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Cinema Caique

A place we can share our videos of our comical and cute Caiques and their family members. If you have a video or photo that you would like to include on this site, please write Pele at PeleCaique@aol.com

Please be sure to have the most current version of Quick Time Player to see the MPEG4 videos. Click on the download option and be patient while the movie is being downloaded. It is well worth the wait because the quality is so much better. 

Most video formats are accepted here so you don't have to be concerned with file conversions!

1 - 38 of 38 Total.
1. Dear Mama   (Mother's Day May 12, 2024)
hApPy mOtHeR's dAy
9354 Visits, 15 Images, Gallery Album
2. Garden Misc 
My garden through the years
519 Visits, 43 Images, Gallery Album
3. Philippe Jaroussky Concert Photos  (2015 - 2016)

Photographs of French born countertenor Philippe Jaroussky taken at performances in New York and Pennsylvania. I have been fortunate in meeting him twice and find him warm, genuine, engaging, kind and very personable. In no way does he suffer from arrogance or snobbery. He is just the opposite. Mr. Jaroussky never rushed but gave time and himself while meeting, greeting and signing autographs for his fans. He engaged in conversation, speaking fluent English and listened attentively to each person.

5 Albums, Shared Folder
4. Budgies We have Known and Loved  (Halloween 2005)
2498 Visits, 6 Images, Gallery Album
5. The Brown Boys 
823 Visits, 6 Images, Gallery Album
6. 2012 Garden 
1067 Visits, 31 Images, Gallery Album
7. For Mattie Jo 
Witta Stevie's albums here too.  Hope I presented you with enough of a variety of poses.
4782 Visits, 68 Images, Gallery Album
8. Howie Shower Time 2009-03-25 
Wet and wild Howie!!
2578 Visits, 20 Images, Gallery Album
9. Little Stevie Wonder 03-23-2009  (03-23-2009)
A long overdue update on Little Stevie Wonder, the sweetest Caique in the world.  Since the last update, Little Stevie has learned the Caique Scream from brother Howie.  Little Stevie thinks screaming is a duet to be performed with Howie.  Sometimes, well actually, most of the time it becomes a trio when Kiri CAG chooses to join in.  That stinker Howie even screams when he is out of his cage roaming the play area in the living room. Can't figure out his motivation on that one!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy Little Stevie's update.  I wish you could hear Little Stevie say 'Up, up. Up, up' is his very deep Caique voice.

Little Stevie says 'Hello' to his hatch Momma Gloria B. and his family at Shady Pines Aviary
2802 Visits, 30 Images, Gallery Album
10. Little Stevie Wonder 9-15-07  (9-15-07 to May 14, 2008)
Little Stevie the Wonder Caique is settling in and seems very content in his forever home with me, Mamma Christine.  Mamma Gloria and Daddy Ron, his breeders at Shady Pines Aviary, call every day to see how he is doing and to share their wealth of knowledge on weaning and fledging chicks.
Coming soon, Little Stevie's antics as a one year old. :-)

Have you visited Stevie's other Albums?
Stevie's Album May 25, 2007 to August 22, 2007
Stevie's August 22, 2007 to September 13, 2007
and Stevie's Cyber Shower Album.

Momma Christine

1828 Visits, 40 Images, Gallery Album
11. Little Stevie Wonder 8-22-07  (8-22-07 to 9-14-07)

Little Stevie the Wonder Caique is settling in and seems very content in his forever home with me, Momma Christine.  Momma Gloria and Daddy Ron, his breeders at Shady Pines Aviary, call every day to see how he is doing and to share their wealth of knowledge on weaning and fledging chicks.
Please check back often.  As of today, I am updating Little Stevie's albums almost every day. 

Have you visited Stevie's other Albums?
Stevie's Album May 25, 2007 to August 22, 2007
Stevie's Album from September 15, 2007 to present
and Stevie's Cyber Shower Album.

Momma Christine

6426 Visits, 46 Images, Gallery Album
12. Little Stevie Wonder  (5-25-07 to 08-22-07)
Little Stevie Wonder was hatched on May 25, 2007 at Shady Pines Aviary.  As you can see, he was hatched without eyes.  Stevie is developing like any other Caique chick, and, I think perfect every which way!  Today is August 5, 2007 and Stevie will be arriving at his forever home from Shady Pines Aviary within a week or two.  Please check back for updates and a pictorial essay on his life when he arrives at his forever home.

Little Stevie the Wonder Caique arrived Friday, August 17, 2007!  He is pure joy!!

Have you visited Stevie's other Albums?
Stevie's Album August 22, to present and Stevie's Cyber Shower Album.

