1 African Lion Panthera leo senegalensis
|  2 Lion from Central Africa Panthera leo senegalensis
|  3 Grant's Zebra from Eastern Africa Equus quagga boehmi
 4 Slender-tailed Meerkat from Southern Africa Suricata suricatta
|  5 Meerkat on Sentry Duty Suricata suricatta
|  6 Meerkat chewing bark off log Suricata suricatta
 7 Playful Meerkat rolls over Suricata suricatta
|  8 Meerkat standing straight and tall Suricata suricatta
|  9 Meerkats about to enter Tunnel Suricata suricatta
 10 Meerkat from a different angle Suricata suricatta
|  11 Meerkat sitting in a hollow Suricata suricatta
|  12 Radiated Tortoise from Southern Madagascar Geochelone radiata
 13 Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur from Eastern Madagascar Varecia variegata variegata
|  14 Asian Small-clawed Otter leaving the Pool Amblonyx cinereus
|  15 Female Asian Elephants Left: Permai (meaning pretty)was born in 1989 and arrived at Perth Zoo in 1992. Her back is arched more prominantly than Tricia's. Right: Tricia is the oldest of our elephants and the matriarch of our herd. She arrived at Perth Zoo in 1963.
 16 Tricia gathers hay in her Trunk Elephas maximus
|  17 Tricia holding bundle of Hay Elephas maximus
|  18 Tricia puts the Hay in her mouth Elephas maximus
 19 Australian Southern Cassowary Casuarius casuarius
|  20 Red Kangaroo enjoying the Sunshine Macropus rufus
|  21 Western Grey Kangaroos Macropus fuliginosus
 22 Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo Dendrolagus goodfellowi
|  23 Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo Dendrolagus goodfellowi
|  24 Durka the Dingo dozes on Rock while Keeper fills pool (Canis lupus dingo) Sadly, Durka aged 15 years passed away in January 2011. RIP Durka.
 25 Tasmanian Devil on the prowl Sarcophilus harrisi
|  26 Tasmanian Devil approaching Sarcophilus harrisi
|  27 Tasmanian Devil looks at the camera Sarcophilus harrisi
 28 Tasmanian Red-legged Pademelon Thylogale stigmatica
|  29 Red-legged Pademelon eating leaves Thylogale stigmatica
|  30 Koala choosing fresh Gum Leaves Phascolarctos cinereus
 31 Koala chewing Gum Leaves Phascolarctos cinereus
|  32 Australian Pelicans in main Lake Pelecanus conspicillatus
|  33 Black-necked Stork or Jabiru Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus
 34 Jabiru in sitting position Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus
|  35 Australian Darter or Snake-bird Anhinga melanogaster novaehollandiae
|  36 Australian Darter or Snake-bird Anhinga melanogaster novaehollandiae
 37 Australian Darter drying in the Sun Anhinga melanogaster novaehollandiae
|  38 Darter with water reflections Anhinga melanogaster novaehollandiae
|  39 Front view of Australian Darter Anhinga melanogaster novaehollandiae
 40 Two Pied Heron Ardea picata
|  41 Pair of Pied Heron Ardea picata
|  42 Pied Heron Ardea picata
 43 Australian Shelduck Tadorna tadornoides
|  44 Great Egret and other waterbirds Ardea alba
|  45 Glossy Ibis in metallic red-brown Plumage Plegadis falcinellus. Australia's smallest Ibis.
 46 Yellow-billed Spoonbill Platalea flavipes
|  47 Yellow-billed Spoonbill searching for Food Platalea flavipes
|  48 Two young Little Penguins Eudyptula minor novaehollandiae
 49 Little Penguin floating in the Penguin Plunge
|  50 Baby Woma Python in Nursery Aspidites ramsayi
|  51 Adult Woma Python Aspidites ramsayi
 52 Tiger Snake (Notechis scutatus)
|  53 Chameleon Dragon (Chelosania brunnea)
|  54 Chameleon Dragon (Chelosania brunnea)
 55 Fijian Crested Iguana (Brachylophus vitiensis)
|  56 Trio of Australian Pelicans Pelecanus conspicillatus. Photos taken 1 August 2010.
|  57 Channel-billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae. The favoured foods of the Channel-billed Cuckoo are native figs and native fruits, though some seeds, insects and even baby birds are also taken. The birds take figs from the tree with their massive bills.
