1 Kangaroo Paw 'Orange Cross' Anigozanthos 'Orange Cross'
|  2 Kangaroo Paw 'Orange Cross' Anigozanthos 'Orange Cross'
|  3 Kangaroo Paw 'Orange Cross' Anigozanthos 'Orange Cross'
 4 Kangaroo Paw 'Orange Cross' Anigozanthos 'Orange Cross'
|  5 Kangaroo Paws line the Pathway Anigozanthos 'Orange Cross'
|  6 Kangaroo Paw 'Orange Cross' Anigozanthos 'Orange Cross'
 7 Kangaroo Paw 'Yellow Gem' Anigozanthos 'Yellow Gem'
|  8 Kangaroo Paw 'Yellow Gem' Anigozanthos 'Yellow Gem'
|  9 Kangaroo Paw 'Tangerine' Anigozanthos flavidus 'Tangerine'
 10 Kangaroo Paw 'Tangerine' Anigozanthos flavidus 'Tangerine'
|  11 Ancient Tuart Tree Eucalyptus gomphocephala
|  12 Upper Branches of Tuart Eucalyptus gomphocephala found on the Swan Coastal Plain of Western Australia.
 13 Hollows provide nests for Birds Eucalyptus gomphocephala
|  14 Seed Cone of Rose Banksia Banksia laricina
|  15 Violet Banksia Banksia violacea fround in the Southern Wheatbelt of Western Australia.
 16 Violet Banksia Banksia violacea
|  17 Violet Banksia Banksia violacea
|  18 Shade Trees in Grassed Area
 19 Baxter's Banksia Banksia baxteri found in Southern Heathland of Western Australia.
|  20 Baxter's Banksia Banksia baxteri
|  21 Baxter's Banksia Banksia baxteri
 22 Ashby's Banksia Banksia ashbyi found in Northern Heathland, Western Australia.
|  23 Ashby's Banksia Banksia ashbyi
|  24 Hooker's Banksia Banksia hookeriana
 25 Nodding Banksia Banksia nutans found in Southern Heathland, Western Australia.
|  26 Nodding Banksia Banksia nutans
|  27 Ghost Wattle (Acacia sciophanes) Restricted to just two populations through past land clearing, this species is struggling to reproduce in the wild.
 28 Ghost Wattle (Acacia sciophanes) Ecological studies are currently being undertaken to identify ways to increase genetic diversity and reproductive success.
|  29 Ghost Wattle (Acacia sciophanes) Critically Endangered!
|  30 Wongan Microcorys Microcorys eremophiloides found in Northern Wheatbelt, Western Australia.
 31 Wongan Microcorys Microcorys eremophiloides
|  32 Verticordia dichroma Verticordia dichroma var. dichroma found in Northern Heathland, Western Australia.
|  33 Verticordia dichroma Verticordia dichroma
 34 Verticordia dichroma Verticordia dichroma
|  35 Verticordia venusta Verticordia venusta found in Northern Wheatbelt, Western Australia.
|  36 Verticordia venusta Verticordia venusta
 37 Fitzgerald Eremophila Eremophila denticulata subsp. denticulata, found in Southern Heathland, Western Australia.
|  38 Fitzgerald Eremophila Eremophila denticulata subsp. denticulata
|  39 Eremophila purpurascens Eremophila purpurascens found in Kalgoorlie Goldfields, Western Australia.
 40 Eremophila purpurascens Eremophila purpurascens
|  41 Eremophila glabra Eremophila glabra
|  42 Eremophila glabra Eremophila glabra
 43 Eremophila glabra Eremophila glabra
|  44 Hairy Phalanx Grevillea Grevillea dryandroides subsp hirsuta found in Northern Wheatbelt, Western Australia.
|  45 Hairy Phalanx Grevillea Grevillea dryandroides subsp hirsuta
 46 Banksia benthamiana Banksia benthamiana found in Northern Wheatbelt, Western Australia.
|  47 Banksia benthamiana Banksia benthamiana
|  48 Banksia benthamiana Banksia benthamiana
 49 Prickly Plume Grevillea Grevillea annulifera found in Northern Heathlands, Western Australia.
|  50 Jingymia Mallee Eucalyptus synandra found in Northern Wheatbelt, Western Australia.
|  51 Jingymia Mallee Eucalyptus synandra
 52 Scarlet Leschenaultia Lechenaultia laricinia found in Wheatbelt, Western Australia.
|  53 Scarlet Leschenaultia Lechenaultia laricinia
|  54 Cooloomia Verticordia Verticordia cooloomia found in Northern Heathland, Western Australia.
