1944 PU Mosin Sniper (7.62x54r) Album by willyp. Photos by willyp. 1 - 22 of 22 Total. 7199 Visits.
Mosin based PU variants The Mosin 91/30 PU sniper rifle was produced in the Soviet Union from 1942-1947 & can be found in numerous marking/arsenal variations, also around are some Hungarian produced copies the M52 & a Czech mfg version, the Vz54. The pic above shows from top-bottom 1) 1947 Ishevsk mfg PU 2) 1944 Tula PU w/square towers 3) Czech VZ54 4) Hungarian M52 5) 1944 Ishevsk PU in laminate stock 6) 1944/51 MO mkd Tula PU