The 1957 Topps Football card set is incredibly popular with collectors due to the fact that it is loaded with stars and rookies of future Hall of Fame players. Of the 154 total cards, 31 of the players on the checklist have been inducted into the Professional Football Hall of Fame. Key 1957 Topps Football rookie cards are Bart Starr (#119), Johnny Unitas (#138) and Paul Hornung (#151). Other major players appearing for the first time include Dick "Night Train" Lane (#85), Tommy McDonald (#124), Raymond Berry (#94) and Earl Morrall (#104). Missing from the set are a handful of future Hall of Famers, most notably Len Dawson and Jim Brown (though I have included a custom card of Brown at the bottom of the page). Printed in two separate series, the first contains 88 cards, with the second series having 66. It is said that 22 cards in the second series were double-printed to fill out the printing page, one of those cards, number 138, is the rookie card of Johnny Unitas. Generally, high-number cards are a little harder to find than low numbers and, therefore, command a slight premium. My raw set would grade about Ex/MT or so.
Album by Michael Ford. 1 - 156 of 156 Total. 3515 Visits.
1 Eddie LeBaron QB Washington Redskins
2 Pete Retzlaff B Philadelphia Eagles
3 Mike McCormack T Cleveland Browns
4 Lou Balacci B Pittsburgh Steelers
5 Gino Marchetti DE Baltimore Colts
6 Leo Nomellini DT San Francisco 49ers
7 Bobby Watkins RB Chicago Bears
8 Dave Middleton E Detroit Lions
9 Bobby Dillon RB Green Bay Packers
10 Les Richter G Los Angeles Rams
11 Roosevelt Brown T New York Giants
12 "Torgy" Torgeson C Washington Redskins
13 Dick Bielski RB Philadelphia Eagles
14 Pat Summerall DE Chicago Cardinals
15 Jack Butler B Pittsburgh Steelers
16 John Johnson RB Cleveland Browns
17 Art Spinney G Baltimore Colts
18 Bob St. Clair T San Francisco 49ers
19 Perry Jeter B Chicago Bears
20 Lou Creekmur DT Detroit Lions
21 Dave Hanner DT Green Bay Packers
22 Norm Van Brocklin QB Los Angeles Rams
23 Don Chandler RB New York Giants
24 Al Dorow QB Washington Redskins
25 Tom Scott DE Philadelphia Eagles
26 Ollie Matson RB Chicago Cardinals
27 Fran Rogel RB Pittsburgh Steelers
28 Lou Groza T Cleveland Browns
29 Billy Vessels B Baltimore Colts
30 Y.A. Tittle QB San Francisco 49ers
31 George Blanda QB Chicago Bears
32 Bobby Layne QB Detroit Lions
33 Billy Howton E Green Bay Packers
34 Bill Wade QB Los Angeles Rams
35 Em Tunnell DB New York Giants
36 Leo Elter B Washington Redskins
37 Clarence Peaks RB Philadelphia Eagles
38 Don Stonesifer E Chicago Cardinals
39 George Tarasovic C Pittsburgh Steelers
40 Pete Brewster E Cleveland Browns
41 Bert Rechichar RB Baltimore Colts
42 Billy Wilson E San Francisco 49ers
43 Ed Brown QB Chicago Bears
44 Gene Gedman RB Detroit Lions
45 Gary Knafelc TE Green Bay Packers
46 Elroy Hirsch E Los Angeles Rams
47 Don Heinrich QB New York Giants
48 Gene Brito DE Washington Redskins
49 Chuck Bednarik C Philadelphia Eagles
50 Dave Mann B Chicago Cardinals
51 Bill McPeak DE Pittsburgh Steelers
52 Ken Konz DB Cleveland Browns
53 Alan Amechi RB Baltimore Colts
54 Gordy Soltau E San Francisco 49ers
55 Rick Casares RB Chicago Bears
56 Charlie Ane C Detroit Lions
57 Al Carmichael RB Green Bay Packers
58 Bill Sherman B Los Angeles Rams
59 Kyle Rote RB New York Giants
60 Chuck Drazenovich B Washington Redskins
61 Bobby Walson E Philadelphia Eagles
62 Johnny Olszewski RB Chicago Cardinals
63 Ray Mathews RB Pittsburgh Steelers
