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South Republican River Wilderness Area
My friend and fellow landman, Sue, and I went to the South Republican River Wilderness Area just north of Burlington, Colorado to let the dogs run and stretch their legs a little bit in the early morning light.
Date(s): May 15, 2012. Album by Hurricane Deck Kennels. 1 - 11 of 11 Total. 199 Visits.
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Cleared for take off.

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My winners from last weekend - Jada and Fritz!

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Follow the leader!  It is amazing to me that for a little as Fritz is, he does a good job of keeping up with the big dogs.

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I love it!  All of their feet are up off the ground.

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Sue is trying to convince Fritz that he doesn't want the coyote poop that he found in the road.

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Beautiful Jada.

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Sniper had a great time flushing rabbits.

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Sniper pounced on a mouse!

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I love this little guy!

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It was so pretty out!

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And the sky was amazingly blue!

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