1 One Year after the Bushfire of 16 January 2009 Taken from Law Walk, Kings Park.
|  2 Dead Banksias on the downhill slope
|  3 Looking up the slope of the Hill
 4 Charred Trunks still remain
|  5 Re-growth struggles on this Sheoak Tree
|  6 This Grasstree is a casualty
 7 Understorey regrowth
|  8 Charred Trunks contrast with green regrowth
|  9 Trees are Scarred for Life
 10 Grasstree regeneration
|  11 Grasstrees sent up long Flower Spikes after Fire
|  12 The struggle to survive
 13 New Life, but will it survive the long dry summer?
|  14 Grasstrees, one survivor and one casualty
|  15 Matilda Bay Marina Viewed from the 2.5 km loop walk of Law Walk which is Kings Park's premier urban bushland trail.
 16 Approaching Boat on Swan River
|  17 Speeding along the Swan River
|  18 South Perth from Kings Park
 19 Mottlecah Eucalyptus macrocarpa.
|  20 Mottlecah Eucalyptus macrocarpa.
|  21 Mottlecah Eucalyptus macrocarpa.
 22 Marri -- Corymbia calophylla The Medicine Tree in Nyoongar culture.
|  23 Marri -- Corymbia calophylla Marri trees played a significant role in Nyoongar culture.
|  24 Marri -- Corymbia calophylla The tree is regarded as a female entity having nurturing and protective qualities. The red gum (kino) oozing from the tree contains tannin, which has antiseptic qualities.
 25 Marri -- Corymbia calophylla The kino was powdered and sprinkled onto open wounds to prevent bleeding, or added to water for a mouthwash or disinfectant.
|  26 Marri -- Corymbia calophylla When mixed with clay and water it was used as a traditional medicinal drink for dysentery.
|  27 Marri -- Corymbia calophylla Large quantities of powdered gum were used to tan kangaroo skins which were made into cloaks (bookas) or carry bags.
 28 Marri -- Corymbia calophylla Close up of the flowers.
|  29 Marri -- Corymbia calophylla Close up of the Marri Trunk.
|  30 Fan-leaved Hakea Fan shaped leaves of Hakea flabellifolia. Not in flower in January.
 31 Pink Flowering Eucalyptus
|  32 Pink Flowering Eucalyptus
|  33 Pink Flowering Eucalyptus
 34 European Strawberry Tree Arbutus Unedo. A Mediterranean and European species introduced to this section of Kings Park.
|  35 European Strawberry Tree Arbutus Unedo. The European Strawberry Tree grows to 5-10 m tall, rarely up to 15 m, with a trunk diameter of up to 80 cm.
|  36 European Strawberry Tree Arbutus Unedo. The colourful Bark is being shed to reveal a smooth trunk.
 37 European Strawberry Tree Arbutus Unedo. The Bark is peeling off.
|  38 European Strawberry Tree Arbutus Unedo. The leaves of this tree are dark green and glossy, 5-10 cm long and 2-3 cm broad, with a serrated margin.
|  39 European Strawberry Tree Arbutus Unedo. The hermaphrodite flowers are white (rarely pale pink), bell-shaped, 4-6 mm diameter, produced panicles of 10-30 together in autumn. They are pollinated by bees.
 40 European Strawberry Tree Arbutus Unedo. The red fruit is edible, but bland, 1-2 cm diameter, with a rough surface, maturing in 12 months at the same time as the next flowering.
|  41 European Strawberry Tree Arbutus Unedo. Fruit is mainly food for birds but in some countries they are used to make jam and liqueurs (such as the Portuguese medronho, a kind of strong brandy).
|  42 View of South Perth Framed by the European Strawberry Tree.
 43 Variegated Peppermint Tree Agonis flexuosa 'Variegata'
|  44 Leaves of Variegated Peppermint Tree Agonis flexuosa 'Variegata'
|  45 Round-fruit Banksia - Banksia sphaerocarpa
 46 Round-fruit Banksia - Banksia sphaerocarpa
|  47 Baxters Banksia -- Banksia baxteri The tips darken as the flower ages.
|  48 Baxters Banksia -- Banksia baxteri Freshly opened flower.
 49 Baxters Banksia -- Banksia baxteri
|  50 Baxters Banksia -- Banksia baxteri
|  51 Baxters Banksia -- Banksia baxteri Colourful new growth and zig-zag leaf structure.
 52 Woolly Orange Banksia -- Banksia victoriae
|  53 Woolly Orange Banksia -- Banksia victoriae
|  54 Woolly Orange Banksia -- Banksia victoriae
 55 Burdett's Banksia -- Banksia burdettii
|  56 Burdett's Banksia -- Banksia burdettii Partly opened flower. The flowers open upwards from the base.
|  57 Burdett's Banksia -- Banksia burdettii
 58 Burdett's Banksia -- Banksia burdettii
|  59 Burdett's Banksia -- Banksia burdettii
|  60 Burdett's Banksia -- Banksia burdettii
 61 Rose Banksia -- Banksia laricina Seed Capsule.
|  62 Banksia pilostylis
|  63 Vasse Featherflower Verticordia plumosa var vassensis.
 64 Vasse Featherflower Verticordia plumosa var vassensis.
|  65 Vasse Featherflower Verticordia plumosa var vassensis.
|  66 Vasse Featherflower Verticordia plumosa var vassensis.
 67 Vasse Featherflower Verticordia plumosa var vassensis.
|  68 Vasse Featherflower Verticordia plumosa var vassensis.
|  69 Sand Bottlebrush Beaufortia squarrosa.
 70 Sand Bottlebrush Beaufortia squarrosa.
|  71 Sand Bottlebrush Beaufortia squarrosa.
| |