The Soviet SVD is one of the most collectible military rifles out there, very few are in the US, probably less than 1000, there are some commercial variants, all Russian mfg, the California Armory guns, & the Tiger which is most numerous (although still rare), the CA guns & Tigers are not C&R eligible, the KBI & early military are. In this album are examples of an "early" SVD, 1983 Ishevsk, 1 of the KBI later production, & an early Chinese Type79/85 SVD, also shown are accessories, scopes, & Night Vision scopes used w/them, all the guns, scopes etc are described & pictured individually & then collectively to make direct photo comparisons possible.
Album by willyp. Photos by willyp. 1 - 184 of 184 Total. 1738 Visits.
Late mfg (KBI), 1983 Ishevsk & Chinese SVD comparison Top: '94 Ishevsk (KBI) Ctr: '83 Ishevsk Bttm: Chinese SVD (type79/85)
'83 Ishevsk w/early bayonet Original, early SVD, 1983 Ishevsk shown w/early style 1959 (6x3)AKM bayonet. The "early" guns are characterized by the rectangular cutout in the right receiver over the mag well, it's also equipped w/the original PSO1 style scope w/IR detector.
'83 Ishevsk w/later style AKM bayonet Same rifle fitted w/the later AKM/AK74 type bayonet (6x4), the rifle is also fitted w/the earlier "honey brown" finish laminate furniture.
'83 Ishevsk rght side view
Right view of laminate buttstock '83 Ishevsk w/honey brown colored laminate, also note the cheekpiece which is light brown color & is numbered on the inside to the rifles as issued. The metal bar in the rear acts a sling mount & has a loose metal sleeve around it.
'83 Ishevsk right action view View of the right side of the PSO1 scope & you can also see the rectangular "lightening" cut over the mag.
Closeup of the cutout This is the "normal" receiver on SVD's up into the late 80's early 90's, later guns (as the 94 KBI's) will be found w/o this cutout (as on commercial Tigers etc) once thought to indicate a commercial receiver it's been found that some (but apparently not all) military mfg SVD's were made w/o this cutout.
83 Ishevsk marking location Bottom of receiver in front of the mag well was the original location for SVD markings, Ishevsk mkg (arrow in triangle), date & serial. later guns w/o the cutout had the markings on the left side of the recvr.
'83 Ishevsk laminate forend There's a swivel lock lever on the front right side, swivel the lock down, push up on the front band, then depress the handguard toward the receiver (there's a spring in the rear handguard band to keep tension on the guards) to remove.
'83 Ishevsk muzzle/front sight/suppressor Here you can see the light, thin barrel, along w/the gas port which has an adjuster in it for pressure (lacking on the Tiger version) & the front assembly which consists of the front sight, bayonet lug, & muzzle break & is slid on & pinned to the barrel.
Soviet bayonets used w/the SVD Top: Model 6x3, AKM typeI from 1959 Ctr: Model 6x4, AKM/AK74 typeII approximately 1970 Bttm: Model 6x5, AK74, approximate late 80's (early examples of these were a plum color then black.
Soviet Bayos The 6x3 & 6x4 used the same blade & crossbar, the pommels were different as were the scabbards although there was a "transitional" version of the 6x3 utilizing the later plastic scabbard of the 6x4. the 6x5 is an entirely new design.
Left side view of the Soviet bayonets Top: Early 6x3 w/metal scabbard & blk/gray insulator. Ctr: Mid 6x4 w/plastic scabbard & square style pommel Bttm: Late 6x5 w/new blade & plastic scabbard
Soviet Bayos L Note the web wrist straps & "pebbled" leather hanger on the 6x3 & 6x4, the 6x5 did away w/the strap & uses black "pebbled" leather for the hanger assembly
Left view of muzzle w/mid 6x4 bayonet affixed
Left view of forend, 1983 Ishevsk Front sling attachment is via a small round ring machined into the gas tube assembly
'83 Ishevsk left action/scope view Here you can see the details on the PSO1 w/IR detector, the IR detector switch is the small switch at top center just below/front of the upper knob.
