The dogs, Daryl, Shelley and I headed out into the Medicine Bow National Forest to pick out a Christmas tree. That I forgot to get a permit for. But, we weren't deterred from playing in the snow with the dogs, and doing a little rabbit hunting later in the afternoon in a field near Glenrock, Wyoming.
Date(s): December 7, 2008. Album by Hurricane Deck Kennels. 1 - 24 of 26 Total. 822 Visits.
1 Near Friend Park in the Medicine Bow National Forest.
2 LOVE the beautiful rock formations!
3 Queen and King of the Mountain!
10 The mountain that is opposite Laramie Peak.
11 Laramie Peak
12 Rocks at the Laramie Peak trailhead - so pretty!
13 Monkey had a BLAST jumping like a deer through the snow.