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 Patrick & Susan - Their Journeys | Home > 2009-2010 Season  
2009-2010 Season
This season in Mexico started off with Projects to get the boat ready for a haulout. We also did some socializing with fellow cruisers and touring around Mazatlan in our car, which we drove down for the first time. We haven't left on a cruise yet this season.
Date(s): January 14, 2010. 1 - 5 of 5 Total. Shared
Fall 2010
1. Fall 2010  (December 15, 2010)
The 2010 - 2011 season wasn't mean't for cruising. We had family obligations to attend to and the boat to get ready to put on the chopping block. Yes the old girl is up for sale after 36 years of TLC. We enjoyed a nice Christmass season with fellow cruisers. In Mazatlan this winter season it was cold and foggy. Thanks La Nina!
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Carnaval Parade
2. Carnaval Parade  (Febuary 14, 2010)
For all  these years we'd been in Mexico we'd never seen the Mazatlan Carnaval Parade. Its the thrid largest in the world, next to Rio and New Orleans. So this year we decided to attend. We took advantage of an offer to attand a buffet and have special assigned sits at the Aquamarine Hotel. Its located along the ocean front malecon in the heart of the parade route.
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Las Labradas
3. Las Labradas  (Febuary 11, 2010)
We took a day trip to Las Labradas Petroglyphs. This is one of many sites in the Mexican state of Sinaloa. After we visited the site museum and viewed the various carved rocks we went to eat at the El Mirador resturant in Barras de Piaxtla. This trip was so much fun we went two weeks in a row. (Feb 11 & 18) A different group of folks each time.
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Teacapan Trip
4. Teacapan Trip  (January 28, 2010)
We took a day off from boat work and drove south 87 miles to Teacapan. This is a small fishing town and a low key snowbird area. We'd been here before and we wanted to return as it will be changing into the new Cancun of Mexico's west coast. We went to see it one last time before the big changes and to take a panga ride in the estuary.
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Around Mazatlan
5. Around Mazatlan  (January 2, 2010)
Shots around the area.
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