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Australia Day is celebrated on 26 January each year. To all Australians, no matter where in the world you happen to be, may this bring you fond memories of home. This is Australia as seen through the lens of my camera and brought to you in a series of collages. Happy Australia Day!
Album by gladysclancy. Photos by Gladys. 1 - 15 of 15 Total. 6430 Visits.
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The Australian Flag
Australia Day, January 26, is the biggest day of celebration in the country and is observed as a public holiday in all states and territories. On Australia Day we come together as a nation celebrate what's great about Australia and being Australian. It's the day to reflect on what we have achieved and what we can be proud of in our great nation. It's the day for us to re-commit to making Australia an even better place for the future. http://www.australiaday.gov.au

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The Land
This Land of contrasts of climate, terrain and landscape is often called The Wide Brown Land. Total Land Area: 7,686,850 square kms. Slightly smaller than the 48 US states. Lowest Elevation: Lake Eyre, 15 metres below sea level. Highest Elevation: Mount Kosciuszko, 2,229 metres above sea level.

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The Sea
Australia is the sixth largest country in the world, and is the only one of the top six that is completely surrounded by water. The mainland and Tasmania are also surrounded by many thousands of small fringing islands and numerous larger ones. Nearly forty percent of the total coastline length comprises island coastlines. As an island nation, coastlines play an important role in defining national, State and Territory boundaries. Total Length of Australian Coastline 59,736 kms.

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The Wildlife
Australia is Home to many unique Animals that are a delight to visitors from other lands.

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The Birds
As well as being Home to many unique species of Birds, Australia is the destination of many migratory birds.

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The Marine Life
The waters of Australia's long coastline and coral reefs are Home to many varieties of Marine Life.

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Trees of Australia
Australia has many native Trees both large and small. Many are Eucalypts and many have beautiful Flowers.

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Wildflowers of Australia
The unique Wildflowers of Australia are famous world-wide.

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Cities of Australia
Australia has many large Cities and Towns which have a mix of both heritage and modern buildings.

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Australian City Parks
The Australian love of the outdoors is reflected in the beautiful City Parks and Gardens which are colourful and well maintained.

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Australian Houses
In earlier days, the typical Australian House was the Bungalow style with a verandah all round for shade. Modern houses come in many styles and usually have large windows to take advantage of the views. Most homeowners are proud gardeners too.

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The Lifestyle and People
Population: 21,374,000 (2008). The People of Australia love the Outdoor Lifestyle of Barbeques, Beaches, Swimming, Fishing, Boating, Camping, 4-Wheel-Driving, etc. and they love their Pets too.

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Holden over the Years
Holden commenced production of the first All-Australian car, which was released in 1948. Now, more then 50 years later, Holden is still known as Australia’s Own Car. http://www.holdenhistory.com/

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Inventions and Icons
Many Australian Inventions and Icons include the Hills Hoist, Victa Lawnmower, Ute (Utility Truck), Southern Cross Windmill, Vegemite, Foster's Lager, Uluru (Ayres Rock) Sydney Opera House, & Australia Zoo.

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The Australian Sky
The true Blue of the Australian Sky signifies the purity of the air. Colourful Sunrises in the early morning and brilliant Sunsets in the evening are a distinctive feature of the Australian Sky.

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