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 Kathryn Willis | Home  
SunDance Rat Terriers, Arizona
ArizonaRatTerriers@mail.com  480-540-5640
SunDance Rat Terriers is located in hotter than HELLo Arizona.  I have relocated from Mesa to a much cooler climate in the White Mountains. We are in the town of Pinetop/Lakeside. After my husband passed away several years ago, I decided there was no reason to stay in the Phoenix area.
The dogs love the mountains, water, and pine trees.
I have been breeding dogs since about 1977 and decided that Great Danes were just toooo much work. I needed to down size.  We got our first rat terrier in 1994.  She was so much fun.  We decided to get another one, and then one more.  I decided that Rat Terriers were going to be my breed of choice.  I love the smaller dog with the big dog Rattitude.  They have alot of heart and personality with loving devotion to their family.
Please contact me - Kathy at ArizonaRatTerriers@mail.com                     or call 480-540-5640 for more information....Sometimes my phone doesn't answer (ALL CIRCUITS ARE BUSY)  I will get your text...thx  
>> God determines who walks into your life....it's up to you to decide who
>> you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.
BE AN ORGAN DONOR~GIVE YOUR HEART TO JESUS  <>< “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.” - John 3:16-17 ************************As we look at situations around the world, it can appear that Satan is winning. Everywhere we turn, we see sin and spiritual darkness, immorality and wickedness, turmoil and uncertainty, violence and war, broken homes and shattered marriages. Sometimes Christians seem defeated and discouraged, divided and outnumbered. Nevertheless, the Bible tells us Satan already is a defeated foe. In fact, the Bible says “the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has only a short time” (Revelation 12:12). Knowing that his time is short, the devil is throwing himself into fierce spiritual warfare. Satan fights with intensity, attacking anyone who is vulnerable. He seeks to manipulate the media with his twisted images and messages. He encourages the development of TV programs, websites, books, and films filled with lies and spiritual darkness. The ideas he promotes may sound true, but they lead us away from God. He fosters marriage breakups and causes children to rebel against their parents. He tempts us and lures us into sin. Remember: You will be attacked. And the attacks might come in ways that surprise you. Often they come during moments when you’re vulnerable and they target areas where you’re weak. Be on guard! Don’t take your enemy lightly! ************************“And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” - Revelation 20:10 Fill your life with God’s Word…today and every day. Pray in the Spirit. Seek to stay faithful to God’s call on your life. Avoid places, ideas, and people that tempt you to sin. Instead, commit your time, talent, and treasure to serving God and furthering His Kingdom. ************************ JESUS has forgiven us BUT have you invited Him into your heart to save you? Pray to Jesus. Tell him that you know you are a sinner. You know that God sent him to die on the cross to save you from your sins. Ask Jesus to come into your heart to be your Lord and Savior and forgive you of your sins. You are now a child of God***********************************“Dear friends, God the Father chose you long ago and knew you would become His child.” (1 Peter 1:2 LB) God chose you long before you chose him. God took the initiative. The Good News translation puts it this way: “You were chosen according to the purpose of God.” Why would God choose you or me to be a part of his family? Because he is a God of love; he is a God of grace. The more you understand grace, the more you're going to be amazed by it. God chose you. Did you deserve it? Not a chance. Do you deserve to go to Heaven? No way! Are you good enough to be in God's family? No. He just chose you. And that's good news. On what basis did he choose you? First Peter 1:3 says, "For it is His boundless mercy that has given us the privilege of being born again so that now we are members of God's own family." God chose you based on his mercy, not your performance. You'll never earn it. You'll never deserve it. You couldn't work hard enough for it. You couldn't be perfect enough. It's only because of God’s grace and mercy that the Creator of the universe says, “I want you in my family.” If that doesn't encourage you, you'd better check your pulse************************Have a wonderful and blessed day!

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