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October 4 2012
It was high time to leave the baby puppies at home and take the big dogs for a long overdue hike at Bedtick Creek!  It was a nippy 30 degrees out, but that didn't stop the Hurricane Deck Crewe from playing in the water or running their hearts out.  

I did have a jacket on Fritz, but he decided that he couldn't run in it, so I had to take it off of him!  The poor dog was a pupcicle when we got back to the car, but he was just as happy as could be!  I am going to have to compromise with him - the little dog just doesn't have enough body fat to be running around without a jacket on.
Date(s): October 4, 2012. Album by Hurricane Deck Kennels. 1 - 15 of 15 Total. 229 Visits.
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Rooster is running towards his Mama!  

I've only ever had one dog that loves to run as much as Rooster does.

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Rooster and his muddy paws - he can't stay out of the water, even when it is 30 degrees out!

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It pains me to see this picture, but the Fritz is no worse for the wear and the ground is pretty soft.

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There they go!

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Sniper wonders why I am playing with the camera and not having fun!

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Jada loves to wrestle more than she loves to run - here she "attacks" Rodear while Fritz eggs her on.

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Pretty girls!

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Trees and deadfall provide plenty of sniffing opportunities.

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There is a hollow in this tree where a branch broke off - perfect for a raccoon to hide in, but I didn't see anyone at home.

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It's Rooster's turn to get tackled by Jada!

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An aerial image from Google Maps of the area where we hike.

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