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 willyp | Home > Soviet/Combloc Section > Soviet Union > Weapons > 
1911 Colt Soviet rework (.45cal)
During WW1 the Russians purchased a lot of firearms on the world market for their forces one of which was a contract w/Colt for the 1911 Colt .45. These guns were all in the commercial "C" block serial series & were marked in Cryllic characters "English Contract" on the right frame. This particular Colt was reworked by the Soviets w/a dull blue finish, a small batch of these guns were offered on the market a few years ago.
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1911 right side
note the dull black Soviet rearsenal finish

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1911 markings on left side
note position of cryllic markings on frame, rest of gun has standard Colt markings

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1911 Colt "prancing horse" stamp

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"English Contract" mkg in Cryllic
The contract for these guns was arranged thru the British Govt so they were marked this way, the same as the New England Westinghouse 1891 Mosins which had the same marking in a circular stamp on the buttstock. There are some guns that have shown up w/fake markings.

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