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Carriers by Kathy

Date(s): February 23, 2003. Album by Kathy: themecages@aol.com. Photos by Kathy. 1 - 9 of 9 Total.
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Plastic storage container with holes in sides

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Cat pad fits in bottom of container

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Basket with top removed.

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Top secured with one-inch-binder clips. Belt or strap may be used to wrap around the basket (thread through the handle) to make the top secure.

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Same basket but with a thinner plastic top and no handle

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Top is cut a bit smaller on each side so that it rests on the slight slant right below the top of the basket

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Close-up of back of top where handle has been attached. Lift by handles or bottom when carrying the carrier.

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Small tub with open-handle area (from OSH)

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Tub covered with plastic needlepoint canvas and secured  with small binder clips