1 Entering Synergy Parkland Western end of Kings Park Botanical Gardens, Perth, Western Australia.
|  2 Map of Synergy Parkland
|  3 Muttaburrasaurus Sculpture Children's Playground
 4 Baby Muttaburrasaurus and Eggs
|  5 Lycopod Island Children's Playground.
|  6 'Grow me at Home' Garden Native Grevilleas and Scaevolas suitable for the home garden.
 7 Fairy Fan-flower Scaevola aemula
|  8 Fairy Fan-flower Scaevola aemula
|  9 Thomasia purpurea
 10 Boronia 'Purple Jared' Boronia heterophylla X megastigma
|  11 Thomasia purpurea
|  12 Boronia 'Purple Jared' Boronia heterophylla X megastigma
 13 Kangaroo Paws and Heart-leaved Flame Pea Natives suitable for home gardens
|  14 Heart-leaf Flame Pea Chorizema cordatum
|  15 Thomasia purpurea
 16 Boronia 'Purple Jared' Boronia heterophylla X megastigma
|  17 Boronia 'Purple Jared' Boronia heterophylla X megastigma
|  18 Zamia Cafe surrounded by Native Plants Newly established 'Grow at Home' garden surrounding Zamia Cafe.
 19 'Grow at Home' garden of Native Plants
|  20 Yellow Kangaroo Paw
|  21 Kangaroo Paws and Everlastings
 22 Tar Bush Eremophila glabra
|  23 Yellow Kangaroo Paw
|  24 Fairy Fan-flower Scaevola aemula
 25 Lilac Hibiscus Alyogyne huegelii
|  26 Fairy Fan-flower Scaevola aemula
|  27 Tar Bush Eremophila glabra
 28 Lycopod Island from Picnic BBQ Area
|  29 Vietnam Memorial Pavilion
|  30 Vietnam Memorial Pavilion
 31 Freesias growing wild in nearby Bush An introduced species which has escaped from household gardens.
|  32 Freesias out of control Introduced species now an invasive weed.
|  33 Tobruk Memorial
 34 Red Pokers Hakea bucculenta
|  35 28th & 2/28th Infantry Battalion Memorial El Alamein Egypt 1942.
|  36 28th & 2/28th Infantry Battalion Memorial In two World Wars the 28th and 2/28th Infantry Battalions commemorate in cemeteries, memorials and gardens of remembrance over 2100 soldiers.
 37 Red Pokers Hakea bucculenta
|  38 Prisoners of War Memorial
|  39 To the Memory of All Prisoners of War
 40 Red Pokers Hakea bucculenta
|  41 Gum Leaf Motif carved on Totem Pole
|  42 Totem Pole with Beetle Carving
 43 Picnic Table and Totem Pole
|  44 Banksia Leaf Design Table and Stools
|  45 Totem Pole with Preying Mantis Carving
 46 Insect Carving in Totem Pole
| |