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Rabbit Hunt
Lola and Sniper were playing in the front yard when a rabbit came hopping by.  He hid himself in a pipe that was part of a cattle guard.  Lola and Sniper worked the pipe for a good hour when I decided to bring in Heidi and Tracker as reinforcements.  

With a little help from a 2x4 shoving the rabbit out of the hole, the dogs nabbed him!  That's the reason I don't have pictures of the nab - hard to work a camera and a 2x4 at the same time, and by the time I got the camera out, the dogs were long gone sharing in their spoils.  Tracker finally ended up with the carcass, and found a good place to bury him.

Great work, guys!!  I am VERY proud of Sniper - I always thought that he didn't have much hunt in him, but he proved me completely wrong.  He would have been in that pipe had it not been so filled with dirt.
Date(s): April 10, 2010. Album by Hurricane Deck Kennels. 1 - 11 of 11 Total. 499 Visits.
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Sniper in the pipe with Lola supervising, and Heidi doing who knows what.

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Heidi sticks her head in, wondering what her Daddy is looking at.

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Sniper telling Lola BACK OFF MY RABBIT while Tracker makes his way to the other end of the pipe.

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Sniper tries the less accessible side of the pipe.

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Sniper says if I'm over here, who's watching the other side?  Lola gets on that.

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Get it Sniper!

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He's almost all the way in!  Kinda hard to dig through steel!

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"Haha - Good boy, Sniper! G..."
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Sniper says, I think I am going to need a little bit of help in here!

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