1 I was very proud the day Sniper earned his AKC Grand Champion title - at TEN YEARS OLD!
|  2 The same day Sniper showed them how it was done in the ring, he got his first leg towards his RATN title in Barn Hunt!
|  3 Showing in the Veteran Terrier Class!
|  4 Love this dog!
 5 Sniper stacks it up for Judge Yamada at the 2012 Rocky Mountain Cluster.
Photo by Tracey Kallas
|  6 Such a showy little terrier!
Photo by Tracey Kallas
|  7 And off we go!
Photo by Tracey Kallas
|  8 What a handsome, handsome boy! "Call me biased, but the bo..." View Comments...
 9 I love that he loves to be with me! His joy in the ring is visable.
|  10 Wow.
|  11 This is his serious look. It doesn't last long!
|  12 Now THIS is a Rat Terrier head! "Great picture! Very handso..." View Comments...
 13 Show 'em how it's supposed to be, Sniper! "He. is. stunning." View Comments...
|  14 Movement doesn't get any more balanced than this.
Photo by Tracey Kallas
|  15 The Little Man certainly knows how to strut his stuff!
|  16 The dog has hunt!
Little did I know that he preferred to go to ground. Here he is in a 6" pipe trying to get a rabbit. "Haha - Good boy, Sniper! G..." View Comments...
 17 Mr. Sniper takes a Group 1 under Judge Treacy! Thank you!!
|  18 Little Man celebrated his 2nd birthday in style by taking a Group One at the High Plains Kennel Club dog show!
|  19 On the move!
|  20
|  22 Mr. Sniper giving the judge some face and stacked to perfection after a down and back.
|  23 Oh, you want to see my ears?
|  24 Mr. Sniper and his Grand Champion photo! He wasn't very happy about being on the table again - I think he's thinking about steak!
 25 Mr. Sniper at 16 months old. He is maturing very nicely!
|  26 Sniper is giving Judge Lynn some great face! He is in the Best in Show ring, July 2009.
Photo by Tracey Kallas
|  27 Sniper! Look at the smile on his face!
|  28 I just love this little guy! This photo was taken the same weekend he earned his Champion title.
February 2009
Photo by Diana Bertram
 29 Handsome Sniper, soaking up some of that Arizona sun.
February 2009
Photo by Diana Bertram
|  30 This is why a judge called Sniper "wild"!
February 2009
|  31 He is SO athletic when he's motivated!
February 2009
|  32 Good boy! He CAN walk on a lead when he wishes.
February 2009
 33 My what a pretty boy he is!
|  34 Mr. Sniper - my cuddle bug!
|  35 June 2008
|  36 He's such a beautiful cross of both his sire and dam!
 37 Sniper asks "do I HAVE to hold still???"
|  38 Giving Judge Krenek some kisses!
|  39 Sniper and I in the Best in Show puppy ring - look how tiny he is compared to the Afgan!
|  40 Looking good and gangly at 14 weeks old!
 41 Sniper says "what are you lookin' at?"
Twelve Weeks Old
|  42 Look at that movement! Sniper is 9 weeks old.
|  43 Wait for me, Monkey!!
|  44 Nine Weeks.
 45 Sniper's ears are *almost* up!
|  46 Handsome boy!
|  47 All tuckered out after a hike around the lake.
|  48 Sniper takes over the toy box! He's 8 weeks old.
 49 At eight weeks - not the best shot, but it's what I could get by myself!
|  50
|  51 Sniper at six weeks old.
|  52 Six weeks.
 53 Six weeks
|  54 Six weeks and on top of the world!
|  55 Four weeks old.
Look at that show stack!!
|  56 Four Weeks
 57 Look at that handsome mug!
Four Weeks
|  58 Week three - almost has all of his nose leather filled in.
|  59 Week Three
|  60 Week Three
 61 Week Two
|  62 Week Two
|  63 Week Two
|  64 Week One
 65 Week One
|  66 Week One
|  67 Sniper's Dam: GRCH Silent Running Freya Le Fae
|  68 Beautiful Freya.
 69 Sire: GRCH K2's Son of a Gun
|  70 Handsome Snap and his beautiful girl, Devan.
|  71
 73 Sniper had a Echardiogram with Doppler and the Cardiologist said that he was perfectly normal!
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