PARTICULATE MATTER LINKED TO INFANT DEATH Environ Health Perspect. 2005 Apr;113(4):375-82. Related Articles, Links Ambient air pollution and pregnancy outcomes: a review of the literature. Sram RJ, Binkova B, Dejmek J, Bobak M. Laboratory of Genetic Ecotoxicology, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Sciences, and Health Institute of Central Bohemia, Prague, Czech Republic. "Over the last decade or so, a large number of studies have investigated the possible adverse effects of ambient air pollution on birth outcomes... Overall, there is evidence implicating air pollution in adverse effects on different birth outcomes... The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal relationship between particulate air pollution and respiratory deaths in the postneonatal period... In terms of exposure to specific pollutants, particulates seem the most important for infant deaths..." "While on our vacation in PR of 2012, we asked about the yellowing of the horizon and sky. We were told that it was a product of dust from the Sahara Desert. Point is we actually saw this as well." --ymarie, 08/28/12 | |
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