THE DAILY WAKE-UP CALL "LOL! Love the weather forecast. May as well change them all to cloudy and fire all weather forecasters. No wonder they are usually wrong." --Watcher, 11/23/10 "Great picture ,will we ever see this Chemtrails reported in the papers ? I will answer it myself ,YES !!" --Chris Ofthefamily Fallon, 07/08/12 "CHEMTRAILS CONTINUE AND WHY IN 2017? SAW SUNDAY IN PARKING LOT OVER PRAIRIE DU CHEIN WI PLANE AFTER PLANE LAYING CHEM TRAILS CRISS CROSSING ALL OVER IN AREA MAKES YOU SICK. APPEARS TO BE COMING FROM IOWA ACROSS MISSISSIPPI. When is someone going to stop this killing of US citizens?" --Concerned Citizen, 02/06/17 "The attacked the heLL out of us in Northern Indiana. The sky was pure blue until they started. It like a scene out of a nightmare!" --Pamlamb, 02/16/17 "Salem, Oregon too Pamlamb. I haven't seen a blue sky in a very long time. It might start to look like a nice day then the chemtrailing and soon full cloud coverage. A lot of people feeling tired and miserable. Headaches and respiratory problems and just not feeling well. Seems logical key people who aren't even up to speed on what's going are are beginning to feel like things are different and strange." --Palmerox, 05/02/17 | |
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