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Coro Design Patents
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Eisenberg Original - Ruth Kamke
1. Eisenberg Original - Ruth Kamke  
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Jakob Bengel
2. Jakob Bengel 
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3. Designers 
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The career of Adolf Katz, Coro’s head designer, spanned nearly 40 years. According to patent records he appears to be a remarkably talented and prolific designer, holding more jewelry design patents in his name than anyone else in the industry.  Much of Coro’s incredible business success is attributable to Katz and Coro’s diverse, beautiful and imaginative jewelry lines are evidence of his enormous talent. Whether or not he single handedly designed every piece of jewelry credited to him in design patents, as head designer he would have been responsible for selecting the designs produced by Coro’s talented teams. As such, it was Katz’s vision that defined Coro. After joining Coro in 1924 Katz became head designer and production manager in 37, VP in 48 and Executive VP in 1960. Along with Carl Rosenberger as President and Coro's dynamic sales manager, Royal Marcher, Katz defined Coro's great creative and business success. Katz’s career with Coro lasted from the 1930s through to supervising Coro’s “new” Vendome line that replaced Corocraft as Coro’s top line from the 50s through 70s.

Other designers who appear on Coro’s design patents include Gene Verecchio who produced the celebrated “Quivering Camellia” line as well as many distinctively beautiful jewels made with faux “moonstone” multi-colored cabochons. Other celebrated designers include Charles Pauzat, Oscar Placco, Robert Geissmann and many others.

References: “American Costume Jewelry” 1935/50, Brunialti; A Tribute to America", Brunialti; Collecting Rhinestone & Colored Jewelry, Dolan

A heart felt thanks to the many collectors and dealers who have contributed photos of Coro jewelry to illustrate the design patents on this site.   

This page is lovingly dedicated to Luda Tovey. Without her hard work and dedication this site would not exist. She was a true jewel among jewels. I plan to maintain this site on a regular basis. If you have a patent, ad or jewel image you would like to share. Please email me at CoroPatents@gmail.com Thank You~
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