contrails and two days later the ad appeared in his local news paper. That and his own subsequent respiratory illness convinced him." Ed note: I would like to add that I have also noticed the "respiratory study" ads. Additionally I have noticed ads seeking volunteers suffering from vein problems or leg pain. These ads seem to always run during periods of especially heavy chemtrailing. I don't recall hearing about PAD (Periphrial Arterial Disease) before the chemtrails started, now there are frequent ads about PAD on TV. I wonder if there is a connection between PAD & chemtrails. John...
enlarge 36KB, 800x720 116 CHEMTRAILS ARE NOT CONTRAILS Some try to pass chemtrails off as nothing more sinister than contrails. But even casual inspection and comparison of the two shows that they are not the same at all. Contrails, usually occur at high altitudes & quickly dissipitate. Chemtrails on the other hand, stay in the sky and continue to spread out. A few chemtrails can turn a formerly blue skies,sunny day into a gray overcast day as the chemtrails do not disperse, they just keep spreading and stay there. Also chemtrails are many times laid at much lower altitudes than contrails. Another difference is that a plane laying contrails actually appears to be going somewhere, to a destination. Chemtrail spray planes frequently lay trails in patterns with loops and x's following a flight plan that no ordinary plane with a destination would follow. Copyright image courtesy of
enlarge 61KB, 800x652 117 MORTALITY RATES: A LETTER TO CLIFFORD CARNICOM "Dear Clifford, I have been curious as to whether or not the chemtrails have increased the death rate. I found it very difficult to get official figures to compare different years so I decided to do an informal check using the death notice archives from my local newspaper. I was shocked at what I found. These figures are truly alarming. I compared the number of death notices for the same two months (Jan and Feb) going back for ten years (to compare pre chemtrails years with chemtrails years). [ed. Chemspraying started in approx. 1998. The following figures suggest a huge rise in deaths during the "chemtrail" years..Also noteworthy re these figures is the comment by Ken Welch ( 1/5/06). Mr Welch states that in 1999, "in the midst of ongoing chemical operations against its own population, Uncle began to experiment with bio delivery systems as well." Note that it was in the years after '99 that the death rate exploded.] continued next
enlarge 31KB, 800x720 118 MORTALITY RATES: A LETTER TO CLIFFORD CARNICOM, continued Death Notice Totals for Jan-Feb:
JAN-FEB 1995.........(prechemtrail).........191 JAN-FEB 1996.........(prechemtrail).........134 JAN FEB 1997..........(prechemtrail).........105 JAN-FEB 1998....(chemspraying starts)....98 JAN FEB 1999.... (bioexperiments start)..144 JAN-FEB 2000......(spraying+ bio)......196 JAN-FEB 2001......(spraying + bio)....1680 JAN-FEB 2002......(spraying + bio)....1734 JAN-FEB 2003......(spraying + bio)....1728 JAN FEB 2004.......(spraying + bio)....2000
As you can see the totals for Jan-Feb 2004 are over a TEN TIMES HIGHER than the totals for Jan-Feb 1995. This seems way out of line and very alarming even taking into consideration an aging population. Perhaps there is another reason for these figures but I suspect it is because of the chemtrails and that what we are seeing is the result of a deliberate depopulation campaign. These figures are from the San Francisco Chronicle/SFGate death notice archives.
enlarge 886KB, 618x800 119 BURIAL CASKET MANUFACTURING A BOOMING BUSINESS! The increase in burial casket manufacturing profits rose 12% from 2005 to 2006. I am still looking for all the figures for 1997 (when the chemtrail spraying first became widely noticed) through 2007. Financial advisers have named Burial Casket Manufacturing as one of the top growth industries for the last five years. It is very difficult to get dependable, complete official figures on mortality rates. Most of the relevant figures I have searched for on official sites are UA (unavailable).
In luie of official figures one may attempt to deduce the truth of the matter (the effect of chemtrails on the mortality rates) by looking at casket manufacturing statistics and also by comparing the number of listings in the obituaries sections of newspapers, comparing death rates for pre-chemtrail years with the figures for years since the chemtrail operations started. The recently reported decline in life expectancy tends to support the apparent rise in the death rate.
enlarge 16KB, 800x594 120 CHEMTRAILS: LARGEST AIR OPERATION IN HISTORY Comments from Ken Welch, continued:
"I have to admit we were very slow to grasp just how large the chemtrail program was, and still is today. It is the largest air operation in history. Every man, woman, and child in the United States has been dosed with chemical poison between three and four times a week, for the last seven years. The very size of the operation, and the fact that it is being done in broad daylight makes it very difficult for most people to even grasp the concept."
ed. note: The pinkish "oil slick" quality of the chemtrailed sky is caused by the presence of higly toxic ethylene dibromide.
enlarge 41KB, 800x534 121 CHEMTRAILS A CRIMINAL ACT UNDER U.S. LAW U.S. Legal Code: US House of Representatives / TITLE 50, CHAPTER 32, Sec. 1520a: Restrictions on use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents A. Prohibited activities - The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by contract) (1) any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population; or (2) any other testing of a chemical agent or biological agent on human subjects. Is there a brilliant legal mind out there that could do something about this? How can one department of the government violate with impunity rules that the government is supposed to follow?
The chemtrail aerosol spraying also violates EPA regulations. "under the emergency powers..." View Comments...
enlarge 22KB, 800x600 122 CHEMTRAILS ILLEGAL UNDER THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS Chemtrails are a Grave Crime Against Humanity, breaking Geneva Conventions governing environmental damage, attacks of an indiscriminate nature, biological and chemical attacks, genocide and environmental warfare. Specifically, methods ...that are intended or may be expected to cause widespread, long-term and severe damage to the environment are prohibited. (Protocol I, Art. 35, Sec. 3)
Biological experiments against civilians are prohibited and are considered grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions. (Convention IV, Art. 147) Chemical and poison attacks are prohibited under the 1925 Geneva Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare. It appears that the US Military is massively violating almost every one of the Geneva Conventions.
enlarge 37KB, 800x540 123 ENFORCEMENT OF THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS Each Geneva Convention and Protocol spells out enforcement procedures. To start with, each party to the Conventions must seek out violators and bring them to trial. (Convention I, Art. 49) In addition, parties may request an independent inquiry and umpire to resolve disputes between parties. (Convention I, Art. 52) This inquiry may take the form of an international fact-finding commission, as outlined in Protocol I, Art. 90.
enlarge 17KB, 800x600 124 HOW CAN YOU PROTECT YOURSELF? This intolerable situation requires your immediate action. The only sure, permanent way to insure that you and your loved ones have a chance of surviving this mess is to MAKE THEM STOP SPRAYING NOW!!! Spread the word, organize your community, make sure your doctor knows what is going on, complain loudly and frequently to your governmental representatives. Ask your local tv, radio and newspapers why they are not covering the Chemtrails/Morgellons story. If the story still isn't covered keep asking. World opinion still counts for something and the pressure of public opinion can be brought to bear on the offenders. This outcry must come from citizens around the world.
enlarge 56KB, 800x604 125 PROTECTING YOURSELF CONTD Unless you are willing to live in a "clean room" and forgo daily life it is almost impossible to completely protect yourself from every trace of chemtrail toxin. However you can significantly reduce your exposure. Air cleaners would be the first line of defense. Hepa cleaners are not suitable. Although good for ordinary air pollution the sub micron size of the nano particulates in the chemtrails will go right through a Hepa filter without being removed from the air. Aircleaners that utilize electrostatic means of air cleaning are better at removing the tiny particles. Based on personel experience and the reports of others I recommend the Aprilaire whole house air cleaner (fits on the furnace) PLUS individual Ionic Breeze air filters for each bedroom or other space where you spend a lot of time (office, etc.) The bonus of using an Ionic Breeze is that it is available with a UV light which kills airborn pathogens (molds, fungus,... "I have only been aware of ..." "If you are having dificult..." "Short white fibers are als..." View Comments...
enlarge 62KB, 758x800 126 STOP SPRAYING US!! SIGN THE PETITION!! Use the link below to go to the stop chemtrails petition. Very easy and quick to use, or you can create your own petition at the site.
enlarge 22KB, 800x492 127 CHEM TOX PROTECTION The Nano Mask, available online, filters out particles down to 3 microns. Unfortunately the sub micron size of the chemtrail nano particles is even smaller than 3 microns so this mask will not filter out all the particles. What this mask will do is reduce your exposure to fibers (a significant component of the "trails" and fungi, molds and infectious pathogens. Originally designed as a mask for bird flu protection the Nano Mask incorporates a patented technology that neutralizes airborn pathogens (bacteria molds and virus). I think it would be quite sensible to wear a Nano Mask when venturing outside on heavy chemtrail days. By the way, I have no financial interest or investment in any product that may be recommended nor am I suggesting that use of recommended products guarantees you will not get sick from the chemtrails. Products are suggested as possibly helping to REDUCE exposure to the chem toxins. "i am appalled at what I am..." "Welcome to Cody Wyoming. ..." "To borrow a slogan from th..." "I live south of,Tampa in B..." "The lack of blue skies,or ..." "I live about 20 miles nort..." "Correction... Make that ma..." "I read a few years back ab..." "SILENCE=DEATH so lets each..." "one more thing! wear a mas..." "Are these masks available ..." View Comments...
enlarge 38KB, 800x600 128 JUST LOOK UP! CHEMTRAILS OVER THE AMERICAN SOUTHWEST The Weather Liars source: By Diane Harvey / / "It has been an astonishing transformation, of the utmost significance. But we never, ever, hear or read about it in the news. Over the last few years, the skies over the American southwest have changed beyond recognition. The famous dazzling blue sky of yesteryear has become, as often as not, sickly pale ugly sludge. This is as shocking a difference as if the surrounding landscape had slowly turned black, while the human inhabitants remained bizarrely oblivious. There are still clear days, but these are numerically becoming the exception. And this has happened nearly without public comment, in a part of the world where sunny bright blue skies most of the year have been the rule for centuries. But the slow sure rip in the elemental fabric of our lives..."
image by Tony Craddock "I have been seeing chemtra..." View Comments...
