The mainstay of the Russian/Soviet military (& many others around the world!), adopted in 1891 & utilized thru the 60's! Please note: this album is now dedicated to Soviet variants of the Mosin, the early models that were pictured here are now in their own album in the Imperial Russian section.
Album by willyp. Photos by willyp. 1 - 46 of 46 Total. 11176 Visits.
"Dragoon family" 1904, 1923 & 1936 91/30 The bottom rifle is the 1904 Dragoon in original configuration, shown w/an M1891 locking ring bayonet. Center rifle is a 1923 Ishevsk dragoon, it is a Finn capture but has all early ishevsk marked parts & solid dragoon bands, shown w/an Ishevsk marked hooded "Panshin" bayonet. Top rifle is an original, matching non-import 1936 Tula 91/30 w/the spring latch 91/30 bayonet
stock combs top to bottom, 1904 dragoon, 1923 Dragoon, 1936 Tula 91/30. The comb on the 1904 dragoon is actually flatter & longer along the top than the other 2.
Right view of buttstocks L-R, 36' 91/30, 23' Dragoon, 04' Dragoon. Note all 3 have at least some trace of the original stock cartouches, the 91/30 is almost perfect, Tula star w/1936 underneath, the 23 Dragoon has the Soviet era circle cartouche, the 1904 Dragoon has the faint outline of the Imperial era round cartouche
Rear sight comparison L-R, 1904 dragoon for pre 1908 round, 1923 Dragoon for later round, 91/30
Right side action view 91/30 top, 1923 dragoon center, 1904 Dragoon bottom
Muzzles & bayonets top 91/30 w/91/30 spring catch bayonet center 1923 Dragoon w/panshin hooded bayonet bottom 1904 dragoon w/1891 lock ring bayonet
91/30, 1923, 1904 left view
91/30, 1923, 1904 muzzle left
91/30, 1923, 1904 action, left
91/30, 1923, 1904 rear sights
top view of rear sights top-91/30 center-1923 Dragoon bottom- 1904 Dragoon
rear receiver detail
91/30, 1923, 1904 buttstocks right
04Drgoon- 23Drgoon-9130 Stk CombTop
M1891 rifles Top- 1922 Tula, all matching non-import original Russian Second-1917 remington, all matching, non-import as mfg, also has US marks Third- 1908 Ishevsk, Finn capture, renumbered bolt, Russian stock w/no sling slots & has original mag-front band swivels. This rifle has plugs in the stock where it appears there were Austrian style swivels affixed. Bottom- 1899 original configuration Russian w/hook sling set-up
Right view of buttstocks
right view of actions note:, 1899 on bottom has no crossbolt in grasping groove & flat rear sight, no sling slots in stock, the 1908 Ishevsk also does not have sling slots in stock
right view of muzzles
another view of the muzzles
1917 Remington stock cartouche This is the Imperial Russian acceptance cartouche
08 Ishevsk safety knob serial number
Chambers top view
1899 markings
1908 markings
1917 Remington marking
1922 Tula Marking
1899 Rifle Sling Attachment No swivel, has metal hook on sling that attaches to band screw
1908 Ishevsk Front Swivel
forends left view
actions left view
left side view of rear sights
rear left view of rear sights
right side view, rear sights & markings
Buttstocks right view
1932 "transitional" Ishevsk This is an original example of an early "transitional" 91/30, it is Ishevsk mfg, 1932, all original matching numbers, correct cartouche on stock, button bands, high front sight blade used w/Panshin hooded bayonets. This particular rifle is SA marked but has no Finn mods. All parts are matching & Ishevsk mkd as is the Panshin bayonet.
1932 "transitional" 91/30 butt
1932 stock cartouche
1932 action right Note these rifles had an open front sight like the earlier Dragoons (see pics of the Dragoons above) but the front sight on these is taller, they used the later 91/30 rear sights though.
1932 forend w/Ishevsk mkd Panshin bayonet
1932 rear button band These were used for a short time between the solid Dragoon bands & the regular 91/30 split bands
1932 front button band
1932 tall open blade front sight Appears similiar to the later Finn mod on their captured 91/30's but this sight is 1 piece instead of 2