'94 Ishevsk w/NSP2 IR (infraRed) scope One of the earlier Soviet NV scopes was this InfraRed (active) scope set, similiar to the US AN/PAS4 IR (see the XM21 sniper album in the US section). The upper round section emitted IR light, the lower scope section picked up the reaction to this light. IR scopes use an "active" method, meaning they emit the IR light source therefore they can be detected by fairly simple electronic countermeasures. The original Soviet SVD PSO1 scope was fitted w/a simple IR detector just for this purpose. NOTE: scope in pics is a Czech mfg copy of the Soviet NSP2 but is identical except for the mkgs. | |
Photo 125 of 184, SVDNSP2rf.JPG, 38KB, 677x267, 77 Hits Other Sizes: Original | |
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