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April in Wyoming
The weather in April has varied wildly from a blizzard to warm and sunny in the high 60s!  I brought my camera on a couple of different outings, and the one thing both trips had in common was the prevelence of ground squirrels!  They can be very quick to their holes, and none of my dogs will "go to ground," so they have to catch them while they are running!  

Enjoy - I certainly did!
Date(s): April 30, 2009. Album by Hurricane Deck Kennels. 1 - 10 of 10 Total. 422 Visits.
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It's amazing how blue the sky can get!

The snow pictures were taken in Vedauwoo.

"What a beautiful photograp..."
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It was so warm, and so pretty that day - yes, even with snow on the ground.

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The ground squirrel wasn't very smart - he trapped himself in the cattle guard and then squeaked his fool head off, which attracted the dogs and sent them into a hunting frenzy!

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We tried to leave...

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Their heads wouldn't fit far enough down to grab it, so Daryl was trying to help chase him out.

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Otherwise, we weren't going ANYWHERE!  We tried to leave, but the dogs would stay all day until the job was done.

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Sharing in the kill!  Daryl was finally able to reach down and pull it out, and then throw it - Tracker caught it mid-air and made quick work of it.

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Daryl pets Tracker and tells him what a good dog he is for getting the ground squirrel!  Tracker has turned out to be an incredible hunting companion.

This pictures were taken at Sodergreen Lake.

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Tracker says BACK OFF!  This is MY ground squirrel!

I really do like the body language that is apparent in this picture - Tracker's threatening posture, and Sniper's submissive one.  Don't let this picture fool you though - they are the best of friends!

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Tracker buries EVERYTHING that he kills.  He buried the last ground squirrel in the snow - this one got a grave with a view of the lake.

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