 58 Pair of Channel-billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae. The Channel-billed Cuckoo lays its eggs in the nests of the Australian Magpie, Gymnorhina tibicen, the Pied Currawong, Strepera graculina and members of the crow family (Corvidae). Unlike many other cuckoos, the young birds do not evict the host's young or eggs from the nest, but simply grow faster and demand all the food, thus starving the others. Often the adult female will damage the existing eggs in the nest when she lays her own and she may even lay more than one egg in a single nest.
|  59 Blue-winged Kookaburra Dacelo leachii. Blue-winged Kookaburras are found in tropical and subtropical open woodlands, paperbark swamps, timber on watercourses, clearings, canefields and farmlands.
|  60 Blue-winged Kookaburra Dacelo leachii. Blue-winged Kookaburras eat a wide range of invertebrates and vertebrates. They consume mainly insects, reptiles and frogs in the wetter months, and fish, crayfish, scorpions, spiders, snakes, earthworms and small birds and mammals at other times.
 61 Australian Water Birds
|  62 Great Egret Ardea alba. The Great Egret usually feeds alone. It feeds on molluscs, amphibians, aquatic insects, small reptiles, crustaceans and occasionally other small animals, but fish make up the bulk of its diet.
|  63 Brolga is a large Grey Crane Grus rubicunda. The Brolga is a large grey crane, with a featherless red head and grey crown. The legs are grey and there is a black dewlap under the chin.
 64 Brolga searching the shallows Grus rubicunda. The energetic dance performed by the Brolga is a spectacular sight. Displays may be given at any time of the year and by birds of any age.
|  65 Brolga standing Tall Grus rubicunda
|  66 Metallic Red-brown Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus. Glossy Ibis feed on frogs, snails, aquatic insects and spiders in damp places. They feed by probing the water and mud with their long, curved bill.
 67 Spoonbills in the Tree Tops Yellow-Billed Spoonbill on left and two Royal Spoonbills.
|  68 Royal Spoonbills Platalea regia. The Royal Spoonbill is a large white waterbird with black, spatulate (spoon-shaped) bill, facial skin, legs and feet.
|  69 Royal Spoonbill bonding ritual Platalea regia. The bird's impressive bill plays an important part in bonding rituals between males and females. She pecks in his direction and if he manages to nibble her bill, a bond is formed.
 70 Yellow-Billed Spoonbill Platalea flavipes. The Yellow-billed Spoonbill is a large, white waterbird with a yellow face and spatulate (spoon-shaped) bill, and yellow legs and feet.
|  71 Yellow-Billed Spoonbill Platalea flavipes. It is most often seen wading slowly in shallow waters, sweeping its bill from side to side to feed.
|  72 Yellow-Billed Spoonbill Platalea flavipes. During breeding season, the facial skin is outlined in black, the lacy outer wing plumes are tipped black and there are long hackles on its upper breast.
 73 Blue-billed Duck Oxyura australis. The Blue-billed Duck is almost wholly aquatic, and is seldom seen on land.
|  74 Freshwater Crocodile Crocodylus johnstoni. Freshwater Crocodiles grow up to 10 feet (3m) long, but on average are about 1.5 metres long. They have a narrow snout, sharp teeth and webbed hind feet. The Freshwater Crocodile is generally brown in colour, however this will vary depending on their environment.
|  75 Western Minnow Galaxias occidentalis. Native freshwater fish of south-western Australia.
 76 Saltwater Crocodile in new enclosure Crocodylus porosus. The Saltwater Crocodile is usually found in deep, dark murky water. It may inhabit fresh or saltwater but is most commonly found in the brackish estuary areas of Northern Australia.
|  77 Saltwater Crocodile Crocodylus porosus. This Estaurine Crocodile is estimated to be about 60 years old.
|  78 Carnaby's Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus latirostris. This endangered Australian species is endemic to southwest Western Australia. Numbers have declined dramatically due to loss of habitat.
 79 Bush Stone-curlew Burhinus grallarius. The Bush Stone-curlew is a large, ground-dwelling bird of extraordinary grace and beauty. It is endemic to Australia and nearby islands. It was formerly known as the Bush Thick-knee.
|  80 Bush Stone-curlew in Nest Burhinus grallarius. During the day, Bush Stone-curlews tend to remain inactive, sheltering amongst tall grass or low shrubs and relying on their cryptic plumage to protect them from predators. When disturbed, they freeze motionless, often in odd-looking postures. For visual predators like raptors (and humans), this works well, but it serves little purpose with animals that hunt by scent such as foxes, dingoes or goannas.
|  81 Bush Stone-curlew Burhinus grallarius. Like most stone-curlews, it is mainly nocturnal and specialises in hunting small grassland animals: frogs, spiders, insects, molluscs, crustaceans, snakes, lizards and small mammals are all taken, mostly gleaned or probed from soft soil or rotting wood; also a few seeds or tubers, particularly in drought years. Birds usually forage individually or in pairs over a large home range, particularly on moonlit nights.