PSO1 scope markings
PSO1 scope IR detector "charging" window The small round "lens" was exposed to a light source, sunlight, & charged the element which would react to an IR emitter.
PSO1 scope detail Here you can see the IR detector switch & window, also behind the small "tab" (has 4 holes in it) is the switch for the reticule illuminating light. The battery compartment for this light is at the rear of the upright & is the round cap.
PSO1 scope w/battery warmer in place For extreme cold weather use the Soviets issued this battery warmer, you removed the scope battery cap, put the cap which was on the long end of the wire on the scope, the battery was placed in the battery compartment on the end of the wire, the cap from the scope was placed on that & the battery compartment was then hooked to the belt or inside the clothing to keep it warm.
Warmer cap in place on scope compartment The cap made full contact w/the compartment & basically moved the battery location to the other end of the wire where it could be placed inside something for warmth!
Battery warmer battery compartment Here's the "substitute" battery compartment, note the clip on the side so it could be clipped to the belt inside/under a coat.
Left view of receiver/stock join There will usually be a number stamped in the wood on the flat just over the grip, this number does not match the rifle, it should match the scope number.
Left view of buttstock Note the clamp on cheekpiece, this cheekpiece is perfect for use w/the PSO series scopes but interestingly must be removed to use the iron sights!
Left view w/early 6x3 bayonet
Left view w/mid 6x4 bayonet
KBI Import box This starts the later mfg, KBI import section. Reportedly 101 guns were imported by KBI in the early 90's, they came packaged in the above box.
Early cased Chinese SVD In comparison to the KBI Soviet import there is this leatherette, velour lined case, early Chinese SVD's which were imported came in these fitted cases w/all accessories.
KBI in Box As packaged & delivered, consisted of the rifle, scope, sling, mag pouch, 5 mags, bayonet/scabbard, tools, cleaning gear & cleaning rods. The KBI's came all matching w/scope numbered to rear stock, bayonet nuumbered to gun, they were sold here w/full laminate (later dk red) laminate stock & handguards.
View of the cased Chinese SVD for comparison Note the fancy velour & all the accesories fitted in their own individual cutouts.
Right view of KBI as sold w/laminate handguards When I was purchasing my KBI I got a chance to speak w/the gentleman who reportedly purchased them for KBI, he said when they originally went to pick them up they were fitted w/dk red laminate stocks & black polymer handguards, he told me he told the Russians they wanted all laminate wood & a couple days later the guns were delivered w/the handguards replaced!
KBI w/accs Note in this pic the rifle has been refitted w/the "original" black poly handguards. I have the matching poly stock but as far as I know they were originally fitted w/only the guards.
Right view of the KBI w/bayonet The KBI guns were of "later" mfg, just prior to/during the breakup of the Soviet Union, they apparently had made some changes, the lightening cut on the receiver side was dispensed with & some apparently were fitted w/the "new" black polymer handguards, these guns were also equipped w/the later PSO1M2 scope which deleted the IR detector as by that time active IR was not a major factor on the battlefield (or so goes the theory!)
Right view of buttstock, KBI Other than color of finish same as the early '83, note the cheekpiece on the KBI is black instead of brown, & it's numbered to the gun.
Right side action view Here's the KBI right side, note the lack of the "lightening" cut over the mag well & the placing of the arkings on this flat, the earlier guns had their markings on the bottom of the receiver just in front of the mag well.
KBI markings Here you can see the Ishevsk arsenal symbol & the importers markings
Polymer handguard, right side
KBI R Gas port
KBI Gas Port Top view of thew gas port adjuster, not the assembly is numbered to the rifle.
Muzzle w/6x5 bayonet attached The bayonet is etch matched to the rifle.
KBI PSO1M2 scope R View of the "inner" side of the PSO1M2, basically the same as the earlier PSO1 w/the deletion of the IR detector.
PSO1M2 knob markings
PSO1M2 top view Here you can see the area in front of the knob is solid, this is where the IR detector "window" was located in the earlier PSO1.
