THE UNEXPECTED DEATH OF GEZI THE GIRAFFE Gezi, a young giraffe at the San Francisco Zoo unexpectedly collapsed and died of cardiac and respiratory arrest the week of 7/29/2008. Officials noted that it is highly unusual for a Giraffe as young as Gezi to die from cardiac and respiratory problems. Additionally, the necropsy discovered more than 100 mysterious black masses throughout Gezi's body. High levels of particulates in the air can cause or worsen cardiac and pulmonary problems. Exposure to EDB can cause respiratory distress, collapse and death. Nano particulates of various metals and EDB are both chemtrail ingredients. Possibly the black masses are Morgellans related. IMO chemtrail toxins and pathogens are highly suspect in the unusual death of Gezi. She leaves behind her baby Barbro, a male offspring, now orphaned born to Gezi last February. | |
copyright Glenn Boyle Full EXIF / IPTC Photo 89 of 376, gezi_a_giraffe_at_the_san_francisco.jpg, 70KB, 520x800, 52 Hits Other Sizes: Small Original Medium Large X-Large | |
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