Momma Christine
2493 Visits, 72 Images, Gallery Album
13. Little Stevie Wonder's Baby Shower  (August 7, 2007 to ??)
Little Stevie's Aunts, Uncles,Caique Cousins, and Parrot friends are throwing a cyber baby shower for him!  The gifts they are sending make noise and have very rich textures.  Very thoughtful gifts for a blind baby parrot!

I know that when Little Stevie the Wonder Caique arrives here at his forever home, he will want to have his thanks to his cyber friends on video.

Keep checking back to see all the wonderful presents Stevie receives and for the links to his video thank you cards.

Special thanks to Momma Gloria Balaban at Shady Pines Aviary for the Cyber Baby Shower and for choosing me to be the baby's new Momma!

Before you leave, check out Stevie's Baby Albums too!

Momma Christine
5478 Visits, 89 Images, Gallery Album
14. Mango   (5-26-07)
The first days after Mango came home.  Mango was almost starved to death due to neglect.  Her little friend Tango was not so lucky. Hours before they were rescued, Tango crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge. Necropsy results stating death by starvation.

Offers of help fell on deaf ears months before Tango's death.  We suspect that Mango's missing feathers were eaten by a starving and suffering Tango.  The day Tango died, the one who was supposed to forever keep her safe was partying at a friend of a friend's wedding and reception.  She flew out to California and left them in the care of her estranged husband.  Although not held accountable for the pain and agony of starvation, cosmic justice will prevail.

To all who visit this album, please remember that no matter what life deals us, we are forever responsible for the companions we willingly bring into our hearts and homes.
3388 Visits, 10 Images, Gallery Album
15. Mango's Party  (9-4-07)
See the difference in our little Sunshine
4435 Visits, 58 Images, Gallery Album
16. Mango's visit with Auntie Tanya  (9-21-2007)
5121 Visits, 50 Images, Gallery Album
17. Silliness 
Various animations and photo fun stuff of my fids and friends at Lassje's Bird Board and Parrots Are People Too at Google Groups
Please feel free to snag what you want. :-)
Please also check out
Pele the Caique's YouTube Channel
3788 Visits, 94 Images, Shared Album
18. Food for Feathereds 
Pictures of food I feed my flock
3016 Visits, 17 Images, Gallery Album
19. Kiri CAG and Howie Caique  (March 15, 2007)
1 Albums, Shared Folder
20. Pele's Movies 
Watch Pele as he eats, and eats and works on his construction job and then takes a bath! To see these movies, please download the Dr. DivX codec. It is free. Download Codec Want to see more Caique pictures? Come to Caiques Are People Too!
Movies captured by Christine
Updated 4/03/2005
5383 Visits, 11 Images, Gallery Album
21. Chook and Gang  (March 17, 2006)
A family of feathereds and fourfoots from the "Land of Downunder". Come in and see the story of Poppet the chicken who was adopted by a pair of Lorikeets. Check back from time to time to see the antics of Pordgie Pilot Budgie, Chook, Twisty and Orleans the cockatiels, Mimi the bunny, and the froggies!
1 Albums, Shared Folder
22. LBBoard Adventures  (June 22, 2006)
Awl da Abentures we knowed ob. We hopes we do awl da birdies jus-tice.
2 Albums, Shared Folder
23. Team Chaos  (May 17, 2006)
3 Albums, Shared Folder
24. Sharon's Fids 
Adorable videos and photos of Snickers the Peach Faced Love Bird, Pistachio the Quaker Parrot, bundle of energy Rio the Black Headed Caique and the gentle Green Cheek Conure Skittles!

To see these movies, please download the Dr. DivX codec. It is free. Download Codec

Created 02/24/2006    Updated 03/01/2006
1241 Visits, 46 Images, Gallery Album
25. Sunny Photo Diary 
See Soleil du Blu from egg to the present time. We will be tracking "Sunny's" growth until his first birthday. Check back often as this page will be updated frequently!

If you want to hear Sunny singing, go to
Sunny Sinatra Sound Bytes. and hear his rendition of the Raffi song "Baby Beluga"!

Momma Roseanna Kate's Web Site
Kate's Feathered Friends has the Moose Team Story and great Eclectus, African Grey and Caique information and more photos

Photos captured by Roseanna Lauenstein
Best viewed as a slideshow at 12 second intervals with photo size set to small.

Created 5/20/2004    Updated 03/19/2006
17915 Visits, 102 Images, Shared Album
26. Kate's Feathered Friends Photo Gallery 
Photos of Eclectus, African Greys and Caiques from Kate's Feathered Friends Aviary home of the Moose Team, Sunny and Candy Man. Visit Kate's Feathered Friends to read the Moose Team story and for great Eclectus, African Grey and Caique information and more photos

14448 Visits, 40 Images, Shared Album
27. Movies from Cleo's Corner 
Get your popcorn, kick off your shoes and kickback and relax for some really great videos of the adorable Black Headed Caique Cleo, star of Cleo's Corner.