Former six-year board member of Greenpeace Germany, Monika Griefahn chaired the Committee for Culture and Media of the Federal German Parliament when she replied to a letter from two chemtrails dissenters in July 2004, stating, “I am in basic agreement with your concerns...[about] experiments of various kinds that are being carried out in the earth’s atmosphere ...I share your concern over the use of aluminum or barium compounds which have considerable toxic potential,”
“At last!” announced a German science magazine. “There we have it. In the skies of Germany, Social Democratic member of Parliament Monika Griefahn tells us, aluminum and barium compounds are being spread just as tens of thousands of concerned citizens have observed, documented and bitterly deplored... But the public outcry in Europe will have to spread to North America if we are to stop this massive, illegal and continuing air and atmospheric pollution." "who and how can the Money ..." View Comments...
enlarge 67KB, 800x600 130 CHEMTRAILS OVER HANOVER Image by Norbert Moch
enlarge 54KB, 800x600 131 CHEM-SKIES OVER DULUTH, MINNESOTA "I ran outdoors with the camera when this rhapsody of sunrise color caught my eye. I was amazed by the appearance of this stratus cloud, not just because of the color, but because parts of it appeared to be vibrating. My intuition said it might be an example of a chemcloud being "cooked" by HAARP*, but my common sense rebelled, so I zeroed in on one of the bubbles, hoping to get a closer look."
enlarge 20KB, 800x600 132 CHEM-SKIES OVER DULUTH (continued) "This seems highly unusual, if you ask me. I've tried to find a natural cause for it. These pouches resemble the unusual cloud element called mammatus, but mammatus is only present on the underside of a cumulonimbus in warm weather, and this was the underside of a thin, flat stratus in December.* There is also the blurry, vibrating characteristic which isn't easily accounted for. I wondered if more was involved here than met the eye. I began to notice that our clouds were a whole lot more bizarre than I could have thought possible. I started to see how many (most!) are being created from chemtrails. The beautiful cumulus clouds which filled the skies of my childhood were nonexistent. I realized I hadn't seen a single cumulonimbus all summer. Most of the clouds over Duluth are fake! I know that sounds crazy." from
enlarge 83KB, 570x800 133 CHEMTRAILS OVER SWITZERLAND chemtrails la morbidite assuree
enlarge 34KB, 800x550 134 CHEMTRAILS OVER QUEBEC 3 CANADIAN CHEMTRAILS: An excellent Canadian Chemtrail site to check out CANADIAN TRAILS
enlarge 40KB, 800x600 136 CHEMTRAILS PROTESTED IN FRANCE Poison in high doses.
enlarge 23KB, 800x704 137 CHEMTRAILS OVER ZITTAU
enlarge 37KB, 800x516 138 CHEMTRAILS OVER OHIO "Several years ago, before ..." "since learning about this ..." "Kim and foghorn thank you..." View Comments...
enlarge 24KB, 800x600 139 CHEMTRAILS OVER AUSTIN TEXAS "Spraying has gotten very b..." "Yes indeed. That washed-o..." View Comments...
enlarge 160KB, 548x800 143 FRENCH CONCERN OVER CHEMTRAILS Chemtrail poster by Jacques Hady
There are dozens of French websites protesting the chemtrail mess emanating from America. Spoiling the global atmosphere does not seem to be a particularly good way of making friends and influencing enemies. If anything the chemtrails mess has created a public relations disaster of global proportions for the United States.
enlarge 79KB, 530x800 144 FORMATION OF MONSTER CHEMTRAIL OVER SWEDEN Best viewed at the original setting. "In Serbia also. SRBIJO PRO..." View Comments...
enlarge 45KB, 540x800 147 THE TRACES OF DEATH: CHEMTRAILS OVER CANADA From French Canadian author, Nenki.
enlarge 38KB, 800x522 149 CHEMTRAILS OVER RENO Image by Renard "I have been seeing chemtra..." "I have been seeing chemtra..." View Comments...
enlarge 50KB, 800x533 151 CHEMTRAILS OVER LOS CIELOS
enlarge 27KB, 800x597 153 CHEMTRAILS OVER JAPAN
enlarge 37KB, 800x552 156 CHEMTRAILS OVER BOULDER, CO
enlarge 46KB, 800x602 157 CHEMTRAIL & EDB RAINBOW OVER DEMING, NEW MEXICO Image by Ron "In Serbia, Europe too." "I have pictures i've captu..." "Yep, I have many photos of..." "I live in Deming and see t..." View Comments...
enlarge 32KB, 800x573 158 CHEMTRAILS OVER THE HAMPTONS
enlarge 110KB, 800x631 159 SAT IMAGE OF CHEMTRAILS OVER THE RHONE VALLEY "I have been seeing chemtra..." "May I get permission to pu..." "Yes you may use whatever y..." View Comments...
enlarge 30KB, 601x800 161 Chemtrails Edmonton Alberta "What I would like to reall..." View Comments...
enlarge 33KB, 800x639 163 CHEMTRAILS OVER MAGALIA, CA Image copyright Richard M.
enlarge 32KB, 559x800 165 CHEMTRAILS OVER MONTANA
enlarge 53KB, 800x649 167 CHEMTRAILS OVER ASPEN CO
enlarge 42KB, 800x521 168 CHEMBLITZ OVER MOUNT HOOD, OREGON "May I please have permissi..." View Comments...
enlarge 107KB, 800x533 169 SANTA CRUZ CHEMTRAILS CAUSE CONCERN Article is easier to read on the X-large setting.
enlarge 70KB, 800x596 170 SAT IMAGE OF WEST COAST CHEMTRAILS Mega-sprayers forming chemtrails off the west coast.The chemtrails then spread out and are blown inland by prevailing winds.
Climate expert, Ken Caldeira has warned that the atmospheric spraying of aluminum and barium particulates could 'destroy the ozone layer' and poses a human health risk.
enlarge 39KB, 800x711 171 family dees
enlarge 33KB, 800x600 172 TRAITORS TO THE SPECIES: AN ESSAY BY CLIFF MICKLESON "Alas, my friends, you do not yet even realize that the criminal hand flies each day above all you have ever loved.
Even now, it grips your children as they play in the school yard. It throttles your retired parents as they unsuspectingly set out to see an America that is no more. It comes for you because it must."
enlarge 54KB, 800x600 173 POISON IN THE SKY Image by Eugene Carsey
From the Environmental Protection Agency website:
"Ethylene dibromide is extremely toxic to humans... Animal studies indicate that chronic exposure to EDB may result in toxic effects to the liver, kidney and testis... data on men exposed to EDB indicate that long-term exposure can impair reproduction by damaging sperm cells. Animal studies indicate that long-term exposure to EDB increased the incidences of a variety of tumors in rats and mice of both sexes."
EDB can also cause skin irritation, blistering , headache, depression, respiratory difficulties, coughing, collapse and death.
