Izee was adopted 1/12/25 by the Mountz-Hill family (MD).
Date(s): 11/16/24. Album by Terry. Photos by Terry. 1 - 41 of 41 Total. 2234 Visits.
1 Say hello to Miss Izee!
2 She is a peppy, friendly 8 year-old Rat Terrier mix.
3 Izee came to New Rattitude weighing a tubby 31.2 lbs.
4 She has been on a diet and exercise regimen to help her get down to a healthier 25 lbs. or so. She is now (as of 1/9/25) down to 25.7 lbs.! Please note that several of the pictures in this album were taken before she had lost much weight.
5 She is very active and an avid leash walker, so she is gung-ho about the exercise part!
6 She has not been so happy about the diet part because she does love food, but fortunately is not at all a pesty beggar or counter surfer or food snatcher!
7 Izee loves going for walks, although in her quest for adventure, she does tend to pull a lot. We are working to convince her that it's much more pleasant to not strain against the leash, but so far we have not seem much progress.
8 Struttin' her stuff!
9 When Izee first got to her new foster home, she was very anxious since she had lived almost her entire life in her previous home. It took her a while to settle down and even longer to relax.
10 But it took only a day or two for her to feel completely comfortable with her foster parents.
Download MPEG4 11 Izee charmed the house sitters who stayed here a few days over Thanksgiving. They were quite sad to leave her when it was time for them to go. Click for a short video.
12 She especially loves loves loves butt scratches and neck rubs!
13 Izee gets along great with other dogs. She was immediately congenial with her new foster brother as well as her foster parents' visiting grand dog and a couple of other dogs who have come by for visits.
14 At meal time, she waits nicely for her supper and will sit on request to get her bowl. If she finishes her food first, she doesn't try to barge in on the other dogs' bowls.
15 Her house manners have been absolutely lovely apart from an occasional theft of an irresistible sock pantie from the laundry pile. (She carries it around but doesn't chew it up.)
16 She does tend to get riled up when the doorbell rings or she sees someone walking by on the street, but other than that she is calm and laid-back.
17 At night Izee will sleep in her crate if you want her to, but she will also happily share the bed with you if allowed.
18 She is reliably house trained and she knows how to use a doggie door.
19 She is alert for squirrels, chipmunks, and bunnies she may see in the yard or on walks but hasn't been fast enough to pose them any serious risk.
20 Overall she is perky and peppy but not particularly high energy. She spends most of her day snoozing on the couch....
21 ...or on a dog bed...
22 ... or on a dog bed ON the couch! And while it looks like she is the queen on her throne, she doesn't mind sharing her space with Boone if he wants to snuggle. In fact, the two often choose to share a single crate at night instead of each using their own.
23 She especially likes it when you spend couch time with her!
24 She sometimes likes to go outside to view the territory and see if there is anything that needs to be barked at or played with, but mostly she is an out-and-in kind of girl.
Download MPEG4 25 Izee is a very playful girl. She loves wrestling and playing "bitey face" with her foster brother. Click for a short video.
26 She loves to chase and catch a thrown ball. Once she gets it, though, she wants to play keep away with it.
27 IT's pretty much a waste to give her a stuffed toy, though, as she has the guts totally pulled out in less than 2 minutes.
Download MPEG4 28 Izee lovs to play tug of war! She will play with humans or other dogs. Click for a short video.
Download MPEG4 29 Foster brother Boone's favorite game is chase, which Izee isn't quite so keen on. She will gamely join in if the others are running around -- although she is a lot slower and doesn't quite get running around purely for the joy of it, and thinks she is supposed to actually catch the other dogs. Click for a short video.
30 Izee does have skin allergies that her previous owner treated with a prescription medication (Apoquel) when she would have a flare up. In foster care, we've seen good results with a limited ingredient diet, with an occasional spritz of topical anti-itch spray, and her itching seems to be almost totally relieved!
31 The "hot spots" on her hips and back from her scratching/biting at her itchy areas are now almost totally cleared up.
32 She has "the frog" yoga position perfected!
33 Izee recently marched in a parade in Chattanooga. Instead of staying in position with the other marchers, she decided her role was to greet the onlookers.
34 There were lots of other dogs there, too, but she particularly liked greeting the people. I suspect it was because she was hoping for handouts.
35 She appreciated all of the friendly pats and attention.
36 She wasn't the least bit anxious around the young children.
37 Rather liked them, in fact...
38 And wasn't even uncomfortable when some were a little more grabby than one would hope.
39 All in all she is an easy-to-care for, well-behaved and super personable gal.
40 Izee is seeking a new home that will give her plenty of opportunity to play, and she particularly hopes for a canine sibling or two. And she doesn't mind dog-savvy felines.
41 She is waiting patiently for you to put in an adoption application for her!