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Cedar (Naples, Idaho)
Cedar just turned 8 years old in July of 2024. Cedar was used for breeding for the first 5-6 years of her life and is still getting used to kind humans and frightens easily. She loves attention once she trusts and wants to be with or near her person all the time. Cedar does feel more comfortable around women vs men but, she'll take a treat from anybody. For adoption info or an application, please visit the New Rattitude Website.
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Cedar went camping with all her foster siblings. We were afraid she would not enjoy it but, she settled right in and seemed to enjoy the change.

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Cedar likes to have a good view of the kitchen, just in case she is needed.

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More camping shots. Cedar and her foster sisters.

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Ying & Yanging with fellow foster brother, Parker who is also available.

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We take extra chairs when we camp because all the dogs claim them as their own.

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Cedar likes to make nests in blankets. In her opinion, there are never enough blankets.

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As is true with most dogs, sleeping consumes much of the day. And she likes to have another dog to snuggle up to.

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It didn't take Cedar long to figure out the warmest place to be.

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Cedar cuddling with foster brother, Crash. She is pretty mellow during the day and likes to nap while foster parents do some work.

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She has a very cute little figure.

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Cedar was pretty nervous when she first came into foster care. She liked to watch and get a feel for everyone before she let us show her any affection.

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Such a pretty girl with deep, soulful eyes.

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Enjoying sunshine.

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Smiling. ;-)

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Foster parents are never alone in the kitchen, Cedar is right there to see what she might get. This girl loves her treats and especially bananas.

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Cedar has started to want to go for walks and even has her tail up where before it was totally tucked. She does frighten easily from loud noises like gunfire or construction. Best to keep her on a harness as she has pulled out of her collar and she will always be a flight risk.

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Vet visit. She was pretty frightened and completely stiff with the doctor. We decided to muzzle her just to avoid a negative experience for all.

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