64 Maurice Bassett RB Cleveland Browns
65 Art Donovan DT Baltimore Colts
66 Joe Arenas RB San Francisco 49ers
67 Harlon Hill E Chicago Bears
68 Yale Lary DB Detroit Lions
69 Bill Forester G Green Bay Packers
70 Bob Boyd E Los Angeles Rams
71 Andy Robustelli DE New York Giants
72 Sam Baker RB Washington Redskins
73 Bob Pellegrini C Philadelphia Eagles
74 Leo Sanford C Chicago Cardinals
75 Sid Watson RB Pittsburgh Steelers
76 Ray Renfro RB Cleveland Browns
77 Carl Tasseff DB Baltimore Colts
78 Clyde Conner E San Francisco 49ers
79 J.C. Caroline B Chicago Bears
80 Howard Cassady RB Detroit Lions
81 Tobin Rote QB Green Bay Packers
82 Ron Waller RB Los Angeles Rams
83 Jim Patton DB New York Giants
84 Volney Peters DT Washington Redskins
85 Richard Lane E Chicago Cardinals (Rookie card)
86 Royce Womble DB Baltimore Colts
87 Duane Putnam G Los Angeles Rams
88 Frank Gifford RB New York Giants
89 Steve Meilinger E Washington Redskins
90 Buck Lansford T Philadelphia Eagles
91 Lindon Crow RB Chicago Cardinals
92 Ernie Stautner DT Pittsburgh Steelers
93 Preston Carpenter RB Cleveland Browns
94 Raymond Berry E Baltimore Colts
95 Hugh McElhenny RB San Francisco 49ers
96 Stan Jones G Chicago Bears
97 Dorne Dibble E Detroit Lions
98 Joe Scudero RB Washington Redskins
99 Eddie Bell RB Philadelphia Eagles
100 Joe Childress RB Chicago Cardinals
101 Elbie Nickel E Pittsburgh Steelers
102 Walt Michaels DB Cleveland Browns
103 Jim Mutscheller E Baltimore Colts
104 Earl Morrall QB San Francisco 49ers
105 Larry Strickland C Chicago Bears
106 Jack Christiansen RB Detroit Lions
107 Fred Cone B Green Bay Packers
108 Lewis McFadin T Los Angeles Rams
109 Charley Conerly QB New York Giants
110 Tom Runnels RB Washington Redskins
111 Ken Keller RB Philadelphia Eagles
112 Jim Root RB Chicago Cardinals
113 Ted Marchibroda QB Pittsburgh Steelers
114 Don Paul DB Cleveland Browns
115 George Shaw QB Baltimore Colts
116 Dicky Moegle B San Francisco 49ers
117 Don Bingham RB Chicago Bears
118 Leon Hart B Detroit Lions
119 Bart Starr QB Green Bay Packers (Rookie card)
120 Paul Miller DE Los Angeles Rams
121 Alex Webster RB New York Giants
122 Ray Wietecha C New York Giants
123 Jack Carson E Washington Redskins
124 Tom McDonald RB Philadelphia Eagles (Rookie card)
125 Jerry Tubbs C Chicago Cardinals
126 Jack Scarbath QB Pittsburgh Steelers
127 Ed Modzelewski RB Cleveland Browns
128 Lenny Moore RB Baltimore Colts
129 Joe Perry RB San Francisco 49ers
130 Bill Wightkin T Chicago Bears
131 Jim Doran E Detroit Lions
132 Howie Ferguson RB Green Bay Packers
133 Tom Wilson RB Los Angeles Rams
134 Dick James RB Washington Redskins
135 Jimmy Harris QB Philadelphia Eagles
136 Chuck Ulrich T Chicago Cardinals
137 Lynn Chandnois RB Pittsburgh Steelers
138 John Unitas QB Baltimore Colts (Rookie card)
139 Jim Ridlon RB San Francisco 49ers
140 Zeke Bratkowski QB Chicago Bears
141 Ray Krouse T Detroit Lions
142 John Martinkovic DE Green Bay Packers
143 Jim Cason RB Los Angeles Rams
144 Ken MacAfee E New York Giants
145 Sid Youngelman T Philadelphia Eagles
146 Paul Larson QB Chicago Cardinals
147 Len Ford DE Cleveland Browns
148 Bob Toneff T San Francisco 49ers
149 Ronnie Knox QB Chicago Bears
150 Jim David B Detroit Lions
151 Paul Hornung RB Green Bay Packers (Rookie card)
152 Paul Younger RB Los Angeles Rams
153 Bill Svoboda RB New York Giants
154 Fred Morrison RB Cleveland Browns
155 1957 Topps Football unnumbered Checklist (marked)
156 Jimmy Brown FB (1957 NFL MVP) Cleveland Browns Custom card