Please be sure to have the most current version of Quick Time Player to see the MPEG4 videos.  Click on the download option and be patient while the movie is being downloaded.  It is well worth the wait because the quality is so much better!

To see these movies, please download the Dr. DivX codec. It is free. Download Codec

Thank you Marion for sharing these wonderful movies with us!

Created 6/24/2004    Updated 6/24/2004
5230 Visits, 12 Images, Gallery Album
28. George the Grey  (March, 2005)
This is a must see album featuring the antics of George the Grey
2362 Visits, 1 Images, Gallery Album
29. Jane's Flock of Cuties  (Created March 6, 2005)
Come in for an enjoyable visit with Jane her 2 cute Quaker Parrots Moochie and Tazzy, and, handsome Orange Wing Amazon, Buck!.
Created 3/6/05    Updated 3/31/05
1306 Visits, 2 Images, Gallery Album
30. Tiffany's Flock 
Tiffany's Flock are cute, comical and entertaining! Come and see them all. Please visit Tiffany's Web Site to see photos of her flock

Created 3/4/2005 Updated 3/4/2005
3303 Visits, 4 Images, Gallery Album
31. Miss Jazzy B 
Miss Jazzy B's Slide Show Baby Pics
Best viewed as a slide show at 11 second intervals

Pictures captured by Miss Jazzy B's breeder and her mommy Betsy Camp

Created 6/12/2004    Updated 6/23/2004
4162 Visits, 26 Images, Gallery Album
32. Betsy's Fabulous Fids 
Betsy's fids are very entertaining, funny and cute. Just take a look the their videos and you'll come away with a big grin on your face!

Movies captured by Betsy

Created 5/17/2004    Updated 5/17/2004
2731 Visits, 2 Images, Gallery Album
33. Gonzo Goes Bonkers! 

Grab your umbrella folks before watching this teriffic video!  Gonzo is a wild and crazy Caique splashing up storm in this cute video. Listen closely, you can hear Camilla the Caique making contact calls.

Movies captured by Carol

Created 6/12/2004    Updated 6/12/2004
2985 Visits, 2 Images, Gallery Album
34. Bill & Fifi & Sammy's Video Album 

Hold on to your hats! The girls Fifi BHC and Sammy WBC are just going to blow you away in their videos. Twice the fun and twice the entertainment!

To see these movies, please download the Dr. DivX codec. It is free. Download Codec

Movies captured by Bill

Created 5/24/2004    Updated 5/24/2004
2907 Visits, 1 Images, Gallery Album
35. Emily's Fids and Four Foots 
Wanna see cute little Poppy the WB Caique learning to fly or see her exploring? Wanna see Poppy doing some real serious surfing? Then you've landed at the right spot! You'll also see Molly the sweet Golden Retriever and her best buddy Papaya the Citron Cockatoo hanging out together as only they can do! Ever hear a Quaker Parrot sing?  NO? Go take a look and listen to Pippin's video.

Movies captured by Emily

Created 5/27/2004    Updated 4/20/2005
3792 Visits, 10 Images, Gallery Album
36. Trouper and Ripley Two Much Fun! 
Trouper and Ripley answer the age old question, "Are two Caiques twice as nice?" You'll get a kick out of seeing these adorable White Bellied Caiques hanging out together and having too much fun!
Please be sure to have the most current version of Quick Time Player to see the MPEG4 videos. Click on the download option and be patient while the movie is being downloaded. It is well worth the wait because the quality is so much better.
To see these movies, please download the Dr. DivX codec. It is free. Download Codec
Movies captured by Rikki

Created 5/15/2004 Updated 05/04/2005
2046 Visits, 6 Images, Gallery Album
37. The Daring World of Ping 
See the adventures of Ms. Ping as she soars through the air or wrestles or piggy squeals her way right into your heart! Ping is a very entertaining Black Capped Caique wonder.
Please be sure to have the most current version of Quick Time Player to see the MPEG4 videos. Click on the download option and be patient while the movie is being downloaded. It is well worth the wait because the quality is so much better.
Movies captured by Denise

Created 5/14/2004 Updated 5/14/2004
3393 Visits, 4 Images, Gallery Album
38. LBB Adventures  (Created January 1, 2005)
Cweated por Lassje's Bird Board by Pele da Historian. Here id awl da ad-bentures dat we knowed ob. We hopes dat we do jus-tess to awl you birdies
0 Visits, 0 Images, Shared Album6 w/ Pass
 External Links 
Caique Information and Caique Fun!
Cleo' s Corner for Great Caique Information and Caique Fun!
Parrot Toy Angels for Great Toys and Great Prices
Dr. Alicia McWatters Excellent Articles on Health and Diet. Kind and gentle spirit, we miss you
Shady Pines Aviary for Caiques and Info

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