Some beautiful pictures that Tracey Kallas took of my babies while she was watching them over the Thanksgiving holidays.
Thank you so much for all of the beautiful pictures!
Date(s): November 30, 2008. Album by Hurricane Deck Kennels. 1 - 16 of 16 Total. 401 Visits.
1 The Three Stooges - from bottom: Tracker, Lola and Monkey.
2 A pretty picture of a possible future couple.
3 My girlz!
4 Beautiful Miss Monkey Shines!
5 This is such a girlish pose!
6 Lola Bean!
7 Mr. Sniper - my cuddle bug!
8 My what a pretty boy he is!
10 Lola thinks that it is WAY too cold to be out in the snow!
11 I love this photo - Lola looks like she's been caught doing something naughty!
12 And the race is on!
13 Lola pulling her best "I am SO cold and NOBODY loves me!" act! She always puts her front pitty paws in the air when she thinks it is too cold for a princess to be exposed to the elements.