EDB can persist in the atmosphere for approx. 40 days. In water, its half-life ranges from 2.5 to 13.2 years, and in soil it was detected 19 years after it had been applied. EPA REPORT ON EDB
enlarge 30KB, 800x600 174 EDB Vapor Balls and Flourescent Colors This image shows three different types of chemtrails laid down next to each other. The odd flourescent colors and colored vapor balls are caused by Ethylene Dibromide. "How do you know its EDB? L..." "Independent lab testing of..." View Comments...
enlarge 14KB, 800x598 175 INCREASED ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY IN SOIL "In Edmonton, Alberta last winter, city landscape contractor Dave Dickie found electrical conductivity in city soils as much as 4.6 - 7-times higher than normal levels - tests conducted by Nor-West Labs on snow samples fallen through chemtrails found levels of aluminum oxide and barium at more than twice the levels recorded at a heavily polluted diamond mine." from article by Will Thomas full text of article "I vividly recall seeing th..." View Comments...
enlarge 40KB, 800x600 176 INCREASED SOIL CONDUCTIVITY STRESSES PLANT LIFE Image by Eugene Carsey
"Conductivity is a direct measure of the concentration of ions in solution. Reactive metal hydroxide salt forms, such as those that have now been documented at unexpectedly high levels in both the atmosphere and rainwater, are exactly the type of salt forms which will increase the conductivity (ion concentration) of the soil as well. The importance of this finding is that increased salt levels in the soils will lead to stress on the plant life, and if they are high enough, they will lead to reduced growth or eventual death of many species. The issues of soil salinity and salinity stress are quite serious, and they show that the effect of aerosol operations underway must be considered in their totality; with recent studies alone the impact upon the atmosphere, the water and the soils of this planet is increasingly apparent." LINK TO FULL TEXT
enlarge 33KB, 800x533 177 MORE EXPLOSIONS AT THE GAS PUMP The trillions upon trillions of metal chemtrail particulates that are fouling the air have caused our atmosphere to lose a good deal of it's natural insulating qualities. Scientist and researcher Clifford Carnicom states that "Expected conductivity of the lower atmosphere is now increased by an estimated factor of 3 to 20, depending upon atmospheric and aerosol conditions." (see research at carnicom link at image # 67) This has resulted in a huge statistical increase in static-related refueling fires and explosions at the gas pump. Info based on figures from PEI (Petroleum Equipment Institute).
enlarge 11KB, 800x600 178 EDB SKY SLICKS A HAZARD FOR BIRDS? Over the last few years I have occasionally come across reports in the media of mass quantities of dead birds "mysteriously" falling out of the sky. One report published was Cathy Macdonald's account of finding hundreds of dead starlings on her property in Oregon. In another recent report published in the Boston Globe, 3/2/06, Eric Carey, director of parks and science for the Bahamas National Trust, states that the recent deaths of 15 West Indies flamingos, five roseate spoon bills and a cormorant in the Bahamas "is not related to bird flu."
In view of the extreme toxicity of the situation being created in the atmosphere by the ongoing spraying of chemtrails contaminated with EDB I can't help but wonder if this isn't the cause of dead birds falling out of the air.
enlarge 35KB, 800x600 179 THOUSANDS OF BIRDS FALL OUT OF THE SKY Thousands of birds have been falling out of the sky for the last three weeks over Esperance, Australia. Birds were observed convulsing on the ground. Michelle Crisp one of the first to contact authorities after finding dozens of dead birds on her property said "It went to the point where we had nothing, not a bird. It was like a moonscape, just horrible" Similar events are being reported in other parts of the world. The incredibly toxic Chem-brew being sprayed in the skies is the number one suspect imo. FULL STORY AT LINK
enlarge 37KB, 800x516 180 MORE ILLNESS DEAD BIRDS STRANGE SMELLS STORY AT LINK "Unless we act together the..." "I am now looking into ridd..." View Comments...
enlarge 21KB, 800x533 181 POISON RAINBOWS IN THE SKY The toxic EDB in the sky sifts down to Earth where it can remain in the environment for years before degrading. Even low grade exposure to EDB is considered dangerous. There is no known antidote for EDB exposure.
enlarge 9KB, 800x600 185 ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE RAINBOW "C" "This phenomena i saw one ..." "i saw one over the skies i..." "saw the exact one over cou..." View Comments...
enlarge 36KB, 654x800 186 THEY MAKE EVERYTHING DIRTY "Sometime around 1997 I started to notice that my car was collecting layers of dark grime, getting dirty much sooner than usual after being washed. I noticed more dust in the house and the appearance of fine, short, white fibers layering the furniture. Several family members developed asthma during this period, even the dog had coughing spells. I purchased a whole house air filter and also purchased The "Ionic Breeze" for several rooms. The "Ionic Breeze is only supposed to need cleaning every couple of weeks but even with a whole house air filter I found I had to clean mine almost every night. I think the chemtrail particles are responsible for the increased dust in my home." anonymous concerned private citizen
enlarge 31KB, 800x431 187 PLAYING GOD WITH THE ATMOSPHERE by Lightman "It was 1998 when I first became aware that the clouds above my home in the San Juan Islands were changing. The formations that I had enjoyed since childhood, often subjects of the looks-like game, were mostly gone. Gone were the giant cotton turtles, faces, mountains and camels.
The clouds of my dreams had been replaced by long, thick, ugly white streaks that bore no resemblance to those of my youth. These new clouds would send out long streamers at right angles to the main bodies, eventually reaching from horizon to horizon. Layer upon layer of these pseudo clouds would appear, criss-crossing each other in grids until the sky was obscured by thick gray blankets..." Excerpted from article by Lightman 3/26/03 FULL TEXT LINK
enlarge 60KB, 800x600 188 Milky Particulate/EDB Fallout In this image and the next milky drifts of particulate matter can be seen actually sifting down from the chemtrails. It is a well-proven scientific fact that any increase in airbourne particulate matter results in a corresponding increase in the death rate of the exposed population. The slight pinkish cast of the fallout indicates the presence of highly toxic Ethylene Dibromide vapors.
enlarge 45KB, 800x600 189 ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE FALLOUT The slight refraction or flourescence that can be observed in the cloudy area hanging just above the trees indicates that this is chemtrail fallout, a cloud of particulates mixed with Ethylene Dibromide. Needless to say if you see something like this happening you should run like hell and get out of the area. Ethylene Dibromide is highly toxic, even at low doses.
enlarge 37KB, 600x800 190 THE MESS IN THE SKIES The Chemtrail Crisis, the serious, ongoing world wide assault on the environment, the dangers to human health from inhaled aerosoled molds, highly toxic Ethylene Dibromide, polymer fibers, Barium and Aluminum nano particulates (no wonder the asthma/respiratory illness rates have skyrocketed!), the long term health ramifications of high levels of Barium and Aluminum in our bodies, is blacked out by mainstream media, going virtually unreported or discussed. In spite of the fake chem-clouds appearing in the skies nationwide on an almost daily basis, Chemtrails blight and the effect on the weather is never mentioned by weather forecasters.
enlarge 44KB, 800x599 191 THE METHODIC DEMISE OF NATURAL EARTH By Dr. Michael Castle 27 March 2004
"In this Century we are witnessing the gradual, purposeful demise of the Earth's Natural Systems...ChemTrails are only a vague description, in lay-terms, of a greater theater of toxic materials being released into the atmosphere/stratosphere, for a myriad of crude and toxic agendas."
enlarge 44KB, 800x600 192 HAARP Clouds With EDB Created Pink Flouresence "The possible uses for this technology and the camouflage being used to create it are something you probably need to know about. The atmosphere has been changed by these aerosols to be more conductive of electromagnetic radiation." Go to this link for article and photos: "EUROPARLAMENT ABOUT HAARP!..." View Comments...
enlarge 42KB, 800x752 193 HAARP Clouds 2 "Chemtrail created clouds can be modulated electromagnetically with controlled microwave pulses from the HAARP array, a military weapons system in Alaska. The photo shows HAARP being used to break up continuous cloud cover into pseudo-cumulus formations. The process lasted less than one minute, with the clouds boiling furiously like water." Chemtrail Hall of Shame
enlarge 42KB, 800x578 194 BOILING SKY "This photo was taken in 1999 by Barb Champeaux, who was alert to the aerosol operation long before most of us."
enlarge 35KB, 800x600 195 FREAK ELECTROMAGNETIC PHENOMENA An atmosphere overcharged with energy can result in freak phenomena including unusual lights in the sky, vibrating or glowing clouds, fireballs, freak lightening or sometimes thunder or loud booming noises without lightening. The chemtrails/HAARP combo is a double edged sword. Because of all the metal particulate matter in the air our atmosphere has lost a good deal of it's insulating qualities (research posted at shows spark gap tests with results 300% over normal).
At the same time that atmospheric insulating qualities have been reduced HAARP is over-charging the atmosphere with extreme amounts of electricity. The metal nano-particles are getting into everything, the soil and whatever is grown on it, the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breath. Everything including us is being made to be more electro conductive. "This image is commonly see..." View Comments...
enlarge 27KB, 757x800 196 MOTHER NATURE REVOLTS: WEATHER GOES WILD IN 2005 In an ongoing operation spanning 7 years the U.S. Department of Defense, in their ill-advised desire to "own the weather" and use it as a weapon have taken the unprecedented action of dumping massive quantities of polymer fibers, barium and aluminum particulates into the global atmosphere. The environmental degradation caused by the worldwide, daily sky parade of tanker spray planes spewing tons of toxic particulates into the air we breath is further compounded by the HARRP Array in Alaska super charging our atmosphere with billions of volts of EM energy allowing the DOD to alter weather patterns globally, steer hurricanes, cause drought or flooding and in general make a sorry mess of things. (continued next)
enlarge 46KB, 800x533 197 MOTHER NATURE REVOLTS: WEATHER GOES WILD IN 2005 continued from preceeding
Even fools should know you can't fool around with Mother Nature without expecting some serious payback. It looks like Mother Nature has had enough.
2005 saw at least 214 climate records shattered or tied making it one of the top all time years for freakish, extreme weather with record breaking numbers of monster, class five hurricanes, heat waves and wildfires that burned 8.64 million acres, nearly a quarter-million more than the previous record, set in 2000. Scores of lives were lost and the damages soared into the billions.
