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image copyright Clifford Carnicom

Research by scientist Clifford Carnicom has revealed extremely high levels of toxic molds in the atmosphere. His testing "indicates an unacceptable condition for human health."  Or any living creature's health.  Animals, wild or domestic are certainly not immune from the toxic effects of chemtrails or from Morgellons disease.  Increasing numbers of pet owners are reporting that their dogs, cats and horses are getting sick and dying from Morgellons Disease.

"WE THE PEOPLE along with Ron Paul must eliminate chemtrails and eliminate the illuminati dirtbags who have caused this and most of the other problems plagueing Our world, eliminate outsourcing and bases built in these countries which is the same thing, eliminate genetically manufactured food, eliminate chemtrails, reduce our government by 25-50 %, use only organic food and eliminate all others, eliminate the federal reserve, eliminate the united nations, eliminate the patriot act, eliminate special interest groups, use God everywhere and sane all those who do not like it out of Our country, eliminate all those trying to get rid of Our supplements which are the only hope We have to maintain Our health, penalize all those who caused the hedge fund problem, do not give any more money to large corporations for bailouts, eliminate all efforts to take Our guns away" --hojitak, 11/17/11
"Why is this article so hard to find . Most people do not know about the covert operations the government and the illuminati are involved in . They are satin and the demons . So here is this . God is going to bring to ruin those ruining the earth. . So bend over and kiss your asses goodbye. Your done . The end of this system which is satin is about to come to an end. Good will always prevail over evil . Bye satin. Your woe is about to take a turn fir the worst for you." --Anonomous, 08/30/24
copyright Glenn Boyle
Photo 61 of 376, MOLD12.JPG.jpg, 46KB, 800x600, 126 Hits
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