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2. HK 
J Lee
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CBI truck maintenance
3. CBI truck maintenance  (August 9. 2009)
CBI truck maintenance photos from the National Archives
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National Archives Photos
4. National Archives Photos  (Dec 13.2006)
Photos copied from the National Archives photo files in College Park.
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Dayton MVPA
5. Dayton MVPA  (June 22,2006)
Photos of 2006 MVPA meeting at Nutter Ctr,
Wright State University, Fairborn Ohio (next to Dayton) These are not professional photos but just to give an idea what vehicles were there and some activities at this year meeting.
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6. BURMA DODGE TRUCKS   (MAY 22, 2006)
Photos of Burma Dodges found at National Archives in College Park, MD and from truck service manual.  The color photos were taken by Keith Webb at the Tank Museum in Melborne Australia before the recent auction.  See his web site for more pictures and auction results at http://www.oldcmp.net/mtm_06_1.html

The black and white photos of the Burma Dodge trucks in India and on the Ledo Road where found at the National Archives in College Park, MD  I just stumbled on them and the only way to make copies I had was to Xerox them and later digitalize them.  This would account for the poor quality. I hope to go back some day and scan them into a computer.

According to Don Bunn in his book DODGE TRUCKS page 111 the trucks were built for the Chinese Army by Dodge.  The contract was for 15000 trucks and production started in Oct 44 ran into early 46.    They were built extra heavy duty and were right hand drive. GVW rating of 20000lb. Had a Clark 5 speed transmission, 9.00/20 tires, ten-stud Budd disc wheels, 331 ci 128 hp L-head six cyclinder engine, 13in clutch, 170in wheelbase and a maximun payload capacity of 11,200 lbs. The front clip most likely inspired the design of the post war Dodge 4x4 power wagons.  Another article makes mention that a ship carrying Burma Dodges was sinking off Australia during WWII.  Some of the trucks were off loaded to Australia which explains why the Tank Museum had a Burma Dodge truck and a couple wrecks.  The article had mention that a large dairy in Australia     
had used these trucks at one time.

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My father was wounded on the Burma Road while passing a convoy of these trucks. The Japs strafed the convoy and a lot of the Chinese drivers jumped from their trucks. My father was on an Army Harley passing by at the time.He was a S/Sgt and a member of the Flying Tigers in the Army Air Force. He was in the Assam Dragons. He ended up in a hospital in India for several weeks, but never received a Purple Heart. Another sergeant wrote his letters for him to Mom while he was injured. He would not talk about the war much, but he was in China, India, and Burma for three years and three months. Anyone that might happen to have any photos of him or his group, I would appreciate a digital file of them very much.
- Harry E. Moran II, Sun, 3 Jul 2011 10:29AM  

My Father was on the Burma Road driving one of the trucks and cooking for the troops.  When the Air Force split off after the war he joined th Air Force and became a mechanic on the Jet aircraft.

I will look in some of his albums and see if he has any pictures on the Burma road.  If so I will pass them on.

You have a very good web site.
- Andy J. Barfield III, Sat, 4 Apr 2009 8:16AM  

My dad, 89, has a picture of himself sitting on the fender of a Dodge truck as he was trying to start the China exit home after the war. He was glad that it was a new truck. It had just arrived. It broke down when the brakes locked up during the first few miles. They had a mechanic but all he had was a knife to work with. He freed up the brakes. They then get hit over a dozen times trying to get down the mountain. No injuries till he boarded a plane over the Hump. He ruptured his ears and is still fighting with the VA for help. They finally got him a high powered aid and he can hear a little. He still laughs about that truck, more now than then.
- Harry Branch, Fri, 30 Jan 2009 7:39AM  

my father worked on and assembled those trucks in Inda and Burma during the war. He is 86 now and I am trying to get as much information for him as I can. I have a real interest in what he did as he traveled the entire world during the war and warked at the base of the burma road at Ledo. Any information you can give me would be appreciated.
- Tom Purvis, Tue, 28 Nov 2006 7:14PM
41663 Visits
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WWII vehicles in Burma
7. WWII vehicles in Burma  (July 29, 2004)
Photos taken of military vehicle from WWII in Burma on trip to Ledo Road Jan 06
9062 Visits
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Burma Jeeps
8. Burma Jeeps  (Jan 2006)
Civilian and military style jeeps photographed in Burma 2006
17658 Visits
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9. RANGOON DODGE  (MAR 23,2006)
6718 Visits
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DDay Photos Part 2
10. DDay Photos Part 2  (July 29, 2004)
Additional photos 60th DDay Normandy
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DDay -Normandy
11. DDay -Normandy  (July 27, 2004)
Picture of military vehicle from DDay 2004
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Chinese Trucks
12. Chinese Trucks  (April 21, 2004)
Photos of the only old chinese trucks I found on a trip along the Burma road March 2004.  The large van truck was spotted along the highway but didnt look like they wanted to sell it.  The other vehicles were in a museum in Kunming.  There was essentially no lights when I first took pictures. Later an attendant showed up and turned some lights on but they did help much with taking pictures
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The trucks in this album belongs to  Jesse Helton.  I talked with Jesse's son-in-law and learn that Jesse developed some health problems since my visit to his museum in 2001 or 2002. He never did open his dodge truck museum but did add some more truck since I was there.  If someone should be in the area they could drop by his truck trailer manufacturing plant (Lakeside Trailers  15820 HWY 17, Crocker. Mo--near Rolla)and if he is there I would think he would be happy to show you his trucks if his health is okay that day.  The museum is next to the plant. 6/30/06
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