Perhaps somebody needs to remind the DOD that our tax dollars are supposed to be paying them to protect us, not to create weather conditions that bring misery, death and financial ruin to untold legions of US citizens.
enlarge 32KB, 800x533 198 Bizarre Punched Out Shapes Over Hawaii High energy overloading of the atmoshpere by HAARP can result in atmospheric "plasma rivers" punching or slicing bizarre patterns or geometric shapes into clouds such as the two round holes in this cloud.
Image by Becky
enlarge 36KB, 800x560 199 STRANGE SKIES # 8 "how blatent can it get?" "normal holding path" "They must have realized th..." View Comments...
enlarge 35KB, 544x800 200 STRANGE SKIES 3
enlarge 26KB, 800x600 201 STRANGE SKIES 16
enlarge 24KB, 800x638 202 STRANGE SKIES CROSS
enlarge 26KB, 800x600 203 BIZARRE ANOMALIES IN THE EVENING SKY Irridescent rainbow colors in this heavily chemtrailed evening sky show the presence of highly poisonous EDB vapors. "They are poisoning us! FIG..." "Yes they are poisoning us!..." View Comments...
enlarge 13KB, 800x614 204 southharrow "What is this? What am I lo..." "This is disturbing what is..." "Beliave me, you don´t want..." "If you know, please tell u..." "If you know, please tell u..." "I searched and found this:..." "Just search in Google for ..." "what is this?" "It is a Light Ship. We ar..." View Comments...
enlarge 20KB, 800x456 205 STRANGE SKIES OVER RIJEKA
enlarge 76KB, 600x800 206 STRANGE SKIES OVER MICHIGAN
enlarge 21KB, 800x600 207 STRANGE SKIES 5
enlarge 31KB, 800x560 208 STRANGE SKIES # 6 "Saw the same on a trip to ..." "I saw this in Longmont Col..." View Comments...
enlarge 43KB, 800x600 212 STRANGE SKIES #10 "That is weird looking." "I saw the exact same thing..." View Comments...
enlarge 19KB, 800x547 213 AEROSOL & ELECTROMAGNETIC WEAPONS by Amy Worthington, Global Research 11-21-4
"North America is now suffering its seventh year of conspicuous and dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operations ....powerful electromagnetic devices manipulate both the jet stream and individual storm fronts to create artificial weather and climatic conditions. Black operations projects embedded within these aerosol missions are documented to sicken and disorient select populations with biological test agents and psychotronic mind/mood control technologies."
enlarge 38KB, 800x601 214 ARE WE BEING SEDATED? The Idaho Observer, 8/28/06 reports that sedatives have been found in chemtrail samples. Researchers analyzing chemtrails have also discovered that some of the aerosol chemspray contains designer chemicals, chemicals that block the activity of select amino acids in the brain creating cleavages in spatial perceptions and blocking the interactions associated with higher thought processes. These designer chemicals also increase brain levels of dopamine creating a feeling of euphoria.
The effect of this chemical soup would be to create an individual who is less capable of fully understanding the events going on around him, a person, who, if facing a threat would be less capable of formulating a plan of action and following it through. The increased brain levels of dopamine would make one less likely to feel distress over situations that would normally be upsetting.
The designer chemicals throw a monkey wrench into our normal perceptions and response to ...
enlarge 59KB, 800x468 215 HAARP AND MENTAL MANIPULATION "U.S. Air Force documents revealed that a system had been developed for manipulating and disrupting human mental processes through pulsed radio-frequency radiation (HAARP)... The mental-disruption possibilities for HAARP are most disturbing... The following statement was made more than 25 years ago in a book which [Zbigniew] Brzezinski wrote while a professor at Columbia University: "Political strategists are tempted to exploit research on the brain and human behavior... accurately timed, artificially excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the Earth. . . . In this way, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period." excerpted from Nexus article, 12/95 by Begich & Manning
an excerpt: "Our brains are extremely vulnerable to any technology which sends out ELF waves, because they immediately start resonating to the outside signal by a kind of tuning-fork effect."
enlarge 354KB, 800x600 217 The DOD, The Jet Stream and the Utah Hex Unnatural Jet Stream alteration over Utah showing hexagon shape being held in place as a result of artificial weather modulation via HAARP. The artificial modification of the Jet Stream plus the defilement of the ocean with chemtrails toxins by the United States Military may be responsible for the recently reported almost total collapse of areas within the West Coast Marine Ecology System. In some places everything from Plankton and Algae to fish and birds have almost vanished. The insane desire of the U.S. Military to "own the weather" is the most catastrophically stupid, dangerous and arrogant Defense Department initiative yet. They are rapidly destroying the viability of our planet and human health along with it. Wasn't the job of the Defense Department supposed to be to PROTECT us? "Evil men always find a way..." "Since the population lacks..." "They're dumping their wick..." View Comments...
enlarge 38KB, 800x600 218 SCIENCE GONE MAD Barium/ Ethylene Dibromide clouds modulated by high energy electromagnetic transmissions from HAARP ( High Frequency Active Aural Research Project). The blue flouresence is caused by Ethylene Dibromide vapors.
"...According to some scientists effects from the reckless use of these power levels in our natural shield -- the ionosphere -- could be cataclysmic" from Dr. Nick Begich author of Angels Don't Play This HAARP.
enlarge 26KB, 800x725 219 CLOUDS SHAPED BY TECHNOLOGY Check out the info at
enlarge 19KB, 594x800 220 images-21
enlarge 26KB, 800x595 221 ANOMALOUS CLOUD FORMATION Chemtrail researchers have repeatedly spotted this very distinctive, unusual cloud formation in chemtrailed skies. "These are ships!!" View Comments...
enlarge 35KB, 800x600 222 DOUBLE PUNCH "I wonder how long we can h..." View Comments...
enlarge 49KB, 800x600 223 STRANGE SKIES There are reports from some researchers that state what a few of these images are actually showing is the presence of Sylphs working to break up the chemtrail mess. Sylphs is a subject that I know almost nothing about. If they can clean up chemtrails they have their work cut out for them as it currently appears the chemtrails are being laid faster than the sylphs can disperse them..
Ken Adachi's website, is full of fascinating info on sylphs and other topics of interest.
enlarge 40KB, 619x800 224 EXPERIMENTS WITH UNKNOWN OUTCOMES "This is a period of running experiments with unknown outcomes. Never before in the history of mankind has the global atmosphere been filled with metal particulates then subjected to being blasted with these huge amounts of energy. Our atmosphere is being boiled, shaked, baked and fried. There are instances of birds falling out of the air with singed wings because of this. The DOD and the scientists have these powerful new toys and this is really science gone completely insane as they don't know exactly what will happen when they blast the ionisphere with a billion volts of EM energy...but they do it anyway just to see what will happen...and mind you this is not a small experiment in some remote laboratory where if something goes wrong it can be contained. This is our planetary home they are kicking around. They don't really know WHAT the outcome will be...completely deluded, irresponsible science run amuk."
enlarge 21KB, 800x537 225 THE RISKS OF HAARP "...HAARP is designed to test the effects of billions of watts of concentrated radio energy on the ionosphere...Extremely high altitude lenses, formed with billions of cubic yards of ionospheric particles are being used to focus radio carrier waves on to the surface of our planet. From my research I know that if the correct frequency harmonic for that carrier is [accidentally] chosen randomly, the result will be an absolutely catastrophic release of pure energy. The sky would literally appear to burn. What cannot be calculated is how hot the fire would be or how long it would burn..." Brooks Agnew Specialist in EARTH-PENETRATING TOMOGRAPHY "Would the fire from this r..." "would the fire be billions..." View Comments...
enlarge 70KB, 774x800 226 PART TWO OF THE CHEMTRAIL STORY: UNEXPLAINED ORBS Anomalous metallic orbs are frequently seen in close proximity to the chemtrails. Image from
enlarge 28KB, 800x532 227 Orb and Chemtrail Image copyright Scott Stevens "I thought this looked like..." "the chemtrails are hiding ..." "Soy el autor de las siguie..." "no me deja adjuntar las fo..." "Ah!! si, al fin si están a..." View Comments...
enlarge 117KB, 800x487 228 Orb Found in Google Satellite Image Found by Tony Fletcher
enlarge 38KB, 800x600 229 Enlarged Clip of Google Orb "When I was looking in my s..." View Comments...
enlarge 21KB, 800x600 230 FAKE CLOUDS AND TWO ANOMALOUS ORBS These orbs might be remote sensing drones placed near the chemtrails to monitor the levels of chem-additives in the atmosphere. The other possibility that comes to mind is that the chemtrails may also contain smart dust and the orbs may be part of a neural network. The orbs being the collection points of data from the smart dust. The orbs might then upload the collected data to satellites where it would eventually be beamed to super computers. The computers would then reassemble the billions of bits of data into cohesive images that could be analyzed for intelligence or snooping. The advantage of smart dust over satellite imaging is that smart dust can drift into, under and around structures allowing 3-D imaging of what is inside a structure as well as what is outside the structure. SMART DUST
enlarge 1.82MB, 800x542 231 CEDARVILLE CHEMTRAILS AND UFO OCT 21 2014
enlarge 17KB, 800x687 233 ORB OVER BRISTOL MAY 2nd 2007 View image on larger size to see orb.
enlarge 15KB, 800x532 234 ORB NEAR CHEMTRAIL Image copyright Frank Wetterman "this orb was also seen ove..." "On 3/15/12 1720hrs(PST)a f..." View Comments...
enlarge 30KB, 800x598 235 STRANGE SKIES WITH ORB View image on large setting to see orb located a bit to the left of center above long cloud. "This I saw on my way to Ch..." View Comments...
