| 2.
2016 In The USA (June 12, 2016)Some of our adventures in Pictures |
| 25 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 3.
2015 In The USA (June 30, 2015)Winter and Spring adventures in the NW and Arizona. |
| 14 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 5.
2014 In Mexico (March 1, 2014)It was a quick visit to Mazatlan, but we had amigos to hang with. |
| 1 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 6.
2013 in the USA (April 28, 2013)Starting the year off with A camping trip and DBBB improvements. |
| 3 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 7.
2012 In The USA (May 24, 2012)Our Travels to the Northwest From Phoenix. We drove to the NW up through Nevada Our travel took us past a natural lake named Walker Lake. We stopped in Klamath Oregon for a few days of local sight seeing and Letter Boxing. This includer a trip to Crater National Park. Starting in late August we went on a 2.5 week trip around the Olympic Peninsula. |
| 3 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 8.
2012 In Mexico (January 1, 2012)We arrived 3 days before Christmas this year. We spent most of January visiting with friends and then being sick. In Februaury we got busy working on the boat and decided to visit Barras De Piaxtla and stay at La Rosa. While at La Rosa we took a mosaic class. |
| 2 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 9.
2011 In the USA (June 16, 2011)This year we traveled From Arizona, to Texas, then onto Minnesota. Along our travels we visited with family and friends. We took a side trip to Pennsylvania, to celebrate Susan's Mom's 95th B-Day. Then it was off to Portland Oregon for the rest of the summer. |
| 9 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 10.
2011 Mexico Season (January 29, 2011)So far this season has been spent preparing the boat to be listed with a boat broker. |
| 1 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 11.
In The USA 2010 (April 18, 2010)After leaving Mexico we traveled east to Texas and then northwest to Oregon and the Washington coast for the summer. We took a few side trips during our summer in the NW. |
| 3 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 12.
2009-2010 Season (January 14, 2010)This season in Mexico started off with Projects to get the boat ready for a haulout. We also did some socializing with fellow cruisers and touring around Mazatlan in our car, which we drove down for the first time. We haven't left on a cruise yet this season. |
| 5 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 13.
Mexico 2008 & 2009 (February 8, 2009)Recent Pictures of mexico 2008 - 2009 season. |
| 9 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 14.
In The USA 2008 (September 20, 2008)We traveled from Texas west through Arizona and then North through California. While passing through California we stopped at Yosemite National Park and Calaveras Big Tree State Park. Once reaching the NW we visited family and friends. We also spent a lot of time on our lot in Ocean Park, Washington. In August Pat's folks took all the siblings on a 7 day Alsaka cruise. |
| 5 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 15.
Mexico 2008 (February 11, 2008)This spring was a mixture of boat projects and visiting with friends. This fall we are planning on taking a cruise. |
| 1 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 16.
In USA 2007 (May 26, 2007)Once back from Mexico, Susan made a quick trip to visit her Mom. When she returned we headed to the NW. We had a couple of issues that delayed our trip. One for a few days in Amarillo, Tx and the other in Denver, Co. We meant this trip to be a fast one as we wanted to visit family in the NW and Susan's son was expecting a new grand baby. After a month and half its was time to head back to Austin, Texas as Susan got another work contract. For New Years we took a trip to San Antonio. |
| 6 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 17.
Mexico 2007 (August 23, 2007)The first part of this year was spent preparing for a shake down cruise, fixing problems discovered during that preparation and taking a short shake down cruise to the near by islands. The remainder of the year will be spent hauling out the boat for a bottom paint job and more boat projects. |
| 3 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 18.
In USA 2006 (May 8, 2006)In the spring we traveled to Minnesota by way of Tucson, Arizona, eastern Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, and Iowa. Thes are some pictures from that trip. |
| 7 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 19.
Mexico 2006 (March 6, 2006)Our Adventures in Mexico in 2006. |
| 6 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 20.
In USA 2005 (July 9, 2005)This group of photo albums is our adventures in 2005 in the USA. |
| 15 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 21.
Mexico 2005 (January 5, 2005)Starting a new year 2005 and we're still in Mexico. If you've enjoyed the other photo albums you'll like this one too! |
| 10 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 22.
Mexico 2004 (December 8, 2004)This folder contains pictures of our adventures while in Mexico in 2004. |
| 12 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 23.
Trip To Mx 2004 (December 8, 2004)This folder contians photo albums or our trip getting to Mexico in 2004. |
| 12 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 24.
New Perpetua (May 12, 2017)Pictures of the old Perpetua after being transformed into the new Romance II. |
| 1 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 25.
websitepics (December 15, 2004)Pictures related to Pepetua's web site. |
| 14 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 26.
family pics (February 22, 2008)Some pictures of Pat & Susan's families. |
| 2 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 27.
Letter Boxing Adventures (April 12, 2011)During our 2011 trip to South Padre Island we decided to try out "Letter Boxing". You follow clues found online to locate a box with a stamp and journal inside and optionally a hitch hiker. You stamp their journal with your stamp and stamp your journal with their stamp. If there is a hitch hiker take it with you. Then re-hide it and move onto the next Letter Box. This folder will focus on the Letter boxing finds, that our aviator, “Spunky Turtle” has been involved. |
| 2 Albums Shared Folder | |
| 28.
DBBB related (April 28, 2013)Pics related to our Ocean Park Dirt Boat Beach Base. |
| 1 Albums Shared Folder | |
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