PSO1M2 marking Note the rubber lens protector which is permanently attached to the mount.
Some KBI accs The scope cover, PSO1M2 scope & cheekpiece.
SVD mag/accessory pouch The pouch has belt loops, holds 4 mags, tools, cleaning gear, cleaning rods, spare scope parts & has an inner pocket into which the scope can be stored when dismounted from the rifle.
KBI Accs Cloth-Lens Filter The lens cleaning cloth still in original wrap on left, the lens filter on the right.
KBI Accs Rods-Tool-Battery Warmer Here's the battery warmer assembly on top of it's wrapping, the tool & the 3pc cleaning rod set.
KBI Oiler-Acc Pouch Here is the leatherette oiler pouch & oiler & shown in the other pocket is an unopened batch of original PSO batteries.
KBI right side w/bipod Shown here is another later accy for the SVD, it's a small, extendable/foldable bipod that attaches to the small "cuts" at the front of the receiver.
KBI on the bipod Here the rifle is shown sitting w/the bipod legs at their lowest setting.
Right side view of bipod attachment Here you can see where the bipod clamps onto the receiver, a screw on the left tightens the 'ears" of the bipod onto the receiver, the legs can be folded forward & secured.
Bipod Rr Folded These particular bipods were mfg in Russia & began showing up around 2000, there are no mkgs on them so it's not known for sure if they were military pieces or commercial but they have shown up in photos of Russian forces.
Bipod Folded There is also another different style of bipod (unfortunately I don't have one to photograph nor do I have a useable pic of one) that is Ishevsk marked & first became known 2006-2007.
Left side view of bipod attachment Here you can see the screw for tightening the clamp onto the receiver, there's also a small "guide" strip in the small receiver cutout & a cutout to clear it in the bipod clamp on this side.
Rail in Lightning groove Here you can see the rail in the receiver groove & the groove in the bipod clamp, not sure if this was actually made to line up the bipod as they're not machined close in size but it does line it up pretty well. The 84 Ishevsk also has this "rail" though & I think this bipod is from the late 90's.
KBI left side on bipod
KBI left side w/bipod folded
Cased spotting scope This is a small handheld spotting scope set, it also has a clamp device that screws into the bottom of the scope & the clamp can be attached to just about anything to use the scope "hands free"
Spot Scope Set open Here's the spotting scope components as packaged
Right view of the scope Note it has the same style of extendable sun shade as the PSO scopes
Spot Scope w-Base Here's the scope mounted on the clamp, the brass colored "screw" is swivelable so the clamp can be attached to just about anything & the scope swiveled to use.
KBI L Mzzl w-Bay
KBI L Bay Hilt Mkg
KBI L Forend
KBI L Rr Sght Rear sight on KBI, 1200 meters, lettering in white (the lettering on the 84 is in red).
KBI left scope/action Here you can see the lack of the IR detector switch on the PSO1M2 & the scope serial number on the stock.
Scope rail on the KBI Same identical rail on the 1983 & the KBI.
KBI L Buttstock
KBI Cheek Piece inside Inside view of the cheekpiece, note the number matching the rifle, the 1983 Ishevsk also has a numbered cheekpiece
KBI L w-Bay
KBI L w-Accs
'94 Ishevsk (KBI) & '83 ishevsk Top is the KBI '94 date late gun shown w/black polymer handguards & matching bayonet/scabbard Bottom is the '83 date Ishevsk w/honey brown finish laminate & mid 6x4 bayonet.
Same w/action covers
'94 top & '83 bttm buttstock comparison
Left action comparison Top: '94 Ishevsk (KBI) Bttm: '83 Ishevsk Here you can see the difference in the machining above the magwell on the two.
Detail view of receiver machining
Right side forend comparison Top: '94 Ishevsk (KBI), fitted w/blk polymer handguards Bttm: '83 Ishevsk, honey brown laminate
Right side gas ports Left: '94 Ishevsk (KBI) Right: '83 Ishevsk
Right view muzzles Left: '94 Ishevsk (KBI) Right: '83 Ishevsk
Right view PSO1 & PSO1M2 scopes Top: PSO1M2 w/no IR detector from the '94 KBI import Bttm: PSO1 w/IR detector from the '83.