It has been said that as Planet X's long (3600 year) elliptical orbit brings it closer to Earth it will appear as a second sun in the sky. I now have numerous images that appear to show a second, smaller ball of light in the sky. I am not sure what this phenomena is. Can't help wondering if what is showing up in the images is the approach of Planet X. PLANET X AND GLOBAL CATASTROPHE "What the new age and UFO f..." View Comments...
enlarge 38KB, 800x589 237 MULTIPLE ORBS/ CHEMTRAILS OVER SAN FRANCISCO View this image on the original setting and check out the number of orbs there are floating in the sky.
Photography by Pete Gallagher, Ocean Beach San Francisco 1999.
enlarge 44KB, 800x531 238 SMEARY CHEM CRAP WITH ORB Not a natural cloud in sight in this image. A good example of the attempt to make chemtrails appear more like normal clouds.
Why do so many images show orbs mingled with the chemtrails? What is the purpose of these orbs? The orbs seemingly defy gravity, appearing to hang effortlessly in the atmosphere. Curiously, they are never noticed by the photographer at the time images are taken but show up in the developed images. "These orbs are part of the..." View Comments...
enlarge 25KB, 800x600 239 "AN UNSPEAKABLE CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY" "Who is responsible for this catastrophe unfolding over our heads? We should have the right to breathe the very air of our planet without endangering our health. It is our birthright. The chemtrails spray program is an unspeakable crime against humanity, an unspeakable crime against the glorious natural world. The ecology of our planet is an exquisite and finely balanced system that has taken nature billions of years to develop. Who are these arrogant madmen who have taken it upon themselves to tinker so crudely with the delicate environmental machinery of our planetary home?"- M.Moore 2005
As I have gradually discovered the full extent and implications of what is being done to us and to our planet I have felt deep sorrow, especially for my children. I have also felt deep anger. The level of betrayal involved in the chemtrail atrocities is monsterous. My goal is not to leave readers feeling so overloaded that they shut down and are unable to take action on this subject., rather it is imperative that you do take action. "They" cannot continue to do this to us without our consent. Once you know about this issue doing nothing to stop it will be taken as tacit agreement, your willingness to accept the situation. Choosing not to act will make them all the more powerful in their endeavors. It is important that all of us unite, stand up to the chemtrails and say NO! ENOUGH! NO MORE! "You sound like me. I say t..." "If every one did that it m..." "I live in an over 55 commu..." View Comments...
I think this mural makes the purpose of the chemtrails quite clear. A gas-masked military apparition is shown with sword drawn. (The rider is wearing a gas mask no doubt for protection from the chemtrails. Maybe we all should be wearing gas masks!) A white dove is impaled on the end of the sword symbolizing the killing of caring and compassion. In the background, masses of women fleeing with dead babies under a rainbow chemtrailed sky. The rainbow colors in the chemtrails signify the presence of highly toxic Ethylene Dibromide vapors. The images in this mural suggest that the world has been turned into a gas chamber for the purpose of genocide, or depopulation, similar in concept to the Nazi death chambers of WW2, only the world as a gas chamber kills more slowly. Just the same millions will die. If the chemtrails aren't stopped I see this as unavoidable. "...and the other Agenda is..." View Comments...
enlarge 43KB, 800x532 242 POISON RAINBOW CHEMTRAILS IN DENVER AIRPORT ART It is my opinion that the horizontal rainbows in the Denver Airport murals are meant to represent the poisonous, horizontal EDB rainbows created by the chemtrail spraying. The murals were dated and signed by the artist, Leo Tanguma, in 1995. Chemtrail researchers and observers date the beginning of the chemtrail spraying to late 1997. Click on the link at image # 245 (HIDDEN COMMUNICATIONS/US CURRENCY) to see another example of information symbolically or cryptically planted, well in advance of an event, into media that will be viewed but not necessarily understood by the general public.
Ethylene Dibromide, one of the most toxic pesticides ever created, has been used as a component of jet fuel. The chemical was deemed to be too hazardous for any application that allowed it to come into contact with humans, so then it was banned from jet fuel. Now, once again it is back in the jet fuel. Additionally, researchers have pegged it as one of the major components of the chemtrails. EDB is being sprayed into the skies above us in massive quantities on an ongoing basis. People under the chemtrail fallout have complained of being able to smell the dangerous toxin, taste it in their mouths and feel it on their skin. Continuing exposure to EDB, even at low levels results in immune supression, respiratory problems, weak muscles and lethargy. EDB is also a potent carcinogen. There is no antidote for Ethylene Dibromide exposure.
enlarge 31KB, 800x533 244 COMPARE THE RAINBOWS Compare the horizontal chemtrail rainbows to the horizontal rainbow in the Denver Airport Mural.
enlarge 21KB, 800x533 245 chemtrails 01 1 "Chemtrails in the process ..." View Comments...
enlarge 82KB, 800x605 246 U.S Postal Service Engaged in Psyops? Cloudscapes, a recent series of stamps issued by the US Postal Service looks suspiciously like subliminal conditioning, that is, a social engineering campaign to alter the way people perceive, think or act. Obvious chemtrail images are included on these stamps, no doubt to subconsciously influence us into believing that what we are seeing in the skies is perfectly normal and nothing to be alarmed about (...move along folks... nothing unusual going on here..the sky has always looked like this.) "I noticed they have new na..." "Looks like BS to me.No res..." "Thank you Phil for providi..." View Comments...
enlarge 67KB, 537x800 247 ANNE HECHE STARS IN CHEMTRAIL MOVIE TOXIC SKIES Toxic Skies starring Ann Heche is the first Hollywood movie with a plot based on people dying from an illness being spread by chemtrails.
enlarge 46KB, 664x800 248 CINDERELLA'S CHEMTRAILED CASTLE Recently several large movie studios have changed the background clouds in their corporate logos to look more like the smeary mess of elongated fake clouds created by chemtrails.
Other researchers have reported U.S. intelligence agencies own or control 50% of U.S. media, in particular,exerting a huge amount of behind the scenes power and influence in Hollywood.
I have long suspected that many movies are part of an ongoing PSYOPS to influence the minds of the masses in certain directions, influencing popular beliefs and views of reality.
The recent change by several major Hollywood studios to the use of chemtrail imagery in their logos appears to be part of an ongoing government PSYOPS with the intention of subliminally convincing us that these fake clouds are normal, that the sky has always looked this way. "I belive this is true, Ive..." View Comments...
enlarge 32KB, 800x448 249 COLUMBIA STUDIOS CHEMTRAILS & RAINBOWS COLUMBIA is another motion picture studio that seems to be saluting chemtrails in all of their new and current logos. If you have seen the animated version of this logo perhaps you have noticed the background with animated chemtrails streaming across the sky.
The "Statue of Liberty" is a representation of the Babylonian/Egyptian Goddess, Isis Queen of Heaven. Isis has been worshiped down through milinea under many names, Hathor, Semiramis, Ishtar are a few of these. Isis holds high the flaming, eternal torch representing Luciferian Light. The rainbow colors have occult significance. The rainbow is considered by some as the bridge symbol leading to the Satanic world of the New World Order.
enlarge 62KB, 746x800 250 MORE SUBLIMINAL CHEMTRAIL IMAGERY FROM COLUMBIA I personally find the use of subliminal chemtrail imagery by many of the major motion picture studios to be offensive in the extreme. The chemtrails rain down death and disease bringing sickness, disability and death to many. The Killer Chemtrails must be a very important part of the plan to bring on the NWO as they are being shown now in so many corporate logos and advertisments. I am appalled by these sly, subliminal coporate chemtrail images and have resolved not to patronize in any manner any corporation, movie studio or business that engages in promoting NWO depopulation goals and philosophy. Why should I give my money to groups actively supporting programs that have already harmed me and my family? Why would anyone support these people?
enlarge 22KB, 800x339 251 WARNER BROS ON THE CHEMTRAIL BANDWAGON? Perhaps you remember the older Warner Bros logo showing big fluffy white natural clouds. The studio's current logo has been redesigned with the clouds being made to look more like the elongated, streaky chemtrail monstrosities that have been blighting our skies.
enlarge 126KB, 800x711 252 New Money Showing Chemtrails Over The White House? The older bills do not show clouds in the background above The White House. How interesting that with the ongoing chemtrail spraying all denominations of the newer bills now show clouds above The White House (clouds that look suspiciously like HAARP modulated chem-clouds). This may be an example of "Ritual Mockery" or "Revelation of the Method" as described by Michael Hoffman in his brilliant book, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare. Hoffman's book delves into the hidden meaning of the twilight language and symbolism of the Cryptocracy.
