MICROBIOLOGY A DANGEROUS PROFESSION? OVER 75 TOP MICROBIOLOGISTS DEAD OR MURDERED SINCE 2001 Over 75 of the world's top microbiologists have died since 2001 with over 40 dying during a 36 month period from approx. 2001 to 2004. Approx. 30% of these were death by murder. According to Insurance life expectancy tables the odds of so many microbiologists being murdered in such a short time is about 14 billion to one. Additionally, a substantial number of the remaining deaths occurred under suspicious circumstances. Scroll down the linked master list to find the dead microbiologists listed with the date and cause of death. My deepest sympathies to the surviving loved ones of these outstanding scientists. Statements based on research by Mark J. Harper 2/5/05 DEAD SCIENTISTS MASTER LIST | |
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