1 Bushland Scene in Kings Park West Australian Wildflowers are bursting into colour.
|  2 Colourful Mixed Everlastings
|  3 The Magic of Nature
 4 Pink Everlasting Rhodanthe chlorocephala.
|  5 Everlastings Rhodanthe chlorocephala.
|  6 Splendid Everlasting Rhodanthe chlorocephala.
 7 Scented Banjine Pimelea suaveolens.
|  8 Scented Banjine Pimelea suaveolens.
|  9 Pendulous Scented Banjine Pimelea suaveolens.
 10 Attractive Qualup Bells Pimelea physodes.
|  11 Underneath a Qualup Bell Pimelea physodes.
|  12 Underside of Qualup Bells Pimelea physodes.
 13 Catspaw Anigozanthos humillis.
|  14 Little Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos bicolor.
|  15 Mangles Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos manglesii. The State Floral Emblem of Western Australia.
 16 Red Kangaroo Paw
|  17 Grevillea concinna subsp. lehmanniana
|  18 Fuchsia Grevillea Grevillea bipinnatifida.
 19 Flat-leaved Wattle Acacia glaucoptera.
|  20 Thread-leaved Everlasting Schoenia filifolia subsp filifolia.
|  21 Yellow Buttercup Hibbertia hypericoides.
 22 Everlastings Pink with yellow understorey.
|  23 Thread-leaved Everlastings Schoenia filifolia subsp filifolia.
|  24 Bee on Splendid Everlasting Rhodanthe chlorocephala.
 25 Pink Thryptomene Thryptomene hyporhytis.
|  26 Qualup Bells in Bloom Pimelea physodes.
|  27 Qualup Bells from the South Coast Pimelea physodes.
 28 Scented Banjine Pimelea suaveolens.
|  29 Pendulous heads of Scented Banjine Pimelea suaveolens.
|  30 Little Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos bicolor.
 31 Hairy Leschenaultia Lechenaultia hirsuta.
|  32 Grassed area of Kings Park
|  33 Orange Stars Hibbertia stellaris.
 34 Patch of Everlastings
|  35 Dotted with Everlastings
|  36 Thread-leaved Everlasting Schoenia filifolia subsp filifolia.
 37 Everlastings in shades of Pink Rhodanthe chlorocephala.
|  38 Qualup Bells on display Pimelea physodes.
|  39 Qualup Bells on show Pimelea physodes.
 40 Tall Qualup Bell Pimelea physodes.
|  41 Magnificent Qualup Bells Pimelea physodes.
|  42 Floral Clock with Bird-call Chime A bequest from Mr F.F.B. Wittenoom, a Western Australian pastoralist, was used to build a floral clock that was unveiled in 1962.
 43 Drumstick flowerheads of Kingia australis
|  44 Kingia australis
|  45 Rotary Wishing Well Opened 2 October 1949.
 46 Purple Fanflower Scaevola.
|  47 White Fanflower Scaevola.
|  48 Native Wisteria Hardenbergia comptoniana.
 49 Memorial Statue of Queen Victoria
|  50 Queen Victoria Statue Unveiled 1903.
|  51 Guns used at Waterloo and the Crimea
 52 Historic Gun
|  53 Gun Barrel
|  54 Victoria Queen and Empress 1837-1901 During her Reign, Australia was Colonized and Federated.
 55 Edward VII
|  56 Queen Victoria's view of Perth
|  57 Queen Victoria's view of the Swan River
 58 Perth from Queen Victoria's Statue
|  59 Grey Cottonheads Conostylis candicans.
|  60 Grey Cottonheads close-up Conostylis candicans.
 61 Grevillea species
|  62 Grasstree with many heads Xanthorrhoea preissii.
|  63 Group of Grasstrees Xanthorrhoea preissii.
 64 Small Wax Flower Chamelaucium.
|  65 10th Light Horse Memorial The 10th Light Horse Regiment was formed in 1900 and was trained in Western Australia. The Memorial honours 301 men from this regiment who fell in WW1.
|  66 Honey-myrtle Melaleuca fulgens.
 67 The Fallen Soldiers Memorial 1901 Now known as the Boer War Memorial.
|  68 The Boer War Memorial
|  69 Detail of Boer War Memorial
 70 A 4.7 Gun at Ladysmith The Naval Brigade engaged in Working A 4.7 Gun Behind a Bomb-Proof Shelter.
|  71 Boer War Scene 1
|  72 Dispersing Train Wreckers Mounted Australians Dispersing Boers who have Wrecked a Train near Bloemfontein.
 73 Boer War Scene 2
|  74 Slingersfontein Major Moor Refusing to Surrender to the Boer Commander at Slingersfontein.
|  75 Boer War Scene 3
 76 Boer War Memorial Honouring Western Australian soldiers killed in the Boer War (1899-1902).
|  77 Foundation Stone laid 22 July 1901
|  78 Krupp Field Gun captured in the Boer War The Krupp field gun was captured at Bothaville and presented to the State by the British Government in 1906.
 79 Huge Moreton Bay Fig Tree Near the main gates of Kings Park.
|  80 Splendid Everlasting 05 August 2011: After recent winter rains, the Everlastings (Rhodanthe chlorocephala) are bursting into bloom.
|  81 Pink Everlasting Rhodanthe chlorocephala
 82 Corymbia ptychocarpa Grows naturally in the Kimberley area.
|  83 Corymbia ptychocarpa
|  84 Shark Bay Mallee seed capsules Eucalyptus roycei is found on the Gascoyne Coastal Plain.
 85 Weeping Gum Eucalyptus sepulcralis grows in the Barrens on the south coast.
|  86 Buds and Flower of Weeping Gum Eucalyptus sepulcralis
|  87 Pimpin Mallee Eucalyptus pimpiniana found in the Murchison Goldfields.
 88 Monstrosity in the Bush! That is what I think of this new "improvement" in Kings Park!
|  89 Beyond the Monstrosity! A bench seat and deck.
|  90 Another new Seat This is more in keeping with nature and does not detract from the natural bush setting.
 91 Bushfire Regrowth Two and a half years after the Bushfire of Jan 2009, there is a good covering of undergrowth, but the charred remains of the scorched trees remain as a reminder of the damage done.
|  92 Native Wisteria on burnt Tree Hardenbergia comptoniana climbs on a charred tree trunk.
|  93 Native Wisteria Hardenbergia comptoniana makes a colourful foreground to the Swan River view.
 94 Banksia integrifolia
|  95 Red Pokers Hakea bucculenta
|  96 Grevillea species
 97 Another New Structure in the Bush!
|  98 Marlee Pavillion Another new structure in Kings Park.
|  99 Cockies' Tongues Templetonia retusa
 100 Millstream Fan Palm Livistona alfredii from the Pilbara Coastal Plain.
|  101 Fronds of Millstream Fan Palm Livistona alfredii
|  102 Sandpaper Wattle Acacia denticulosa from the Northern Wheatbelt area.
 103 Sandpaper Wattle Acacia denticulosa
|  104 Qualup Bells Pimelea physodes
|  105 Underneath the Qualup Bells Pimelea physodes
 106 Renovations at Fraser's Restaurant Fraser's complex in Kings Park is having a $9 million refrubishment to cater for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in October 2011.
|  107 Fraser's Restaurant Renovations
|  108 Construction Site for CHOGM During 28-30 October 2011, Perth will host the 2011 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM). As a part of this major event, the CHOGM Leaders' Retreat will be held in the new State Reception Centre, Kings Park (located on the upper level of Fraser's Restaurant).