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October Snow Day
10" of snow has fallen already, and it is still coming down!  It is our first snowfall of the season, and if today is any indication of the snow to come this winter, then we won't have to worry about drought conditions next summer for sure!
Date(s): October 4, 2013. Album by Hurricane Deck Kennels. 1 - 13 of 13 Total. 246 Visits.
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Zara jumps for joy!  It is her first snow and she doesn't know what to do with it all yet!

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Tickle says "I moved from Georgia for this?  Complete bullshit."

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Sniper and Zara on sentry duty.

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Rodear and Zara

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Jada wants me to let her and her puppies inside.  I can't believe how ROUND she is getting!

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No, I am serious.  LET ME IN.

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Sniper, Rodear and Zara (being a goofball!)

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Spot the Tiffits!

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Fritzy has had enough of the cold!

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He is so stinkin' cute!

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Zara is in pounce mode.

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She thought better of pouncing on Jada!

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Rodear says this is really the only place to be on a day like today!

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