CHEMTRAILS OVER OHIO "Several years ago, before knowing about chemtrails, my wife and I were amazed one day. White cotton candy-like filaments began falling from the sky.Wright-Patterson airbase and Cincinnati international are nearby." --foghorn66, 09/11/10 "since learning about this the spring of 2012 I have been constantly watching and taking pics. I have seen skies like this many times and worse. Over the last few weeks they seem to have cut back either because the damage has allready been done, more people are watching or they are spraying us in more descreet ways so we think they have stopped. Judging by the amount of time they have been doing this I doubt they will stop. Yesterday after the rain the sky was the beautiful deep blue with the white fluffy clouds we all love, however the day before not so blue with a few chemtrails here and there. Back in June while working outside they didn't stop all day until the entire sky was covered with the resulting halo around the sun, and I was the only one looking up. I know because I watched everyone I saw and noone looked up once. What a shame that people are so disstracted by whatever that they don't have a clue what's going on around them. Just look at the poll numbers for this election. I can't believe this standing President has even 5 people on his side let alone half the country. I guess its the end all the way around if people are this ignorant." --kim kuhl, 09/09/12 "Kim and foghorn thank you for your posts. They have been spraying since 1997 and it is still going on. I notice chemtrails being formed at least several times a week in the skies above San Francisco. I also notice a lot of fake, smeary-looking clouds that are also the result of chemtrail activity. I guess they think if they can pass the stuff off as cloud formations people will be less likely to notice. Interesting that in recent years these fake cloud formations have been given scientific names so as to give the impression the chemtrail clouds are nothing unusual. I remember the beautiful deep blue skies and cloud formations of my youth. It is rare to see that type of glorious, natural sky anymore." --Glenn, 05/06/15 | |
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