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The Goal is ZERO
1. The Goal is ZERO 
The 70,000 people in Lower Nyakach, Kisumu County, Kenya, have no access to safe drinking water sources and must use heavily contaminated rivers, streams, ponds and shallow wells. THE GOAL IS ZERO is a successful and replicable strategy to eliminate waterborne diseases in Lower Nyakach, implemented by the community based organization, Friends of the Old (FOTO).
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Water testing & Pasteurization in Africa
2. Water testing & Pasteurization in Africa 
A guide to water testing in developing countries using a Portable Microbiology Laboratory, and how to pasteurize contaminated water using sunshine and a simple solar cooker.
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3. SODISheatchlorine  (July 18, 2011)
Water sources in Lower Nyakach, Kenya, are tested and treated by solar disinfection (SODIS), heat, and chlorine. Will these procedures make the water safe to drink?
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Solar water pasteurization
4. Solar water pasteurization 
The default recommendation to treat contaminated water is to boil it. However, as microbiologists know from milk pasteurization (161°F, 71°C, for only 15 seconds) boiling is heat far in excess of what is needed. Water will be pasteurized when heated to 149°F (65°C). A reusable, wax-based Water Pasteurization Indicator (WAPI) can verify that water has been pasteurized. Microbiology tests before and after heating verify the disease microbes have been killed.
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5. watermicrohistory  (1987-2005)

How solar cooking with a solar box cooker led to the opportunity to bring world-class water testing to communities, leading to an understanding of the relationship between fecal contamination of drinking water sources and waterborne disease.

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How to make a Cookit solar cooker
6. How to make a Cookit solar cooker 
It's easy to make a Cookit solar cooker from cardboard and 12 feet of aluminum foil. I've included the details of all steps that I use when leading workshops where many Cookits are made. To solar cook, place dark covered pot inside a clear plastic roasting bag. Solar water pasteurization doesn't require a clear plastic bag. Click on the 'start slideshow' above the first photo to view a slideshow.
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seeds for Kenya
7. seeds for Kenya  (January, 2019)
Donors to the International Water and Health Alliances (IWHA) provided $10k in January, 2019, to enable the Friends of the Old (FOTO) project in Lower Nyakach, Kenya, to purchase 2,600   2 kg packages of certified sorghum seed. FOTO consulted with chiefs, assistant chiefs and village elders to select the 200 most needy households in each location and to distribute the seeds to these households. The people have been very happy and are preparing to plant the seeds. The rains have not come yet but most farms are already prepared and waiting for rain. Thanks to generous IWHA donors, the number of households receiving certified seeds in each of the 13 locations has increased from 150 in 2017, 180 in 2018, to 200 in 2019. IWHA’s main project with FOTO is to eliminate waterborne disease despite highly contaminated drinking water sources. See: www.imageevent.com/bobmetcalf/thegoaliszero
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8. WDCE2017  (Nov 13-16, 2017)
International Water Association's Water and Development Congress and Exhibition in Buenos Aires, Argentina. IWHA had a booth to share water testing methods, and Bob and Patrick gave three presentations on IWHA's work.
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9. Delft,Netherlands 
Delft, Netherlands. In the 1670s, Delft citizen Anthony van Leeuwenhoek was the first person in history to develop microscopes powerful enough (~400 magnifications)to discover the microbial world for all of humanity. He was the first person to see bacteria, yeast, algae, red blood cells, protozoa. Come to Delft to honor Anthony.
2009 Visits
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Bio 139 Lab Practical #1
10. Bio 139 Lab Practical #1 
Photos from lab exercises covered on the first lab practical exam
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Bio 139 Lab Practical 2
11. Bio 139 Lab Practical 2 
Photos from lab exercises covered on the second lab practical exam
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WAPI waxes
12. WAPI waxes 
Testing melting temperature of WAPI waxes
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