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 Patrick & Susan - Their Journeys | Home > 2014 In the USA  
2014 In the USA
Visiting PA
Date(s): January  1, 2014. 1 - 13 of 13 Total. Shared
Moving Mom
1. Moving Mom  (Jan 11 2014)
Moving mom out of her cottage
1256 Visits
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Travels In Feburary
2. Travels In Feburary  (2/1/2014)
Travels In Texas and Arizona.
2084 Visits
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3. April2014 
Pictures around our new place.
1942 Visits
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May Travels
4. May Travels  (5/1/2014)
A few pictures of desert flowers, our visits with the grandkids (AZ & TX), our trip to the NW
1784 Visits
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Summer 2014
5. Summer 2014  (Auggust 31, 2014)
Here are some shots of our summer. We had critters visit our D(irt)B(oat)B(each)B(ase) place. We went L(etter)B(oxing) at Fort Stevens State Park in Astoria. We made our annual pilgrimage to Cathlamet, Wa.
1703 Visits
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September 2014
6. September 2014  (September 28, 2014)
We headed south early this year so we could attend our daughters wedding in Newport, Calif.
1079 Visits
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Anza Days & WE Parade
7. Anza Days & WE Parade  (October 25, 2014)
During October we went to the Anza Days Festival in Tubac. This is a reenactment of a expedition to San  Francisco in the 1700's. The White Elephant thrift store celebrated 50 years with a parade.
1553 Visits
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Fall Around Pairaiso Base
8. Fall Around Pairaiso Base  (November 3, 2014)
Here are some pictures around our Bairaiso Base in Green Valley.
1424 Visits
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Casa Vertigo Yard Art
9. Casa Vertigo Yard Art  (11/9/2014)
In November we saw a news paper ad and went to see the Casa Vertigo Yard Art of artists Carrel & Justin Loveless.
1596 Visits
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Patagonia State Park
10. Patagonia State Park  (11/16/2014)
We went about 50 miles away to Patagonia State Park  for a lake tour on a Pontoon Boat.
1393 Visits
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Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory
11. Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory  (11/20/2014)
Around The Tucson area are a couple of Sky Observatories. There are located on top of some of the local mountain's.
1686 Visits
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12. Patagonia  (11/29/2014)
While out Letterboxing we visited the town of Patagonia. They were having a Art Walk/Open Market that day.
1290 Visits
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La Fiesta de Tumacácori
13. La Fiesta de Tumacácori  (December 7, 2014)
We went to this Fiesta not knowing what to expect. It was very interesting. We enjoyed ourselvesw. The Fiesta is in recognition and celebration of the many cultures that were historically and are presently associated with the Santa Cruz Valley, the Tumacácori Fiesta presents the traditional creations of these cultures. The fiesta features around fifty food and craft booths, continuous live entertainment on stage, and activities for families each day.
1675 Visits
24 Images
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