1 Boab Tree (Adansonia gregorii) In a world first, this giant 750 year-old Boab was transported over 3,200 kms from Warmun in the Kimberley Region to Kings Park in Perth, as a gift from the Indigenous Gija people to the people of Western Australia.
|  2 Seed Pods on Boab Branches This giant Boab named 'Gija Jumulu' was officially planted in Kings Park on 20th July 2008 in a commanding position near the Two Rivers Lookout. These seed pods will be harvested, seedlings raised and returned to the Kimberley area.
|  3 Massive Boab Trunk This iconic tree is estimated to be 750 years old, weighs 36 tonnes, stretches 14 metres high and 8 metres wide (branch span). Its trunk measures 2.5 metres in diameter.
 4 Sturt's Desert Pea Swainsona formosa
|  5 Sturt's Desert Pea Swainsona formosa
|  6 Sturt's Desert Pea Swainsona formosa
 7 Mangles Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos manglesii
|  8 Mangles Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos manglesii
|  9 Mangles Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos manglesii
 10 Senna stricta Southwest of Western Australia
|  11 Senna stricta Southwest of Western Australia
|  12 Senna artemisioides Desert areas of Western Australia
 13 Tall Mulla Mulla Ptilotus exaltatus
|  14 Parakeelya Calandrinia remota
|  15 Tall Mulla Mulla Ptilotus exaltatus
 16 White Everlasting
|  17 Bright Pink Everlastings
|  18 Pink Everlastings
 19 Field of Everlastings
|  20 Everlastings standing tall
|  21 Everlastings attract Bees
 22 Native Wisteria Hardenbergia comptoniana
|  23 Silky Eremophila Eremophila nivea
|  24 Purple Flag Patersonia occidentalis
 25 Verticordia galeata Northern Heathland
|  26 Verticordia galeata Northern Heathland
|  27 Verticordia galeata Northern Heathland
 28 Swan River Daisy Brachyscome iberidifolia
|  29 Everlastings and Daisies
|  30 Wiry Everlasting Schoenia filifolia
 31 Qualup Bell Pimelea physodes
|  32 Qualup Bell Pimelea physodes
|  33 Mondurup Bell Darwinia macrostegia
 34 Swan River View from Kings Park Kangaroo Paws in foreground
|  35 Grasstree and Kangaroo Paw
|  36 Green and Gold of Australian Bush Swan River view from Kings Park
 37 Wattle Species Acacia
|  38 Ashby's Banksia Banksia ashbyi
|  39 Wattle Species Acacia
 40 Bee on Ashy Hakea Hakea cinerea
|  41 Bees on Ashy Hakea Hakea cinerea
|  42 Ashy Hakea Hakea cinerea
 43 Grevillea concinna subsp lehmanniana
|  44 Grevillea concinna subsp lehmanniana
|  45 Mt Barren Grevillea Grevillea macrostylis
 46 Prickly Toothbrushes Grevillea armigera
|  47 Prickly Toothbrushes Grevillea armigera
|  48 Bracted Grevillea Grevillea bracteosa
 49 Grevillea Species
|  50 Mangles Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos manglesii
|  51 Scarlet Honey-myrtle Melaleuca fulgens steedmanii
 52 Royal Hakea Hakea victoria
|  53 Royal Hakea Hakea victoria
|  54 Royal Hakea Hakea victoria
 55 Eremophila
|  56 Pimelea Species
|  57 Cascade of Stars Eriostemon buxifolius
 58 Scented Boronia Boronia megastigma
|  59 Aniseed Boronia Boronia crenulata
|  60 Scented Boronia Boronia megastigma
 61 Fuchsia Grevillea Grevillea bipinnatifida
|  62 Pear-fruited Mallee Eucalyptus pyriformis
|  63 Pear-fruited Mallee Eucalyptus pyriformis
 64 Scott River Jugflower Adenanthos detmoldii
|  65 Sand Bottlebrush Beaufortia squarrosa
|  66 Sand Bottlebrush Beaufortia squarrosa
 67 Eucalyptus rhodantha
|  68 Flower Bud Opens Eucalyptus rhodantha
|  69 Eucalyptus rhodantha
 70 Eucalyptus kingsmillii
|  71 Silver Princess Eucalyptus caesia subsp magna
|  72 Silver Princess Eucalyptus caesia subsp magna