PSO1 & PSO1M2 scope rails detail Inner rail view of the scopes for comparison Left: PSO1 ('83 Ishevsk) Right: PSO1M2 ('94 Ishevsk, KBI)
Scope marking comparison Left: PSO1M2 Right: PSO1
Comparison view of left sides of scope Top: PSO1M2, note lack of IR switch Bttm: PSO1, which has the IR detector
Top view to compare scopes Left: PSO1 Right: PSO1M2 PSO1 has the "window" to charge the detector & the switch just below to the left, the PSO1M2 has no switch & no window.
Left side view of scopes Left: PSO1M2 Right: PSO1
Top turret area comparison Left: PSO1 Right: PSO1M2
Scopes w/shades extended The PSO1 series scopes have an extendable sun shade as part of the scope, a simple extended tube "collapses" on the front of the scope on slits cut into it & turns slightly to lock, the pic above shows the shades extended, compare to the earlier pics where they're "collapsed". Top: PSO1M2 Bttm: PSO1
Two different rifle cases Top: case is a tan leatherette type material w/2 buckles at top & carry strap, the rifle does fit into this case well w/the scope on. Bttm: case is a tan standard web type material (like most Soviet web gear) w/1 buckle strap at top & a carry handle.
Rifle cases Top: leatherette case Bttm: web case Both of these cases were purchased from the Ukraine as SVD cases but they could also be used for other weapons, RPD, DP etc.
Left side muzzle/bayonet comparison Top: '94 Ishevsk (KBI) Bttm: '83 Ishevsk
Left side, muzzles Top: '94 Ishevsk (KBI) Bttm: '83 Ishevsk
Gas Ports left side Top: '94 Ishevsk (KBI) Bttm: '83 Ishevsk
Left side forends Top- '94 Ishevsk (KBI) w/Poly handguards fitted Bottm- '83 Ishevsk laminated
Rear sights Left: '83 Ishevsk, 1200 meters markings, in red Right: '94 Ishevsk (KBI), 1200 meters, markings in white
Left side action comparison Top: '94 Ishevsk (KBI) w/PSO1M2 scope Bttm: '83 Ishevsk w/PSO1 scope
Left side scope detail comparison Top: '94 Ishevsk (KBI) PSO1M2 scope (not IR detect equipped) Bttm: '83 Ishevsk PSO1 scope w/IR detector.
Right buttstock comparison. Top: '94 Ishevsk (KBI) Bttm: '83 Ishevsk Basically identical except for dk red finish on KBI vs honey brown on the 83 & the black cheekpiece on the KBI vs the brown on the 83.
Left side comparison w/bayonets Top: '94 Ishevsk (KBI) Bttm: '83 Ishevsk
83 Ish with 1P21 The 1P21 "minuta" scope is an adjustable ranging variable power zoom scope, it fits right on the standard ComBloc rail, it's much larger, a bit heavier, more complex than the PSO series but provides better magnification & automatic ranging capabilities.
83 Ishevsk w/1P21 & field cover Here's a view of the rifle & the field scope/action cover.
83 Ishevsk w/action cover on Same material & construction as the PSO1 cover just larger to fit the 1P21. There is also a belt carry pouch for this scope which is a smaller version of the PN58 NV pouch shown below.
1P21 right side Here you can see the longer length of this scope vs the PSO1
1P21 Scope Top The 1P21 scope sits a bit to the left on the rifle.
Comparison of PSO1 vs 1P21 Top: PSO1 Bttm: 1P21 NOTE: both scopes are pictured w/o their rubber eyepieces
PSO1 1P21 left view
Late & early 1P21 Minuta scopes Top- "late", post Soviet Bottom- "early" Soviet mfg (1985) A few early Soviet era 1P21's are in the US but most are post Soviet production, note the lighter finish & shorter battery compartment of the later scope.