 82 Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus. The Black-winged Stilt is a large black and white wader with long orange-red legs and a straight black bill. It has black on the back of the neck, a white collar and a red iris.
|  83 Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus. Black-winged Stilts prefer freshwater and saltwater marshes, mudflats, and the shallow edges of lakes and rivers.
|  84 Dingo drinking from the stream The dingo is Australia's only native dog and is thought to have descended from wild Asian dogs.
 85 Australian Dingo A dingo's colour is determined by where it lives. Golden yellow dingoes are found in sandy areas while darker black and tan dingoes are found in forests.
|  86 Australian Dingo Dingoes rarely bark. They howl at night to keep the family group together and to warn others to stay away.
|  87 Sun Bear cub, Maly Helarctos malayanus. Sun Bear cub, Maly, became the first Sun Bear born in Australia on 26 March 2008.
 88 Male Sun Bear Helarctos malayanus. Perth Zoo’s Project Sun Bear campaign raised over $330,000 to help build a new home at Perth Zoo for two rescued Sun Bears from Cambodia. They can be seen in the Asian Rainforest.
|  89 Male Sun Bear watches his cub Helarctos malayanus. Sun Bears have very short, smooth fur that varies from black to grey. They get the name ‘Sun Bear’ from the yellow rising-sun-shaped patch on their chest. Sun Bears have very long, curved claws which are helpful in tree climbing and extracting food from logs.
|  90 Baby Sumatran Orangutan Perth Zoo is considered a world leader in the breeding of the Sumatran Orangutan. The Zoo has successfully bred 27 orangutans since 1970 as part of an Australasian captive breeding program. In 2006, Perth Zoo released one of its female orangutans, Temara, into Bukit Tigapuluh National Park as part of a release program to re-establish a viable population of Sumatran Orangutans.
 91 White-cheeked Gibbon White-cheeked Gibbons are omnivores and spend most of their time looking for fruit in the canopy. However, they also eat leaves, flowers and insects.
|  92 White-cheeked Gibbon Male and female White-cheeked Gibbons have different coloured fur. The male’s body is covered with black fur, with white cheeks and a black crest on its head. The female is a golden colour with a black face and no crest.
|  93 Closer to White-cheeked Gibbon Perth Zoo is part of an Australasian breeding program for this species and has two breeding pairs of White-cheeked Gibbons.
 94 Galapagos Tortoise Galapagos Tortoises are one of the longest living animals. The oldest recorded tortoise is 175 years old.
|  95 Alert Slender-tailed Meerkat Suricata suricatta. Slender-tailed Meerkats live in large social groups of up to 30 members. While most of the group are out foraging for food, ‘sentries’ are posted as look-outs for predators such as eagles or cobras. Sentries stand on their hindlegs so they can get a better view of approaching predators. When a threat is sighted, the sentries let out an alarm and the meerkats dive into their burrows. When there is no threat, the sentries make a continuous low, steady peeping sound to let the group know they’re still on guard.
|  96 Meerkat enjoying the Sun Suricata suricatta. Meerkats are omnivores. They eat insects, spiders and other small animals, as well as roots and bulbs.
 97 Rothschild's Giraffe family Mother Misha and Father Armani with male calf born 29 May 2010.
|  98 Rothschild's Giraffe baby calf This male calf born on 29th May 2010 is the seventh giraffe to be born at Perth Zoo since 1995.
|  99 Southern White Rhinoceros The Southern White Rhinoceros has a thick grey hide and two long horns on its snout. They also have a wide, straight upper lip. Their legs are fairly slim, allowing them to run up to speeds of 45 kpm, which is amazing for their size. Rhinoceros have poor eyesight but their sense of smell is very good.
 100 Cheetah named Tokoloshe The Cheetah is the world’s fastest land animal and can sprint at over 110 kph for 10–20 seconds. In December 2010, Tokoloshe the six-year-old female Cheetah returned to her home at Monarto Zoo in South Australia, to participate in the regional cheetah breeding program.
|  101 Hamadryas Baboon Hamadryas Baboons have a highly organised, unique and complicated social structure. A male will dominate up to 10 females at a time and form a ‘family’. Several families form a clan; several clans form a band; and several bands form a troop. The dominant male maintains these groups or ‘harems’ by threats and force.
|  102 Young Hamadryas Baboon Baboons are omnivores and eat grass, roots, tubers, seeds, nuts, fruit, insects and small animals.