How interesting indeed that while the U.S. Government denies the very existence of chemtrails both U.S. Postal stamps and U.S. currency are now making use of chemtrail imagery. Hidden Communications/US Currency see images 53-60
enlarge 74KB, 800x743 253 CHEMTRAIL ART BY DAVID DEE OK to use for non-profit, educational purposes.
enlarge 87KB, 800x615 254 CHEMTRAILS OVER RUSHMORE Political Chemtrail Art by David Dee Copyright David Dee (non profit uses ok)/THE ART OF DAVID DEE
enlarge 104KB, 800x687 255 TOTAL INFORMATION FOR THEM NO INFORMATION FOR US The government seems to think it is perfectly ok to keep track of every book you buy or check out at the library, what websites you visit, what you buy at the grocery store, who you talk to on the phone and every other conceivable bit of information they can gather on you....but who is watching the government? Who is holding the government accountable for poisoning the air all of us must breathe? How much sense does it make that the government is snooping into every aspect of our lives under the pretext of "protecting us" yet that very same government is gravely harming us by poisoning the air we breathe? It is not in our best interests to continue to cooperate with those that are harming us. We cooperate by remaining silent, going about our normal lives as if everything is ok (it clearly isn't), as taxpayers we cooperate by providing the money for them to continue this insane and grievious assault on humanity and on the environment. "Sign the petition if you c..." View Comments...
enlarge 42KB, 504x800 256 DEATH IN THE AIR RECOMMENDED READING FOR ALL Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare delivers the most heretical message in the annals of world health, backed by extensive, hard hitting documentation. Here, veteran investigator and award winning author Dr. Len Horowitz, relays how and why populations are being insidiously victimized. Documented in this book are the most advanced developments in the field of population control, genetically engineered viruses and bacteria, the latest technologies for biological warfare. Dr. Horowitz relies heavily on Congressional testimonies, legal witnesses, and government documents to prove the public is being chemically and pharmaceutically intoxicated, and electromagnetically immune-suppressed. ... the revelations and wisdom contained in this book give humanity, you and your loved ones, a final, last minute, choice for salvation. DEATH IN THE AIR
enlarge 73KB, 800x454 257 MAD TEA PARTY GREED ARROGANCE & STUPIDITY Artwork copyright David Dee
OK to use for non-profit & educational purposes.
enlarge 64KB, 602x800 258 MYSTERY IN THE SKY When something like chemtrails is referred to as a mystery it usually means it is a covert government operation that is meant to be a mystery to the general population. I am sure it is not a mystery at all to the perp-traitors, they simply prefer to call it a mystery to keep the population in the dark. Why are the skies such a mess? Oh, it is a MYSTERY. Yeah, right! "Sign the petition if you c..." View Comments...
enlarge 60KB, 533x800 259 06KD04 m
enlarge 61KB, 800x600 261 MAKING LIGHT OF CHEMTRAILS Decorative streamers? Considering the mounting number of illnesses and deaths being caused by the chemtrails this corporate ad is in the worst possible taste. "amazing site and analysis...." "You're welcome. I appreci..." "Sign the petition if you c..." View Comments...
enlarge 119KB, 631x800 262 SAKS FIFTH AVE AD: MOURNING THE DEATH OF NATURE The flat screen monitor is placed on the pedestal in a way that is reminiscent of how a coffin is placed, so that the grieving can view the remains of the dearly departed. Except in this image with its chemtrail-filled sky it is the death of the natural world that is being grieved. The model is sitting, not standing, an arrangement that puts emphasis on the chemtrail filled screen and not on the model, suggesting the important aspect of this image is not fashion but rather what is being shown on the screen. Dressed in the color of grieving, the black-garbed model stares out at us mournfully with a look that manages to be both sad and angry, a look that challenges us to to look up at the sky, see what is going on and comprehend the gravity of the situation. "Sign the petition if you c..." View Comments...
enlarge 48KB, 740x800 263 chemtrail2
enlarge 45KB, 799x528 264 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM & CHEMTRAILS Animals are certainly not immune to death and illness that is chemtrail related. Many have reported that their pets are infected with Morgellons Disease. Birds and bats have been dying in unusually high numbers. There has been an "unexplained" increase in the unusual deaths of zoo animals during this era of chemtrails.
enlarge 177KB, 800x544 265 CHEMICAL SKY 2 WITH ORBS MJ Moore/Gallagher 2004
Enlarge the image to original size to see the numerous orbs in the picture.
enlarge 90KB, 800x781 267 FLUORIDE AND CHEMTRAILS IN DOCILEVILLE USA Fluoride was developed during WW2 by the Nazis for use as a mind control drug. Research proved that Fluoride, given over time in small doses permanently altered the brain in ways affecting personality, creating a more docile, more easily controlled individual. I have not been able to find one reliable study that proves Fluoride actually helps prevent cavities. What I did find out was that on the average children living in communities with fluoridated water have lower IQ's. The infant death rate is higher in cities w fluoridated water. Kansas City, MO reported a 13% increase in infant death rate after the first full year of fluoridation. After 5 years of fluoridation the infant death rate increased by 36%. Additionally fluoridated communities have higher rates of cancer, bone, heart and neurological problems. WHY IS 60% OF THE WATER IN THE USA DELIBERATELY FLUORIDATED? WHY ARE WE ALLOWING OUR WATER TO BE POISONED WITH FLUORIDE?
enlarge 45KB, 800x398 268 subliminal1
enlarge 33KB, 800x460 269 images-7
enlarge 77KB, 409x800 270 chemtrail 1 "Sign the petition if you c..." "An on-line petition for sa..." View Comments...
enlarge 63KB, 800x800 271 STREAMING BLUE MURDER "Sign the petition please.
..." View Comments...
enlarge 41KB, 800x534 274 AIRPORT QUEBEC AD WITH CHEMTRAIL "Ola,
Cette trainée repré..." View Comments...
enlarge 97KB, 674x800 275 DUTCH TRY TO STOP CHEMTRAILS
enlarge 60KB, 800x538 276 WINDS OF DEATH
enlarge 25KB, 784x800 277 From a Dutch Chemtrail Site
enlarge 35KB, 800x609 278 From Germany Websites protesting chemtrails have sprung up from almost every corner of the globe. There are hundreds of sites from Germany, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Croatia, Poland, Nigeria, Canada, South Africa, Russia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, Ireland, etc. Internationally, the general consensus seems to be that the United States and it's illuminati-aligned leaders are to blame for the chemtrails mess.
I am curious about who is paying for the world-wide aerosol spraying. The estimated hourly cost of keeping each spray tanker in the air is over 4,000. With 100 plus planes in the air 24 hours a day, seven days a week, (and this has been going on since approximately 1996-97)....I'm not going to attempt to do the math on this right now but the cost must run into the trillions of dollars. "Have you found out who we ..." "Bill Gates and The Rockefe..." "You could start off by boy..." View Comments...
enlarge 33KB, 800x600 279 GLOBAL OUTRAGE OVER THE MESS FROM THE U.S. Hundreds of websites worldwide have sprung up protesting the chemtrail "Mess from the U.S." Sites from Ireland, Italy, The United Kingdom, Spain, Austria, Belgium , Denmark, The Netherlands, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, The Sudan, Canada, Iceland, Germany, Russia, The Bahamas and others have gone on record as witness to the massive and ongoing defilement of the skies by US planes spewing chemtrails into the air. Thousands of images, videos and first hand reports have been posted by angry citizens worldwide detailing the ongoing aerial assault.
Chemtrailing is clearly illegal under the Geneva conventions. Why is it being allowed?
enlarge 54KB, 597x800 280 STOP SPRAYING US! "Sign the petition if you c..." "STOP SPRAYING OUR SKIES YO..." View Comments...
enlarge 30KB, 800x593 281 images-30
enlarge 35KB, 800x593 282 "Mystery" equals secret operations ? It is my observation that when the word "Mystery" is used in the media, as in the "mystery" of Morgellons disease, or the "mystery" of chemtrails or the "mysterious" disappearance of bats or bees, it is a code word for secret government operations. In other words it is really no "mystery " to the government but is meant to be kept a mystery to the general public!
enlarge 52KB, 536x800 283 Haderer Chemtrails
enlarge 45KB, 800x760 284 CHEMTRAILS: ANOTHER BROTHERHOOD DEPOP CONSPIRACY? commentary by M.Moore "I think the chemtrails are part of our alien problem. Periodically throughout history there have been huge die-offs of humans that are engineered by the alien controllers/brotherhood/ illuminati. Possibly the first instance of this was the great flood, mentioned in biblical times and even earlier described on Sumerian tablets, brought about when the Earth's cloud canopy was caused to collapse. In biblical times red dust fell out of the sky and killed all the Cannaanites (dust falling out of the sky sounds familiar doesn't it?) There are numerous, consistent peasant reports from the Medieval plague years when 40% of the European population was wiped off the face of the Earth, of bright lights and craft in the skies, foul smelling mists and tall, dark-robed strangers who were observed swinging hissing "scythes" over the grain fields, these events preceding the outbreak of plague in an area(see image 287).(continued next)
enlarge 22KB, 584x800 285 CHEMTRAILS CONSPIRACY: ANOTHER BROTHERHOOD DEPOPULATION OP? These types of reports in regard to plague outbreaks were far more numerous than reports of rat infestations in relation to plague outbreaks. Brotherhood manipulations can be found behind most wars, Hitler and the extermination of millions in the death camps. I suspect many of the new diseases that have emerged over the last 20 years, AIDS, Hanta Virus, Legionaires, Mycoplasma, Chronic Fatigue Syndrom, Lyme w coinfections, Morgellons, Gulf War Syndrome, West Nile, Ebola all came out of biolabs that at the top are controlled by brotherhood interests. The DU bombs being used in the current war will indiscriminately continue to kill for generations as the poisonous DU dust drifts over town and country of friends and foes alike. And now we have the killer chemtrails, so full of various toxic materials that they are guaranteed to radically up the death rate. Already cases of new lung cancers are up about 1000% from where they were last year.
enlarge 38KB, 800x508 286 CHEMTRAILS: ANOTHER BROTHERHOOD DEPOP CONSPIRACY? continued from previous:
So my question is why do they hate us so much?