1P21 batteries & adapter The original Soviet era 1P21's used the same batteries as the PSO1 but had 2 "stacked", shown on the left is a battery adaptor & battery that just drops in the compartment & works (although I believe this particular battery only works when the bulbs are changed to LED's). The pair on the right are from the later 1P21 & are standard US batteries.
Late & early scope markings Top- late, post Soviet marked scope Bottom- Early 1985 dated Soviet mfg.
1p21 L battery-bulb compartments Left- Late scope Bottom- Early, 1985 mfg Note the longer length of the battery compartment on the earlier (right) scope. Also note the bulb fixtures (just in front of the rubber eyepiece), the later (left) scope has LED bulbs fitted w/the brass screw, the early (right) has the plastic standard bulb housing fitted.
1P21 Left side views Top- Late scope Bottom- Early, 1985 scope
Early 1P21 marking Soviet era (1985 in this case) scope marking. Also note the brass type screw & flat spring on the upper right which is part of the automatic ranging action of the scope which mechanically "tilts" the scope for range adjustment when the power knob is turned, similiar in concept to the earlier US issue AR TEL & ART series scopes.
83 Ishevsk bottom action view Here you can again see the offset to the left of the 1P21 versus the PSO1.
83 Ishevsk left action view Note the sliding sunshade is back or retracted in this pic making the scope appear smaller.
83 Ishevsk left side w/field cover on
83 Ishevsk w/1P21 left side
'94 Ishevsk (KBI) w/1P29 scope The 1P29 is a small lightweight optic similiar to the British Trilux, it is mainly thought to be used on the AK74 series weapons. It's doubtful it would be used on the SVD(officially) but is shown here "for something different"! NOTE: these pics show the KBI rifle w/laminate handguards as they were imported/sold.
1P29 right action view
1P29 left action view
KBI w/1P29 left full view
'94 Ishevsk w/NSP2 IR (infraRed) scope One of the earlier Soviet NV scopes was this InfraRed (active) scope set, similiar to the US AN/PAS4 IR (see the XM21 sniper album in the US section). The upper round section emitted IR light, the lower scope section picked up the reaction to this light. IR scopes use an "active" method, meaning they emit the IR light source therefore they can be detected by fairly simple electronic countermeasures. The original Soviet SVD PSO1 scope was fitted w/a simple IR detector just for this purpose. NOTE: scope in pics is a Czech mfg copy of the Soviet NSP2 but is identical except for the mkgs.
NSP2 right side view The SVD was adopted in 1964, IR was a legit concern during it's design phase, by the time it got into general service the US & allies had gotten away from active NV & went to "passive" systems (more on this later), so the later versions of the PSO1 scopes, the PSO1M2 simply had the IR detectors deleted.
NSP2 scope left view As can be seen the NSP2 (& all the active IR systems) is large, heavy & complicates weapon handling. It also requires a large heavy battery pack that is usually strapped to the belt & is connected by the large wire coming off the front of the scope which powers the IR emitter.
Soviet 1st generation "passive" Starlight scopes The next group of pics will illustrate some of the earlier Soviet "passive" scopes or Starlight scopes. These scopes do not emit any light, energy etc, they use an intensifier unit in the scope to multiply the existing light, hence "passive" & are very difficult (if not impossible) to detect. In this pic are the storage/transit cased sets: Bottom right: NSPU Top right: 1PN58 Right: 1PN51
Cased sets open Same order as pervious pic, each scope is held firmly in the case & there are spares, tools, extra batteries & field pouches, also manuals. Note: not all the manuals & pouches are shown, I couldn't find some of them when I took the pics!
Soviet "starlight" scopes Right side view of: Top: PN51, latest Soviet era scope Ctr: PN58, update to NSPU Bttm: NSPU (believe this is earliest)
Front, lens view Left: NSPU Ctr: PN58 Rght: PN51 Note the PN58 & NSPU have a single round front lens cap the dark filter must be on during daylight use, the PN51 uses a different updated filter style.