 103 African Painted Dogs African Painted Dogs live in packs of 30 or more.
|  104 African Painted Dog with wool hide African Painted Dogs are carnivores and hunt large prey like wildebeest, zebra and impala.
|  105 African Painted Dog The African Painted Dog has long legs and a lean body, a relatively small head, large ears, and a short broad muzzle. Its coat varies in pattern and is a mixture of black, grey, yellow and white—hence the name.
 106 Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus. Photos 9 August 2010.
|  107 Pelican looking into the Water
|  108 Pelican with raised Wings
 109 Pelican drying feathers
|  110 Pelicans on the Pond
|  111 Australian Pelican is largest in World
 112 Pelicans enjoying the Sun The bill and pouch of pelicans play an important role in feeding. The bill is sensitive and this helps locate fish in murky water.
|  113 Translucent Pelican Bill and Pouch The pouch serves as a short-term collecting organ. Pelicans plunge their bills into the water, using their pouches as nets. When fully extended, the bill can hold up to 13 litres.
|  114 Please Enlarge to Look Closely Two Keepers on the right sit and watch the Cheetah eating a meaty meal (under greenery on left)!
 115 Rothschild's Giraffe reaches for a branch
|  116 Rothschild's Giraffe close-up
|  117 Grant's Zebra close-up Equus quagga boehmi.
 118 Grant's Zebra Plains Zebra from Eastern Africa. Each zebra has its own individual stripe pattern.
|  119 Rothschild's Giraffe Family Mother Misha and Father Armani with male calf born 29 May 2010.
|  120 Misha, Armani and Calf Rothschild's Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi).
 121 The calf Ajali with father Armani The calf has been named Ajali, the Swahili word for destiny.
|  122 Ajali is growing quickly Aged 10 weeks when photo taken 9 August 2010. Update: April 2011, Perth's youngest giraffe Ajali left his home at the Perth Zoo to travel cross country to his new residence and new friends at Werribee Open Range Zoo in Victoria.
|  123 African Flora in African Savannah Area Ochna species. This plant has beautiful fragrant yellow flowers in spring and very attractive fruits.
 124 African Flora in African Savannah Area Ochna species, known as Mickey Mouse Plant, Bird's Eye Bush, or Carnival Bush.
|  125 African Flora in African Savannah Area Ochna species. This plant has beautiful fragrant yellow flowers in spring and very attractive fruits.
|  126 African Flora in African Savannah Area Ochna species. This plant has beautiful fragrant yellow flowers in spring) and very attractive fruits. These are shiny black and berry-like, suspended below bright-red sepals in a way that resembles the face of Mickey Mouse, hence the common name Mickey Mouse bush. The flowers are attractive to bees and butterflies. The ripe fruits are eaten by birds. Leaves with sharp teeth are long and narrow
 127 African Flora in African Savannah Area Fruit of the Ochna species. The ripe fruits are eaten by birds.
|  128 African Flora in African Savannah Area Sharp Thorns!
|  129 African Flora in African Savannah Area Ochna species. Fruits are shiny black and berry-like, suspended below bright-red sepals in a way that resembles the face of Mickey Mouse, hence the common name Mickey Mouse bush.
 130 African Flora in African Savannah Area Yet to be identified.
|  131 African Flora in African Savannah Area Yet to be identified.
|  132 Lion in the shadows He would not turn to look at the camera!
 133 Sumatran Tiger is a solitary animal
|  134 Southern White Rhinoceros Adult Male.
|  135 Calf born at Perth Zoo 2006 Southern White Rhinoceros.
 136 A True Australian 20 January 2011. Kangaroo at Perth Zoo.
|  137 Western Grey Kangaroo Macropus fuliginosus
|  138 Kangaroo eating fresh 'greens' Macropus fuliginosus
 139 Kangaroo waiting and listening Macropus fuliginosus
|  140 Kangaroo standing straight and tall Macropus fuliginosus
|  141 Kangaroo about to jump away Macropus fuliginosus
 142 Sadness at Perth Zoo 20 January 2011. Durka the 15 year-old Dingo will be sadly missed by all visitors to Perth Zoo.
|  143 Koala perched in tree Phascolarctos cinereus
|  144 Contented Koala at Perth Zoo Phascolarctos cinereus
 145 Looking into the Echidna burrow Tachyglossus aculeatus
|  146 Australian Darter Anhinga novaehollandiae.
|  147 Australian Darter Anhinga novaehollandiae.
 148 Black-necked Stork or Jabiru Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus
|  149 Black-necked Stork hunting Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus
|  150 Black-necked Stork spied something in the grass Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus
 151 Brolga standing on one leg Grus rubicunda.
|  152 Brolga is a Grey Crane Grus rubicunda.
|  153 Brolga portrait Grus rubicunda.
