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Coro Mexico - Unpatented
During WWII and until about 1950, Coro contracted Taller Borda Silversmiths, owned by Hector Aquilar, to produce jewelry out of Mexico in response to the shortage of metals in the US.  The pieces are spectacular and an interpretation of 40s style that is uniquely Mexican. This jewelry was not patented as it wasn't created by Coro's designers.

Hector Aguilar had previously worked for Spratling's "Las Delicias" before opening his own studio.
Album by CoroJewelryPatents.com. 1 - 10 of 10 Total. 275 Visits.
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Coro Mexico
Very large, 5" brooch with unfoiled rhinestone. Luda Tovey Collection

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Mark: Made in Mexico - Coro - Silver

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Coro Mexico
Although this brooch is signed Coro, an identical one is pictured on p.450 of Bell's 6th edition which is marked with a conjoined HA for Hector Aquilar. The design is attributed to his most famous designer, Valentin Vidaureta. Courtesy Connie of Jewelaria.com

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Coro Mexico back
Back of preceding brooch.

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Coro Mexico
Courtesy David of D & A Vintage Jewelry and More on Ruby Lane

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Coro Mexico
Courtesy Cheri Van Hoover of Milky Way Jewels

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Coro Mexico Bracelet
Courtesy Susan of Eureka I Found It Antiques & Collectibles

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Coro Mexico.Bracelet
Mark on bracelet

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Luda Tovey Collection

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Coro Mexico Sterling
Courtesy Sissy Van Hoessen

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