 73 Garden of Mixed Wildflowers
|  74 Garden of Mixed Wildflowers
|  75 Garden of Mixed Wildflowers
 76 Kangaroo Paws and Everlastings
|  77 Everlastings and Kangaroo Paws
|  78 Kangaroo Paws and Everlastings
 79 Mangles Everlasting Rhodanthe manglesii
|  80 Bud of Mangles Everlasting Rhodanthe manglesii
|  81 Mangles Everlasting Rhodanthe manglesii
 82 Purple Fanfare Scaevola aemula
|  83 Small Waxflower Chamelaucium ciliatum
|  84 Geraldton Wax Chamelaucium uncinatum
 85 Geraldton Wax Chamelaucium uncinatum
|  86 Geraldton Wax Chamelaucium uncinatum
|  87 Geraldton Wax Chamelaucium uncinatum
 88 Silky Eremophila Eremophila nivea
|  89 Wongan Microcorys Microcorys eremophiloides
|  90 Native Wisteria Hardenbergia comptoniana
 91 Pink Fairies Caladenia latifolia
|  92 Pink Fairies Caladenia latifolia
|  93 Pink Fairies Caladenia latifolia
 94 Grevillea leucoclada
|  95 Cottonheads Conostylis
|  96 Catspaw Anigozanthos humillis
 97 Golden Waitzia Waitzia nitida
|  98 Golden Waitzia Waitzia nitida
|  99 Golden Waitzia Waitzia nitida
 100 Pom-Pom Everlasting Cephalipterum drummondii
|  101 Yellow Everlastings
|  102 Yellow Everlasting
 103 Swan River Daisy Brachyscome iberidifolia
|  104 Schoenia Schoenia cassiniana
|  105 Scholtzia
 106 Native Berries
|  107 Smokebush Conospermum stoechadis
|  108 Smokebush Conospermum stoechadis
 109 Barrens Featherflower Verticordia helichrysantha
|  110 Scarlet Featherflower Verticordia grandis
|  111 Barrens Featherflower Verticordia helichrysantha
 112 Yellow Featherflower Verticordia chrysantha
|  113 Yellow Featherflower Verticordia chrysantha
|  114 Yellow Featherflower Verticordia chrysantha
 115 Verticordia etheliana var formosa Northern Heathland
|  116 Plummed Featherflower Verticordia plumosa
|  117 Verticordia etheliana var formosa Northern Heathland
 118 Large-fruited Mallee Eucalyptus youngiana
|  119 Unopened Flower Buds Eucalyptus youngiana
|  120 Large-fruited Mallee Eucalyptus youngiana
 121 Pimelea Species
|  122 Red Leschenaultia Lechenaultia formosa
|  123 Chamelaucium (Stirling Range form)
 124 Assorted Wildflowers Including Kangaroo Paw and Qualup Bell
|  125 Qualup Bell Pimelea physodes
|  126 Qualup Bell Pimelea physodes
 127 Wattle Species Acacia
|  128 Cockies' Tongues Templetonia retusa
|  129 Grevillea Species
 130 Scarlet Honey-myrtle Melaleuca fulgens steedmanii
|  131 Everlastings
|  132 Scarlet Honey-myrtle Melaleuca fulgens steedmanii
 133 Everlastings
|  134 Pink Everlastings
|  135 White Everlasting
 136 Schoenia Schoenia cassiniana
|  137 Pink Fairies Caladenia latifolia
|  138 Pink Fairies Caladenia latifolia
 139 Calothamnus Species
|  140 White Everlasting
|  141 Calothamnus Species
 142 Swan River view from Kings Park
|  143 Colourful Everlastings
|  144 Kings Park Bushland
 145 Pom-Pom Everlasting Cephalipterum drummondii
|  146 Parakeelya Calandrinia remota
|  147 Tall Mulla Mulla Ptilotus exaltatus
 148 Bright Pink Everlasting
|  149 Pink Everlasting
|  150 Pink Everlasting
 151 Bee gathering pollen from Everlasting
|  152 Black Kangaroo Paw Macropidia fuliginosa
|  153 Mixed Wildflowers in Bushland Setting
 154 Kangaroo Paw Cultivar Anigozanthos 'Topaz'
|  155 Kangaroo Paw Cultivar Anigozanthos 'Spring Blossom'
|  156 Mangles Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos manglesii
 157 Everlastings Unlimited
|  158 Everlastings Unlimited
|  159 Everlastings Unlimited
 160 Wildflowers and Granite Rocks
|  161 Masses of Wildflowers
|  162 Spacious Lawns and Picnic Areas Bushland setting of Kings Park in the heart of Perth, Western Australia.