 55 Cooloomia Verticordia Verticordia cooloomia
|  56 Blossom on Pink-flowering Gum Corymbia species
|  57 Pink-flowering Gum Corymbia species
 58 Pink-flowering Gum Corymbia species
|  59 Buds of Pink-flowering Gum Corymbia species
|  60 Pink-flowering Gum Corymbia species
 61 Masses of Blossom on Pink-flowering Gum Corymbia species
|  62 Scarlet Featherflower Verticordia grandis found in Northern Heathland, Western Australia.
|  63 Scarlet Featherflower Verticordia grandis
 64 Scarlet Featherflower Verticordia grandis
|  65 Batchelors Buttons Gomphrena canescens found in the Kimberley, Western Australia.
|  66 Batchelors Buttons Gomphrena canescens
 67 Lobed Spinifex Triodia basedowii found in Deserts of Western Australia.
|  68 Green Birdflower Crotalaria cunninghamii found in Pilbara, Western Australia.
|  69 Green Birdflower Crotalaria cunninghamii
 70 Sturt's Desert Pea Swainsona formosa
|  71 Sturt's Desert Pea Swainsona formosa found in Desert areas of Western Australia.
|  72 Sturt's Desert Pea Swainsona formosa
 73 Lord Forrest Monument Lord FORREST PC GCMG Explorer – Statesman 1847 – 1918 First President of Kings Park
|  74 Lord Forrest Monument
|  75 Mulga Acacia aneura found in Goldfields of Western Australia.
 76 Mulga Acacia aneura
|  77 Mulga Acacia aneura
|  78 Melaleuca Melaleuca fulgens subsp steedmanii
 79 Melaleuca Melaleuca fulgens subsp steedmanii found in Northern Heathland, Western Australia.
|  80 Jingymia Mallee Eucalyptus synandra found in Northern Wheatbelt, Western Australia.
|  81 Jingymia Mallee Eucalyptus synandra
 82 Plume Smokebush Conospermum incurvum found in Northern Heathland, Western Australia.
|  83 Ravensthorpe Bottlebrush Beaufortia orbifolia found in Wheatbelt, Western Australia.
|  84 Ravensthorpe Bottlebrush Beaufortia orbifolia
 85 Banksia pilostylis Banksia pilostylis found in Southern Heathland, Western Australia.
|  86 Banksia pilostylis Banksia pilostylis
|  87 Blue Lace Flower Trachymene coerulea found on Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia.
 88 Blue Lace Flower with Bud Trachymene coerulea
|  89 Aspects of Kings Park Gift and Souvenir Shop
|  90 Blossom on Red-flowering Gum Corymbia ficifolia
 91 The Jewish War Memorial A four-sided memorial with an Ionic column of Donnybrook freestone on a granite base. On each corner of the column is the Lion of Judah. There are inscriptions on all four sides.
|  92 Jewish War Memorial To the memory of the soldiers of the Jewish Faith belonging to the State who were killed in action or who died of wounds on the Battlefields of Gallipoli, France, Belgium and Palestine in the Great War 1914-1918.
|  93 Column of Jewish War Memorial The column is surmounted by a globe of copper bearing the shield of King David (the recognised symbol of Judaism).
 94 Red-flowering Gum Corymbia ficifolia found in Southwest, Western Australia.
|  95 Red-flowering Gum Corymbia ficifolia
|  96 Bees attracted to Red-flowering Gum Corymbia ficifolia
 97 The Queen's Tree River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis), planted by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, March 27th, 1954.
|  98 The Queen's Tree River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis)
|  99 Upper Branches of The Queen's Tree River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis)
 100 Mottled Bark of The Queen's Tree River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis)
|  101 Looking back at The Queen's Tree River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis)
|  102 Tall Mulla Mulla Ptilotus exaltatus found in Northern Western Australia.
 103 Tall Mull Mulla Ptilotus exaltatus
|  104 Stretch Limos in Fraser Avenue Office Workers travel in style to their Christmas Party with views of Perth, while I wait for my Bus to take me home.
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