| 1939 PEM side mount sniper (7.62x54r)
This is a rare pre-war Mosin-Nagant91/30 PEM side mount sniper rifle, Tula 1939 mfg, rifle is an original sniper, all matching, original bolt & parts, scope/mount & base are original Soviet but not matching to the rifle. A number of these guns & 91/30 PE center line mounted guns that were original snipers w/original bolts came in a few years ago w/no optics or mounts, these were original snipers the Finns had in store & had removed the bases/scopes/mounts, they did not have the base mounting holes filled in & had not been removed from service as snipers & rearsenaled into standard infantry rifles as a lot of guns that are presently available. | Album by willyp. Photos by willyp. 1 - 21 of 21 Total. 16080 Visits. |