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 Coro Jewelry Patents | Home > CORO DESIGN PATENTS  
The career of Adolf Katz, Coro’s head designer, spanned nearly 40 years. According to patent records he appears to be a remarkably talented and prolific designer, holding more jewelry design patents in his name than anyone else in the industry.  Much of Coro’s incredible business success is attributable to Katz and Coro’s diverse, beautiful and imaginative jewelry lines are evidence of his enormous talent. Whether or not he single handedly designed every piece of jewelry credited to him in design patents, as head designer he would have been responsible for selecting the designs produced by Coro’s talented teams. As such, it was Katz’s vision that defined Coro. After joining Coro in 1924 Katz became head designer and production manager in 37, VP in 48 and Executive VP in 1960. Along with Carl Rosenberger as President and Coro's dynamic sales manager, Royal Marcher, Katz defined Coro's great creative and business success. Katz’s career with Coro lasted from the 1930s through to supervising Coro’s “new” Vendome line that replaced Corocraft as Coro’s top line from the 50s through 70s.

Other designers who appear on Coro’s design patents include Gene Verecchio who produced the celebrated “Quivering Camellia” line as well as many distinctively beautiful jewels made with faux “moonstone” multi-colored cabochons. Other celebrated designers include Charles Pauzat, Oscar Placco, Robert Geissmann and many others.

References: “American Costume Jewelry” 1935/50, Brunialti; A Tribute to America", Brunialti; Collecting Rhinestone & Colored Jewelry, Dolan

A heart felt thanks to the many collectors and dealers who have contributed photos of Coro jewelry to illustrate the design patents on this site.   

This page is lovingly dedicated to Luda Tovey. Without her hard work and dedication this site would not exist. She was a true jewel among jewels. I plan to maintain this site on a regular basis. If you have a patent, ad or jewel image you would like to share. Please email me at CoroPatents@gmail.com Thank You~
1 - 25 of 25 Total. Shared
1. Luda  
5583 Visits
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Coro Misc., Retro, Decorative, Abstract
2. Coro Misc., Retro, Decorative, Abstract 
Miscellaneous section including abstract, Retro Modern, decorative, and other Coro jewels that don't fit into a specific descriptive category.
208 Visits
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Coro Floral 1950s
3. Coro Floral 1950s 
5392 Visits
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1946 to 1949 Post WWII
4. 1946 to 1949 Post WWII 
The end of the war marked the return of the rhinestone as a prevalent feature in Coro's jewelry designs and by the end of the 40s designs became markedly lighter and simpler in style.
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Coro Florals 1942 to 1945
5. Coro Florals 1942 to 1945 
The 2nd World War had a powerful impact on the development of American costume jewelry.  Americans, for the first time, were cut off from the influences of European fasion and materials, such as quality rhinestones, became very difficult to acquire.  In late 1941 tin, nicket, zinc and copper were re-directed towards the war effort and became inaccessible to the jewelry trade.  Sterling silver substituted for the base metals and was used from 1942 into the mid 50s and metalwork, accented with enamel, lucite, faux turquoise, jade and seed pearls often became imaginative substitutes for rhinestones.
474 Visits
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Coro Florals 1930 to 1941 - Pre WWII
6. Coro Florals 1930 to 1941 - Pre WWII 
Coro floral design patents pre WWII
25865 Visits
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Coro Floral Baskets
7. Coro Floral Baskets 
Patent page includes floral baskets, urns and barrels.
11088 Visits
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Coro Figural Objects
8. Coro Figural Objects 
Album includes all types of figural "things" from crowns to candelabras.

