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 Patrick & Susan - Their Journeys | Home > 2012 In The USA  
2012 In The USA
Our Travels to the Northwest From Phoenix. We drove to the NW up through Nevada Our travel took us past a natural lake named Walker Lake. We stopped in Klamath Oregon for a few days of local sight seeing and Letter Boxing. This includer a trip to Crater National Park. Starting in late August we went on a 2.5 week trip around the Olympic Peninsula.
Date(s): May 24, 2012. 1 - 3 of 3 Total. Shared
Olympic Peninsula
1. Olympic Peninsula  (August 24, 2012)
We used our annual Cathlament cruiser's rendezvous to kick off for a 2 week trip around the Olympic Peninsula. We traveled with two other couples in thier RV's. We saw some beautiful country and had a great trip.
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Crater Lake
2. Crater Lake  (May 28, 2012)
While in Klamath we took a day trip to Crater Lake National Park. Even though it was spring there was still a lot of snow.
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Phoenix trip NW
3. Phoenix trip NW  (May 26, 2012)
We drove to the NW up through Nevada. Our drive took us past a natural lake named Walker Lake. We stopped in Klamath Oregon for a few days of local sight seeing and Letter Boxing.
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