FLUORIDE AND CHEMTRAILS IN DOCILEVILLE USA Fluoride was developed during WW2 by the Nazis for use as a mind control drug. Research proved that Fluoride, given over time in small doses permanently altered the brain in ways affecting personality, creating a more docile, more easily controlled individual. I have not been able to find one reliable study that proves Fluoride actually helps prevent cavities. What I did find out was that on the average children living in communities with fluoridated water have lower IQ's. The infant death rate is higher in cities w fluoridated water. Kansas City, MO reported a 13% increase in infant death rate after the first full year of fluoridation. After 5 years of fluoridation the infant death rate increased by 36%. Additionally fluoridated communities have higher rates of cancer, bone, heart and neurological problems. WHY IS 60% OF THE WATER IN THE USA DELIBERATELY FLUORIDATED? WHY ARE WE ALLOWING OUR WATER TO BE POISONED WITH FLUORIDE? SHOCKING FACTS ABOUT FLUORIDATION/a> Political Art by David Dee. | |
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