Bows and floral baskets will be represented in their own patent pages.
52378 Visits
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Coro Foliate
9. Coro Foliate 
Coro jewels in the form of leaves, branches, trees.
12843 Visits
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Coro Fruit Veg
10. Coro Fruit Veg 
Edible Coro jewels from fruit to nuts.
8915 Visits
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Coro Patents - Figural Insects
11. Coro Patents - Figural Insects 
From butterflies to beetles, this page includes Coro insect design patents.
588583 Visits
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Coro Patents - Figural Creatures
12. Coro Patents - Figural Creatures 
Album features Coro "creature" jewelry - everything that flies, swims, trots, crawls or slithers that isn't human - including mythical creatures.
600905 Visits
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Coro Patents - Figural People
13. Coro Patents - Figural People 
This album includes design patents for Coro people figurals, cameos featuring a face and jewelry in the form of hands.
615830 Visits
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Coro Patents - Figural Birds
14. Coro Patents - Figural Birds 
This album includes only Coro bird figural design patents and corresponding photos and advertisements illustrating the patent.
841 Visits
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Coro Duette Patents
15. Coro Duette Patents 
Each Coro Duette or separable brooch had a uniquely shaped Duette frame made specifically to hold the two pin clips (or fur clips)in a fixed position so that together they could be worn as a brooch. When the duette frame becomes separated from the clips it is almost impossible to know what pin clips it belongs with and the duette is lost to jewellery collectors. Single duette clips can often be found but the value of a separated clip is far lower and less desirable than a fully assembled duette.
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16. Coro Bows 
Ribbon & Bow Jewelry
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Coro Mexico - Unpatented
17. Coro Mexico - Unpatented 
During WWII and until about 1950, Coro contracted Taller Borda Silversmiths, owned by Hector Aquilar, to produce jewelry out of Mexico in response to the shortage of metals in the US.  The pieces are spectacular and an interpretation of 40s style that is uniquely Mexican. This jewelry was not patented as it wasn't created by Coro's designers.

Hector Aguilar had previously worked for Spratling's "Las Delicias" before opening his own studio.
234 Visits
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Coro Norseland - Unpatented
18. Coro Norseland - Unpatented 
6425 Visits
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Coro Germany
19. Coro Germany 
7947 Visits
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Coro China
20. Coro China 
8560 Visits
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Coro Fine Jewelry
21. Coro Fine Jewelry 
Coro jewelry made of genuine gold.
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Evelyn Small Rosoff
22. Evelyn Small Rosoff  
Coro History Research
Evelyn Small Rosoff (1929-1992)

Stacey Rosoff of Rifka's Treasures and member of Jewel Collect stumbled on a treasure trove of Coro history when her father-in-law, Howard Rosoff, moved into a nursing home.  Stacy always knew that her mother-in-law, who had passed away suddenly in 1992, held an important position at Cohn and Rosenberger, manufacturers of Coro jewelry.  Howard wouldn't allow anyone to move anything in the apartment so the documents, chronicling his wife's career, remained out of sight.  

Evelyn Small Rosoff had worked for Coro from approximately 1950 to 1959. She kept cards and letters and all types of meaningful memorabilia, including many documents and photos about Coro. Through this web page Stacy has generously shared these items with anyone who may have an interest in the history of vintage costume jewelry.

Stacy writes,"I was lucky enough to learn so much more about my mother-in-law through all of these treasures than in the three short years I knew her.  It was very bitter-sweet finding out all of these interesting things and realizing how much we missed her. She and I would have had this great passion to share.  As an added bonus, I was also able to learn all kinds of facts about my husband's childhood - things only a mother would remember!".
Stacey's shop, "Rifka's Treasures", is named in honor of her mother-in-law (her Hebrew name).

Thank-you Stacey for sharing this priceless history.
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Coro Manufacturing
23. Coro Manufacturing 
From humble beginnings in a small NYC shop Coro grew to become the largest manufacturer of costume jewelry. Coro proudly describes their manufacturing facility in Providence, RI...

"The lighting is perfect, and shining glass windows provide excellent ventilation. A large cafeteria and a parking lot are provided for the convenience of employees.  Musak is another feature and rest periods relieve the afternoon hours".

In 1951 Coro produced a History and Sales Manual in honor of the company's 50th anniversary. The photographs and quoted text on this web page are taken from this handbook, which was generously shared by Stacey Rosoff.
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Florals No Patents
24. Florals No Patents 
Holding page for signed and unsigned Coro florals.
598611 Visits
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25. Vendome 
5506 Visits
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 External Links 
Have a patent? or Photo? Email CoroPatents@gmail.com

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