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More Burlington!
I am having a good time in Burlington, Colorado.  I have decided to make the best of my temporary home here, and I have been having a great time exploring the local wilderness area with the dogs.  

Part of my job as a landman is to "dig up" people, and sometimes that means going to the local cemetery!  I made a trip to two cemeteries to confirm that someone had indeed passed across the Great Divide, and I couldn't resist taking some pictures.
Date(s): May 21, 2012. Album by Hurricane Deck Kennels. 1 - 27 of 27 Total. 239 Visits.
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The view outside of my hotel room.

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A grave marker at the Cheyenne Wells cemetery.

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There were so many unknown and unidentified grave markers that it was very surprising to me, as the cemetery is very small.

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This is about 1/3 of the Cheyenne Wells cemetery.

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My friend Sue loved the windmill and the cows that were etched onto this marker; I was more amused that it looked like an EKG that was flat lining!

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I wonder what his marker looked like.

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Not finding what we needed in Cheyenne Wells, we headed out to Kit Carson to visit the cemetery there.

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A jackrabbit was hanging out - he was HUGE!

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While the Grojeans weren't much for conversation, they did give me the information that I was looking for.

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A small herd of whitetails that we saw on the way back to Burlington.

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And they are off!  The dogs love our morning runs.

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Beautiful Miss Jada, just after she explored the culvert.

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Fritz tried to dig up a vole hole he found in the road.

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He loves running though the grass as well, but doesn't enjoy the fact that most of it is taller than he is!

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Yucca plants.

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A Western Kingbird.

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Red-headed Woodpecker.

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Another Western Kingbird.

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The South Republican River Wildlife Area was formerly known as Bonny Lake. The lake was drained as a result of a water fight between Kansas and Nebraska, and Colorado was involved due to the location of the Republican River Basin.

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A boat ramp - never to see another boat.

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It is an interesting dichotomy to see a drained lake on one side of a road, and an old windmill on the other.

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Red-tailed hawk in flight.

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Red-tailed hawk again, resting.

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Landing on a branch, and showing off his namesake.

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Sniper and Jada were looking for a ground squirrel that was making a racket!

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Jada and Fritz - their goofy faces make me laugh!

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Male Red-Winged Blackbirds.

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