Rear view, eyepieces Right: PN51 Ctr: PN58 Rght: NSPU Note the size progression, the NSPU being longer & the tube being wider, the PN58 is a bit shorter, tube thinner & lighter, the PN51 being fairly compact & lighter still.
Left side view of Soviet Starlight scopes Top: PN51 Ctr: PN58 Bttm:NSPU These scopes are similiar to the US 1st generation Starlight scopes, the AN/PVS1-3 series (see comparison pics later in this album). These scopes, although still lg/heavy are much better than the IR scopes & weapon handling w/them is much better.
NSPU right view The NSPU scope, I believe, is the earliest scope out of these 3, larger tube (bulkier electronics), slightly longer, uses a square battery case (at rear of mount under eyecup section). Shown on top of the field carry case which has pouches for spare batteries & parts.
NSPU marking & gain control
NSPU Battery This is the battery used w/the NSPU, bakelite body, about the size of our "D" battery w/external terminals.
NSPU left view Again, note the lg battery box at the rear.
NSPU storage/transit case Here's a view of the case w/components & the scope. The field case rolls up & fits in the transit case to the right under the front of the tube.
PN 58 cased This is the "updated" PN58 (from the NSPU) it's a bit shorter, thinner tube & uses a smaller, round, metal battery which has no external terminals.
PN 58 Case interior Here you can see the various compartments for spares, tools, extra bateries (the round silver object upper left in the case). Each case has the scope model & serial painted on.
PN 58 right side view The PN58 is a bit shorter, you can also see the smaller round battery compartment vs the NSPU. The tube itself is round & narrower due to updated electronics.
PN58 markings & gain control
PN 58 Battery Top A pic of the PN58 battery, sealed & a bit more robust (being metal) than the NSPU battery, this style was used in the subsequent models including the PN51. There is a charger for the batteries which is set up to plug into sockets on military vehicles to charge the batteries in the field.
NSPU PN 58 Batteries Comaprison of the NSPU & PN58 batteries
PN58 left view
PN 58 Set
PN51 cased set The latest of the 3 sets shown. the PN51 is shorter, but a bit bulkier due the round shape but uses improved electronics etc.
Front lens view Left: '83 w/PN58 Bottom: '94 w/NSPU
NSPU, PN58 left side action view Top: '94 w/NSPU Bottm: '83 w/PN58 Here you can see the wider/bulkier tube of the NSPU & the larger square battery compartment compared to the PN58.
NSPU & PN58 angled view Top: NSPU Bottom: PN58 Here the differences in the tubes are apparent.
NSPU, PN58 left side mounted
PN51 & PN58 mounted Top: '94 Ishevsk w/PN51 Bottom: '83 Ishevsk w/PN58 Note the large difference in size & completely different configuration of the PN51 design.
PN51, PN58 right action view
PN51, PN58 left action view
PN51, front angle view
PN51 top view
PN51, PN58 left side mounted
NSPU compared to US AN/PVS2 The next few pics will compare the Soviet 1st Generation starlights to the US equivelent. Here we're using the Soviet NSPU & the US AN/PVS2 (Viet Nam era) sets. Top: NSPU transit cased set Bottom: AN/PVS2 transit cased set
Scopes in cases Top: NSPU Bottom: AN/PVS2 The Soviet set is stored in a thin metal "can" with supports of metal lined w/felt. The US set is in a thicker metal case & sits in a full foam lined seal, the case also is equipped w/a "pressure equalization" release.
NSPU, AN/PVS2 right view Top: NSPU Bottom: AN/PVS2 The Soviet scope is much thinner & lighter, the US scope much bulkier, it also is fitted w/a strap which enables it to be handled much easier off the weapon due to it's bulk, the Soviet scope by it's shape is easier to handle off the rifle.
Top views Top: AN/PVS2 Bottom:NSPU The 2 scopes use much different design approaches, electronic controls etc on the Soviet scope are concentrated front/rear while the US scope has them in the center. The US scope, though larger & bulkier is actually a bit better balanced on the weapon. The electronics & light gain ability is also superior.