 154 Black-winged Stilts resting Himantopus himantopus.
|  155 Trio of Little Penguins Eudyptula minor novaehollandiae.
|  156 Sun Bear from the Asian Rainforests Helarctos malayanus.
 157 Bear displays yellow rising-sun-shaped patch on chest Helarctos malayanus.
|  158 Bright Red Flowers (unidentified) The Botanic Gardens at Perth Zoo have many exotic species.
|  159 Eye-catching flowers This tall unknown tree growing in deep shade, blossomed with bright red flowers.
 160 Climbing the Ropes 25 April 2011. Sumatran Orangutan at Perth Zoo.
|  161 Orangutan Treat 25 April 2011. This Sumatran Orangutan at Perth Zoo picks up a large Ice Block containing frozen fruit.
|  162 Enjoying an Ice Block 25 April 2011. Sumatran Orangutan at Perth Zoo.
 163 Lion and Lioness
|  164 Lioness dozing in the sun
|  165 Lion keeps watch
 166 Galapagos Tortoise Galapagos Tortoises are the largest tortoises in the world.
|  167 Galapagos Tortoise Tortoise taking a stroll.
|  168 Cheetah named Kifani Kifani is 10 years old and recently arrived from Monarto Zoo.
 169 Black-capped Capuchin The Black-capped Capuchin is found in the rainforests of Central America, is an omnivore and eats nuts, fruit, insects, frogs, lizards and small bats
|  170 Bush Stone-curlew is a ground-dwelling bird
|  171 Meerkat comes from Southern Africa
 172 Purple-crowned Lorikeets Glossopsitta porphyrocephala. A small parrot 17-18 cm in length.
|  173 Purple-crowned Lorikeets eating fruit
|  174 Cave-dwelling Frog (Litoria cavernicola) Like many frogs in the Kimberley, the Cave-dwelling Frog may be threatened with extinction if the Cane Toad invades their habitat. Perth Zoo is the first to breed this species in captivity.
 175 Motorbike Frog (Litoria moorei) These frogs are often seen and heard around Perth. Motorbike Frogs come in different colours, from dull-olive to bright-emerald. They get their name from their call, which sounds just like a motorbike changing gears.
|  176 Perth Zoo goes Solar As part of its commitment to conservation and sustainability, Perth Zoo has harnessed the power of the sun to become Perth's largest solar site.
|  177 Some of the Inverters for this 90.9 kW installation The installation of 303 panels across eight Zoo buildings, make it the largest solar site in the city.
 178 Sun-Day School Twenty one solar panels adorn the roof of the Discovery and Learning rooms.
|  179 Solar Panels on the roof of the Discovery and Learning rooms This section produces on average 25 kWh of energy per day, which is more than enough to power the energy needs of an average house in Perth.
|  180 Who's New at the Zoo? 25 July 2011: Two Dingo pups, born 13 March 2011, are brother and sister pure-breed Alpine Dingos who were born at the Australian Dingo Conservation Association in New South Wales.
 181 Dingo Pup approaches This female has been called Mirri, which means wild dog.
|  182 Mirri comes closer Pure breed Alpine Dingo pup born 13 March 2011.
|  183 Mirri looks for her brother As she starts to climb the rocks, Mirri looks back for her brother who is hiding behind other rocks. The male pup has been called Daku, which means sand.
 184 Mirri is four months old Australian Alpine Dingo.
|  185 Another glance to Daku below Unfortunately, Daku would not come out to have his photo taken.
|  186 Mirri relaxes perched high on the rock
 187 First glimpse of African Painted Dog pups The highly threatened African Painted Dog has had its numbers boosted with the birth of nine pups at Perth Zoo.
|  188 Two African Painted Dog pups in the grass The pups were born late May 2011.
|  189 Mother Mara and pup The tri-coloured pups spent their first few weeks of life under the watchful eye of their mother, 7-year-old Mara, inside the den where Mara gave birth.
 190 African Painted Dog, Mara
|  191 Portrait of Mara African Painted Dog and mother of nine pups.
|  192 African Painted Dogs Perth Zoo now has five adult males, one adult female and nine pups.
 193 The Pups are very Active Taken from the viewing platform.
|  194 African Painted Dog pups
|  195 Male African Painted Dog The adult male pack members have been regurgitating their meals to help feed the pups and Mara. This is natural behaviour that ensures the young develop and become part of the group.
 196 Female African Painted Dog and two pups
|  197 Parents watch the Pups at play
|  198 The Pups at Play