Well, the lake was WAY down at Glendo State Park here in Wyoming, but that didn't keep the dogs from having a blast.
They all went swimming, chased rabbits, ate more junk food then their mama, got stalked by an owl and its baby in the middle of the night, and got to ride on the 4 wheeler - even though really, Monkey was the only one who really enjoyed it!
Date(s): September 21, 2008. Album by Hurricane Deck Kennels. 1 - 23 of 23 Total. 502 Visits.
1 RTW - Rat Terrier Wrestling!
2 Tracker, who's been chasing cottontails all morning, looks like he is about to pass out!
3 "Oh man! I got sand in my eyes, mama!!"
Really, he's rolling around in the warm sand trying to dry off after his swim in the lake.
4 Miss Monkey Shines - completely pooped!
5 My Little Man!
6 Another picture of the littlest one in my pack.
7 Little Man, coming your way!
8 Beautiful Lola Bean...
9 ...the Rat Dog Queen!
10 Sniper thinks that dead, dried up crawdads make for a VERY yummy snack!
11 The whole Crewe playing in the water.
14 Pretty Miss Monkey Shines!
15 Monkey LOVES to try and catch the waves.
16 Lake debris provided the Crewe with hours of entertainment.
17 Mr. Tracker!
19 Feathers were also lots of fun to play with!
21 Does this boy have a pretty head, or what??
22 View of Glendo from the boat.
23 Another view of the lake - it was windy and the water was choppy all weekend.