Rear view Left: AN/PVS2 Right: NSPU Battery compartment for the AN/PVS2 is the round "cap" in the upper section at the rear.
Front view Left: NSPU Right: AN/PVS2 Here you can see the difference in "bulk" clearly!
Left view Top: NSPU Bottom: AN/PVS2
Comparison of Chinese SVD, KBI & '84 Ishevsk Top: '94 Ishevsk (KBI) Ctr: '83 Ishevsk Bttm: Chinese SVD (early cased set gun, 7.62x54r) The next series of pics will compare different views of the above 3 rifles.
Russian vs Chinese PSO1 scopes Left: Soviet PSO1M2 (no IR detector) Ctr: Soviet PSO1 Bttm: Chinese PSO1 The Chinese PSO1 is a "clone" of the original Soviet PSO1, it is equipped w/the IR detector, operates in the same manner, uses the same batteries etc, a few minor differences in mfg "details", the color is black & the knobs are marked in English.
Forends Top: '94 Ishevsk (KBI) w/Poly handguards Ctr: '83 Ishevsk w/honey brown laminate handguards Bottom: Chinese Type79/85 w/"Chu" wood handguards
Comparison of slings Top: Soviet sling Bttm: Chinese sling The Soviets basically use a standard (AK) sling for their weapons, the Chinese have a number of different configurations, the sling that came w/the Chinese SVD is basically the same as the Soviet version but is a bit narrower, the clip at the end is painted black instead of zinc finished & the buckle is flat & narrower.
Comparison of sling Buckles Left: Chinese sling Right: Soviet sling Note: the slings both came w/their respective rifles as complete cased sets, the Chinese is one of the very early import SVD's in the leather case velour lined sets complete w/all accs. The Soviet sling came w/the KBI import rifle which was also sold/delivered w/all accs.
Sling ends Top: Soviet Bottom: Chinese Note that the Soviet sling end is rivetted on a metal plate while the Chinese is sewn onto the web directly
Bayonet comparison Top: Soviet 6x5 (KBI gun) Ctr: Soviet 6x4 Bttm: Chinese AKM The Soviet bayonets were described earlier, the Chinese bayonet is similiar to the Soviet 6x4 & was part of the package w/the cased SVD sets.
Left view of the bayonets Top: Soviet 6x5, from KBI Ctr: Soviet 6x4 Bttm: Chinese AKM The Chinese bayonet has the sawblade as the Soviet 6x4, the only time these bayonets(Chinese) w/the sawback(to my knowledge) were seen was w/the cased SVD's, there are other Chinese 6x4 style bayonets around but they do NOT have the sawback blade.
Left view of forends Top: '94 Ishevsk (KBI) w/poly guards Ctr: '83 Ishevsk Bttm: Chinese
Left side action comparison Top: '94 (KBI) Ctr: '83 Ishevsk Bttm: Chinese the KBI gun has the later PSO1M2 scope w/o IR detector, the 83 Ishevsk & Chinese guns both have the IR detector, although the Chinese scope is black & the knob mkgs are English. Note also the slight difference in the top cover, at the rear of the top cover (just under the scope eyepiece) the Chinese gun has a small "indent" in the top cover where the Soviet guns do not.
Chinese top cover "indent" Here's a close-up of the indent in the Chinese SVD top cover, both the Soviet guns are round here. At this point this is the only obvious "cosmetic" difference I've seen between the 2 Soviet guns & this early Chinese example.
Tops of scopes Left: Chinese Ctr: '83 Ishevsk Rght: '94 Ishevsk (KBI)
KBI-83-PRC L Scopes Xtended Top: '94 (KBI) PSO1M2 Ctr: '83 PSO1 Bttm: Chinese PSO1 Note the sun shades on the scopes are extended in this pic.
Left side comparison Top: '94 Ishevsk (KBI) Ctr: '83 Ishevsk Bttm: Chinese SVD