Some have postulated that these die-offs are necessary to preserve the Earth's environment, to slow down the gobbling up of Earth's resouces, to slow down global warming.
Yet brotherhood policies of suppressing free energy technologies and keeping the oil based power structure in place have done more to ruin this planet than anything the human population has caused.
Why DO they hate us so much? Or maybe what seems like hate is just complete lack of concern or interest in what we have to suffer through, much like the benign disinterest a cattle rancher might possess towards the emotional and spiritual well-being of his cattle. continued next PHIL SCHNEIDER ON THE ALIEN TAKEOVER
enlarge 54KB, 697x800 287 CHEMTRAILS: ANOTHER BROTHERHOOD DEPOP CONSPIRACY? William Bramley, in his excellent book, The Gods of Eden, tells of Sumarian tablets that describe the process of heirarchy, of custodial government of various populations dispersed on habitable planets in the universe. The right of custodial governance is said to be an inherited right.
I think the custodians in charge of Earth have become hopelessly corrupt and I hope that somewhere in the order of things there is a court of last resort that would allow us to be free of these parasitic overlords once and for all.
Send forth your pleas for release from servitude to the Great Galactic Council. Surely all the pain and suffering caused by the machinations of our Controllers can be felt pouring into the energy grid of the galaxy, damaging the very fabric of the universe.
At some level there must be a way to address the gross mismanagement, disaster, death, illness and anguish being inflicted on this planet and it's population by the corrupt and parasitic brotherhood... "This is a thought wave tha..." "Thought and prayer can be ..." "Thought waves are powerful..." "With the now developing ca..." View Comments...
enlarge 130KB, 800x601 288 THE GRIM REAPER: MEDIEVAL GERM WARFARE? The image of The Grim Reaper sprang forth from the reports of dozens of peasants recounting their experiences during the Black Death, the great plague that devastated medieval Europe, eventually killing off 40% of the total population.
Dozens of surviving peasant accounts state that shortly before the plague swept through their community, black-robed, hooded strangers were seen in the grain fields. The strangers were observed swinging what appeared to the peasants to be "hissing scythes" over the fields. The peasants also noted unusual, foul-smelling mists and the appearance of strange, bright lights and craft in the sky immediatley preceeding the outbreak of plague in many areas.
The image of what the peasants saw, the dark-robed, hooded strangers and their "scythes", became so strongly associated with death that this image became known as The Grim Reaper, still surviving today as a powerful symbolic harbinger of death and dying.
"This whole chemtrail issue is related to the plan for decreasing the world population to around 450-500 million -- and starting with the US first. Why? The people of the US are the only ones with even the remotest chance of stopping this..."
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enlarge 82KB, 600x800 290 CONCERNED CITIZEN ACTIVIST Showing up outside the offices of your governmental representatives toting a chemtrail informational board with chemtrail images might not be such a bad idea. So far my letters to Senator Diane Fienstein have been completely ignored. It might be harder for our representatives to ignore this problem if their constituents are showing up in person to complain armed with visual proof. Also calling the mayors office and the media to complain and demand an explanation every time you see local chemtrail activity might have results. Getting in touch with your cities council members or supervisors and demanding that they declare your city a chemtrail free zone might help to generate publicity. It would also ensure that your local governmental representatives are aware of the problem and aware of the growing outrage of the community. The chemtrails break several of the Geneva Conventions regarding grave crimes against humanity. Demand that the acco... "I live in your area of Cal..." "Please sign the petition f..." "cajeffo you have my permis..." View Comments...
enlarge 16KB, 800x533 292 CHEMTRAILS HALL OF SHAME Check out, an excellent chemtrails site. Articles on:
Molecular Terrorism
Your Life as a Human Test Subject
The Chemtrail/Illuminati Connection
Arizona Doctor Finding High Levels of Barium in Many Patients
enlarge 46KB, 800x600 306 CHEMTRAILS OVER AUBURN MAINE
enlarge 35KB, 800x600 307 X-ING OUT ALBANY NEW YORK
enlarge 60KB, 595x800 308 ct3
enlarge 44KB, 800x600 310 X MARKS THE SPOT OVER KANSAS
enlarge 43KB, 800x600 312 CHEMTRAILS PENTAGRAM
enlarge 32KB, 800x582 313 CHEMTRAIL ANOMALIES: X, BLACK LINE & ORB This mysterious chemtrail image shows multiple anomalies as well as the symbolic X in the sky. There is a peculiar line of squarish lights in the image center, an oval orb in the lower left and black line cutting through the image on the diagonal. Also has anyone else noticed how strange the sun has looked for the last few years? The sun frequently looks like a huge misshapen blob of light in the sky, looking 3-4 times bigger than it used to look. Frequently there is a smaller additional ball of light either to the right or just above the sun.
enlarge 44KB, 800x624 314 chemtrails langara bc canada 1
enlarge 22KB, 800x544 315 Chemtrails Cross Vancouver "if you want to know what t..." View Comments...
enlarge 46KB, 800x526 316 X-TRAILS OVER MAINE I X U Some have claimed to have repeatedly seen chemlines in the sky spelling out I X U.
enlarge 42KB, 788x800 317 SONOMA CHEMTRAIL X 4-13-07 Image Copyright Cathy Palmer "Photo by Cathy Palmer.
..." "Thank you for giving me th..." "I live not far from you an..." View Comments...
enlarge 17KB, 800x540 318 chemtrailsm
enlarge 81KB, 800x600 319 clip image11
enlarge 46KB, 601x800 320 BOILING FROGS It has been said that we humans are like frogs in boiling water. Throw a frog into a pot of water that is already boiling and the frog will sense the emergency nature of the dangerous situation and attempt to jump out. Put the frog in cold water and very slowly bring the pot to a boil and the frog won't notice the dangerous situation until it is too late.
enlarge 37KB, 800x602 321 STOP CHEMTRAILS!! SIGN THE PETITION!! Sign the petition at the link below or create a new online petition for your state. The petition form is very easy to use and can be completed in about 30 seconds STOP SPRAYING US! "Sign the petition if you c..." View Comments...
enlarge 51KB, 800x734 322 100 heckspruehduesen tankflugzeug-2 "if you want to know what t..." "Scary lookin'.. the nozzle..." View Comments...
enlarge 39KB, 800x459 323 Chemtrails BAN "Sign the petition if you c..." View Comments...
enlarge 42KB, 800x579 326 WILL THOMAS ON CHEMTRAILS "Nearly seven years after extensive “lay downs” of lingering and spreading white plumes were first reported smearing skies over across North America, Europe is in an uproar and Washington could be close to coming clean about chemtrails.
At least the Bush White house will soon have a legitimate weather control agency to finally “launder” one of the biggest cons ever perpetrated."
enlarge 19KB, 800x608 329 MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF CHEMTRAIL DUST FALL-OUT These chemtrails are raining down toxic particulate matter on the population below. Any increase in airborne particulate matter has been proven to cause a corresponding rise in the death rate of the exposed population.
enlarge 57KB, 531x800 330 population reduction
enlarge 99KB, 577x800 331 PROPHECIES ON ILLUMINATI PLAYING CARDS Although game creator, Steve Jackson, claims no ties to the illuminati, his card game first published in 1982 and based on the group is eerily prophetic. "As of: 8.09 - Cards: 1,2,3..." "card 7 would require a maj..." "Fukishima seems to be a fu..." View Comments...
enlarge 30KB, 800x692 332 TOXIC LEVELS (150 TIMES THE SAFE LEVEL) IN THE BLOOD DO YOU HAVE TOXIC LEVELS OF BARIUM & ALUMINUM IN YOUR BLOOD? A number of people in Arizona have tested positive for Barium & Aluminum up to 150 times higher than the level recognized as safe. Barium damages the immune system and causes dose-related muscle weakness up to total paralysis including the heart & lung muscles. FOR MORE INFO ON BARIUM EXPOSURE SEE # 78,79 & 80. BARIUM EXPOSURE IN ARIZONA "Sign the petition if you c..." View Comments...
enlarge 29KB, 800x703 333 BRIGHTER MOONSHINE Chemtrails have also changed the appearance of the moon. All those trillions and trillions of reflective particulates in our global atmosphere are reflecting more earthshine onto the moon causing the moon to appear brighter in the night sky.
