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 Patrick & Susan - Their Journeys | Home > 2012 In Mexico  
2012 In Mexico
We arrived 3 days before Christmas this year. We spent most of January visiting with friends and then being sick. In Februaury we got busy working on the boat and decided to visit Barras De Piaxtla and stay at La Rosa. While at La Rosa we took a mosaic class.
Date(s): January 1, 2012. 1 - 2 of 2 Total. Shared
2012 Winter in Mazatlan
1. 2012 Winter in Mazatlan  (March 2012)
Here are a few pictures of this years activities in Mazatlan.
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La Rosa Visit
2. La Rosa Visit  (February 14, 2012)
Our visit to Barras De Piaxtla and the stay at La Rosa was like a retreat for us. While at La Rosa we took a mosaic class, which was great fun, walked through the town and beaches. We choose the all inclusive package so we didn't have to worry about food.
( http://www.larosadelasbarras.com/index.html )
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