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 Patrick & Susan - Their Journeys | Home > In The USA 2008  
In The USA 2008
We traveled from Texas west through Arizona and then North through California. While passing through California we stopped at Yosemite National Park and Calaveras Big Tree State Park. Once reaching the NW we visited family and friends. We also spent a lot of time on our lot in Ocean Park, Washington. In August Pat's folks took all the siblings on a 7 day Alsaka cruise.
Date(s): September 20, 2008. 1 - 5 of 5 Total. Shared
Desert Museum
1. Desert Museum  (April 23, 2008)
While visitng friends in Tucson we took a day and went out to the Desert Museum. This museum has a collection of everything (plants and animals) that lives in the Sonora Deserts of the Southwest.
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Yosemite Visit
2. Yosemite Visit  (May 3, 2008)
We visited Yosemite National Park. This was both of our first time visiting. We had two days of jaw dropping beauty, it's no wonder this area is a national park!
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Big Tree SP
3. Big Tree SP  (May 7, 2008)
While visiting Pat's brother he took us to the Calaveras Big Tree State Park. This is a rare area of Cailfornia where these large trees are able to grow to huge sizes.
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Latest Lot Improvements
4. Latest Lot Improvements  (June 20, 2008)
During the 2007 - 2008 winter season we had the lot cleared and then we had a landscaper plant some tress and grass. Then when we arrived in the summer of 2008 we continued with the lot improvements which included a new storage shed. We came up with a name for our place. Since we call the RV our "Dirt Boat" we decided to call the lot the "Dirt Boat Beach Base" (DBBB).
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Alaska Cruise
5. Alaska Cruise  (August 11, 2008)
Pat's parents decided to take all their children, that could go, on a 7 day Alaskan Cruise. The ship left and returned to Seattle. We make stops at two glaciers in Glacier Bay NP, and the ports of Juneau, Sitka, Ketchikan and finally Victoria BC. In Glacier bay we saw the Lamplugh and Margerie Glaciers. While in Juneau we went out and saw the Mendenhall Glacier. It was a quick and a fantastic  trip, however the most fun was being around the folks and the rest of the family!
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