Frank Siegert All rights reserved "CLARO DE LUNA BRILLANTE
C..." View Comments...
enlarge 19KB, 800x542 334 STRANGE SKIES- LONG DARK CLOUD That long dark shape running across the middle of the image is not a land form. That is one scary looking "cloud". "On Aug3,2009,I sat in my y..." "I'm sorry, it was Aug 4th,..." "We're being blitzed on the..." "Wow! They are definatly co..." "Just a brief thoughtto go ..." "yeah I have seen a couple ..." "I'm pretty sure this one i..." View Comments...
enlarge 57KB, 629x800 335 Cell sized nano machine "a year or so ago the citiz..." View Comments...
enlarge 36KB, 800x533 336 CHEMTRAILS HALL OF SHAME WINNER FOR MARCH 2009 "This is what is over ESSEX..." "There's a incredible photo..." "Sign the petition if you c..." View Comments...
enlarge 17KB, 800x628 337 STRANGE CHEMTRAIL PHENOMENA; BLACK BEAMS IN THE SKY There are occasional reports from Chemtrail observers of unusual black beams in the sky in association with chemtrail spray planes. The planes invariably appear to be flying directly on these black lines that stretch out for miles in front of the spray planes. The purpose of the dark beams or the technology that creates them is unknown to the general public at this time.
enlarge 16KB, 800x600 338 STRANGE SKIES BLACK LINE PHENOMENA Image copyright Staudenmaier "we have these 'black lines..." "The black trails appear to..." View Comments...
enlarge 18KB, 800x598 339 BLACK CHEM LINE PHENOMENA Image credit & copyright to "Looks like a shadow of the..." View Comments...
enlarge 50KB, 600x800 340 BLACK BEAM OVER SEDONA ARIZONA "In 2003, I saw an object e..." View Comments...
enlarge 21KB, 800x590 341 DARK BEAM NO PLANE "this is happening over los..." "Several months ago, I witn..." "I think that the lack of a..." View Comments...
enlarge 15KB, 800x600 342 BLACK LINE CHEMTRAIL OVER WASHINGTON 02/19/06 Poulsbo, WA.
enlarge 28KB, 533x800 343 BLACK BEAMS X image copyright Fortean Times
enlarge 44KB, 800x521 344 BLACK LINE PHENOMENA "The black lines could be s..." "I've seen these on chemtra..." "I have just seen these in ..." "I've seen these black line..." "I witnessed a jet shoot ou..." "The picture here is a shad..." "Also, the beam went as far..." "Black beam seems to be non..." View Comments...
Jay Taylor walked out the front door one day in August of 2007 and was greeted by this nightmare skyscape of dark lines and chemtrails overhead.
Image copyright Jay Taylor 2007 "People should be asshamed ..." "Oh man, what a mess. That ..." "Yes this is absolutely gen..." "Same here GLenn. Prior to ..." "Iggy, I have the same pro..." "Arizona experienced anothe..." "Yes the particles do spark..." View Comments...
enlarge 30KB, 800x744 346 BLACK LINE PHENOMENA 2 The technology of the black lines is not known to the public at this time. The darkening of the sky suggests a possible space/time warp.
Or perhaps this is a type of energy beam that remotely controlled spray drones are guided by. "I saw this same black beam..." "I saw one of these in Denv..." "I saw one of these in the ..." "This ocurred in Miami roug..." "Saw one of these today,nev..." "This "beam" is i..." "The chemtrail in this imag..." View Comments...
enlarge 41KB, 800x480 347 BLACK BEAM CLOSE ENCOUNTER OFF THE FLORIDA COAST Read the amazing story about one person's strange encounter with black beams off the Florida coast.
enlarge 32KB, 800x745 350 NEW KINDS OF CHEMTRAILS Many chemtrails appearing in the skies these days are not as obvious as the voluminous lines so many are familiar with. IMO the newer types of chemtrails are an attempt to disguise the fact that chemtrails are still being sprayed.
No matter how they are sprayed chemtrails are ugly. GIVE US BACK OUR NATURAL SKIES!
enlarge 59KB, 800x520 351 military 01-2
enlarge 22KB, 800x600 352 MASSIVE CHEM-DUST FALL OUT It is said that within 30 minutes of trails being sprayed in the sky the chem-dust fall-out starts to reach ground level where it can be breathed into the lungs.
enlarge 149KB, 800x623 353 CHEMTRAIL ART BY DAVID DEE "yep, that's death spilling..." "michael wickerd send to em..." View Comments...
enlarge 56KB, 800x600 354 IMAG002 "Now thats how its done son..." "where do I get one of thes..." "again where do I get one o..." "My representative is not l..." "wher do I buy one of these..." View Comments...
enlarge 43KB, 900x506 355 AERIAL CHEM-BOMB? Aerial chem-bombs that burst in the air spilling toxic clouds of aluminum and barium are now part of the chemtrail arsenal. I suppose the chem-bombs are being used so that the air can be poisoned in a less conspicuous manner with out the tell tell trails.
enlarge 52KB, 800x516 356 chemtrails 3 "This is the same thing I s..." "I've asked over 30 people ..." "what body of water is this" "Thing is what can be done ..." View Comments...
enlarge 59KB, 800x600 357 CHEMTRAILS HIDING HIGH ABOVE THE CLOUDS Image taken from a jet plane shows chemtrails laid high above a cloud bank. "First of all...Great pic!
..." View Comments...
enlarge 48KB, 800x600 358 TOXIC IRIDESCENT EDB REFRACTION MISSHAPEN SUN The pinkish oil-slick appearance of these chemtrails and around the sun indicate the presence of highly toxic ethylene dibromide in the air. "Oh how neat mommy...,,,Loo..." "I knew nothing about chemt..." "It is amazing to me that s..." "We have not had natural cl..." "Wow... I have noticed and ..." "Dancy doing something abou..." View Comments...
enlarge 60KB, 600x800 359 COWS & CHEMTRAILS "In 130 countries around th..." "<b><a href=http:/..." View Comments...
enlarge 147KB, 800x711 360 FEMA BURIAL CASKETS? Mass depopulation planned for the USA?
enlarge 39KB, 533x800 361 More on the Denver Airport Art This 32 foot high horror is what greets you upon entering the gates of the Denver Airport... the most grotesque representation of a horse ever. With it's glowing red eyes this perverse monstrosity seems to be demonically possessed. And maybe it is as the thing managed to kill it's creator when a piece broke off falling on the man with a deadly blow. More Info on the Denver Airport Image credit to
enlarge 42KB, 533x800 362 The PALE HORSE OF THE APOCALYPSE? This Horse-Demon is most likely meant as a reference to the forth horse of the Apocalypse named DEATH. Taken with the reports of the 7 levels under the Denver airport, aliens in the lower levels, one level with huge vaults large enough to accommodate railway cars as there are rr tracks running through them, as well as rumored concentration camp facilities underground, gives me the impression the Reich has risen again and plans to have these camps up and running in the not too distant future. One goal of the NWO is massive depopulation, said to be about 5 billion people to be wiped off the face of the Earth by 2029. It appears that the Denver Airport is planned to be a hub for this activity. Image credit to vigilent
enlarge 41KB, 800x533 363 The view from behind?...Rude and Vile (evil) With it's genitalia, veins and rectum overemphasized and on full display the view from behind is in-your-face rude and disturbing, as I'm sure it is meant to be. I have recently come to a conclusion about who is ultimately behind the NWO and all I have to say is that anyone cooperating with this non-human group is being played for a Fool. "It's the horse statue at D..." "It is the rear end view of..." View Comments...
enlarge 97KB, 800x581 364 AN EMERGECY SITUATION ON OUR HANDS? A REPORT OF AN EXTREME METHANE DANGER RELATED TO CHEMTRAILS AND GLOBAL GEOENGINEERING added 03/6/2013 If this scenario is in play now and already happening it is of utmost importance for all to realize the grave danger life on this planet may now be facing. Please view the video at the link. It appears that we are headed towards a planetary Extinction Level Event due to the mass stupidity and arrogance exhibited by those who think they can endlessly and massively pollute the global atmosphere with no consequences. Wingington Chemtrail Interview
enlarge 50KB, 631x800 365 image005
enlarge 41KB, 900x553 366 Chemtrails-SkyLines1
enlarge 36KB, 900x523 372 BARIUM AND ALUMINUM DRIFT-OUT Those milky trails drifting down from the main chemtrail are toxic Barium and Aluminum dust. The rainbow colors indicate there is also poisonous EDB in this toxic mix. "what is EDB?" View Comments...
enlarge 77KB, 800x600 373 LOOK UP! WAKE UP! SPEAK UP!
enlarge 19KB, 800x599 374 images-1 4
enlarge 99KB, 800x800 376 DAVID DEE POLITICAL COMMENTARY This David Dee poster is to the point and just about says it all. "How do we send you a great..." "How would I contact Glenn ..." "Niara,
It is ok to use an..." "I want to send you some in..." "<script>alert("..." View Comments...