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 Patrick & Susan - Their Journeys | Home > In The USA 2010  
In The USA 2010
After leaving Mexico we traveled east to Texas and then northwest to Oregon and the Washington coast for the summer. We took a few side trips during our summer in the NW.
Date(s): April 18, 2010. 1 - 3 of 3 Total. Shared
Parowan Gap
1. Parowan Gap  (October 21, 2010)
Parowan Gap Petroglyphs are located NW of Cedar city Utah. We spent a couple of hours there looking at all the petroglyphs locations. See http://www.parowangap.org/ for a nice explaination.
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Summer 2010
2. Summer 2010  (September 21, 2010)
While in St. Paul, Mn., Pat made a trip to the family’s Devils Track lake cabin north of lake Superior. From Anna to PDX we made a couple of stops at "attractions" which served to break up the trip to Portland.  During the summer we attended a couple of local events, the sandcastle contest and kite festival in Longbeach, Wa. and a cruiser reunion in Cathlament, Wa.
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NM Detour
3. NM Detour  (April 24, 2010)
Inroute to Texas we took a side trip to see some sights that were just north of Las Cruces. The first attraction on our route was the White Sands Missile Range Museum, second stop was the White Sands National Monument. Before stopping for the night in Alamogordo we visited the New Mexico Museum of Space History. The next day we headed north and visited the Three Rivers Petroglyph Site.
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