Battle / Public Display Event Featured attraction was a Sherman Tank plowing through a building. Also featuring a Lone Angry Kiwi plowing through a building with hilarious consequences.
Date(s): September, 2005. Album by 1st Airborne LHA. Photos by Paul Schoeman. 1 - 24 of 160 Total. 18730 Visits.
Iwas in Fort Ord in 1961 for basic and AIT........D-11-3. Sgt Ernesto Cruzado was the top dog - does anyone remember being in that same outfit? - Harlan Lysne, Wed, 9 Apr 2008 9:28PM
I am form alpha Battery 2/8 field artillery back in 1990.And I was wondering what my old cohorts are doing now. Is there anybody there that can find out for me.It would be real interesting to know. Thank You - Sean Robinson, Sun, 14 Jan 2007 10:17AM
19 "Munich, 1938: "Peace..." "I am your father Luke...." "love you father." "Good vs Evil.
Which one w..." "You will recieve a first c..." "the corleones are in your ..." "Let's address this issue w..." ""Dream on... square ..." "The Sgt-Major addresses Ha..." View Comments...
20 "can we go now?" ""Right, lads! Mill a..." "Lock and load , step livel..." ""If that that blister..." View Comments...